(2) Whenever the legislative reference bureau determines that the text of a proposal passed by the legislature cannot be properly enrolled because of unreconciled conflicts in adopted amendments, the bureau shall report the problem to the committee on organization of the house in which the proposal originated. If the committee on organization concurs with that determination, the committee shall introduce a joint resolution recalling the proposal for further legislative action and the bureau may not enroll the proposal until the legislature acts on the joint resolution recalling the proposal.
Chapter 7:
Joint Rule 62.
Number of copies. jr62(1)(1) The joint committee on legislative organization may determine the number of copies of each proposal and amendments thereto to be reproduced on a routine basis unless otherwise provided by joint resolution.
(2) Additional copies of a legislative proposal may be procured by the house in which the proposal originated, as provided in the rules of the house or upon authorization by the committee on organization or chief clerk of that house.
Joint Rule 63.
Reproduction of engrossed proposals and amendments. Upon the finding by the chief clerk of either house that a proposal or major amendment thereto has been amended in the house of origin to a considerable degree, the chief clerk may instruct the legislative reference bureau to prepare and have reproduced an engrossed copy of the proposal or amendment. In preparing engrossed copy for a proposal the legislative reference bureau shall, if time permits, provide it with a revised analysis. Upon receipt from the legislative reference bureau of the engrossed copy, the chief clerk shall enter that fact in the history file for the proposal. Any subsequent amendments to a proposal ordered reproduced with all adopted amendments engrossed therein shall be drafted to the reproduced engrossed text.
oint Rule 64.
Display of text in amendatory proposals and acts. jr64(1)(1) Any proposal, substitute amendment, or amendment that proposes to amend an existing law or legislative rule, and any joint resolution that proposes to amend a section of the state constitution or joint rules, shall display the full text of the unit of the law, rule, or constitution that is being amended, with any matter to be stricken out displayed with a line through the matter, and any new matter displayed with underscoring. This requirement does not apply to:
(a) Reconciliation bills introduced by the committee on organization of either house or revisor's correction or revisor's revision bills.
(b) Appropriation sections that only increase or decrease the amount of an existing appropriation, which shall instead indicate the amount by which the applicable appropriation is to be increased or decreased, and the purpose of the increase or decrease.
(c) Proposals in which identical words are substituted for other words in designated parts of existing law, if the designated parts in which the words occur are enumerated.
(2) In any official publication of any act or enrolled joint resolution, matter stricken out shall be shown with a line through the stricken matter and new matter shall be shown as plain text if all of the designated part is created and as underscored text if the designated part is otherwise treated.
oint Rule 65.
Inserting date of enactment and publication date of acts. Before it transmits the text of an act for reproduction, the legislative reference bureau shall insert the act number, the date of enactment as defined in section
35.095 (1) (a) of the statutes and the designated date of publication in the text of the act.
oint Rule 66.
Enrolled joint resolutions. jr66(1)(1) All joint resolutions assigned an enrolled joint resolution number under joint rule
35 shall be included in the session laws. Others may be included in the session laws if the joint resolution so directs.
(2) Whenever more than one copy of a joint resolution is to be distributed, facsimile signatures of the several officers required to sign the resolutions may be used.
Chapter 8:
Joint Rule 71.
Legislative manuals. The chief clerk of each house shall prepare a manual of procedure, which shall contain the matter as the house determines and has been customarily included in the manual. The chief clerks may prepare extracts of rules that have been changed or created for insertion in existing manuals for use until the new issues are available.
Joint Rule 72.
Daily calendars. The quantity of daily calendars as ordered by the chief clerk of each house shall be reproduced. The format of the calendars shall for each house be as provided in the rules of that house or as directed by the committee on organization of that house.