Ins 4.10(11)(b)2.2. The amount of coverage the Plan agrees to write, if specified improvements are made.
Ins 4.10(11)(b)3.3. The amount of coverage the Plan agrees to write only if a large or special deductible is agreed to by the applicant.
Ins 4.10(11)(c)(c) If the risk is accepted, the Plan, upon receipt of the premium, shall deliver the policy to the applicant or to the licensed agent designated by the applicant for delivery to the applicant. The Plan shall remit the commissions to the licensed agent designated by the applicant. If no licensed agent is so designated, the policy shall be delivered to the applicant and the commission shall be retained by the Plan.
Ins 4.10(11)(d)(d) If the risk is conditionally declined under par. (a) 2. but can be improved to meet reasonable standards the Plan shall promptly advise the applicant what improvements noted in the action report should be made to the property. Upon completion of the improvements by the applicant or property owner, the Plan when so notified, shall have the property promptly reinspected under sub. (10) and shall send a new action report to the applicant.
Ins 4.10(11)(e)(e) If a risk is declined under par. (a) 3., the Plan shall promptly send copies of the inspection and action reports to the applicant and shall advise the applicant of the right to a hearing set forth in sub. (16) (a).
Ins 4.10(12)(12)Reasonable underwriting standards for property coverage. The following characteristics may be used in determining whether a risk is acceptable for property coverage. Where there is more than one cause for declination, all shall be listed and complied with before the property may be accepted for insurance purposes.
Ins 4.10(12)(a)(a) Physical condition of property; however, the mere fact that a property does not satisfy all current building code specifications will not, of itself, suffice as a reason for declination.
Ins 4.10(12)(b)(b) The property’s present use such as extended vacancy or extended unoccupancy of the property for 60 consecutive days. Properties that are vacant or unoccupied for more than 60 days may be insured while rehabilitation or reconstruction work is actively in process meaning that the insured or owner should make monthly progress in order to complete the rehabilitation or reconstruction within a one year time frame.
Ins 4.10(12)(c)(c) Other specific characteristics of ownership, condition, occupancy or maintenance, that violate the law and that result in substantial increased exposure to a loss. Any circumstance considered under this paragraph must relate to the peril insured against.
Ins 4.10(12)(d)(d) Characteristics of ownership or maintenance of building including any 2 of the following conditions:
Ins 4.10(12)(d)1.1. Failure to pay real estate taxes on the property after the taxes have been delinquent for one year or more. Real estate taxes shall not be deemed to be delinquent for this purpose even if they are due and constitute a lien so long as a grace period remains under local law during which such taxes may be paid without penalty.
Ins 4.10(12)(d)2.2. Failure, within the insured’s control, to furnish water for 30 consecutive days or more.
Ins 4.10(12)(d)3.3. Failure, within the insured’s control, to furnish heat for 30 consecutive days or more during the heating season.
Ins 4.10(12)(d)4.4. Failure, within the insured’s control, to furnish public lighting for 30 consecutive days or more.
Ins 4.10(12)(e)(e) Physical condition of buildings which results in an outstanding order to vacate, an outstanding demolition order or in being declared unsafe in accordance with the applicable law.
Ins 4.10(12)(f)(f) One or more of the conditions for nonrenewal as listed in sub. (14) currently exist. The Plan shall, upon notice that conditions at the buildings have changed, consider new application for coverage.
Ins 4.10(12)(g)(g) Vandalism and malicious mischief coverage shall not be provided for a dwelling or commercial property where the property has been subject to 2 vandalism and malicious mischief losses, each loss amounting to at least $500.00 in the immediately preceding 12-month period or 3 or more such losses in the immediately preceding 24-month period.
Ins 4.10(12)(h)(h) Previous loss history or matters of public record concerning the applicant or any person defined as an insured under the policy.
Ins 4.10(12)(i)(i) Any other guidelines which have been approved by the commissioner.
Ins 4.10(13)(13)Reasonable underwriting standards for liability coverage. The following characteristics may be used in determining whether a risk is acceptable for liability insurance on homeowner policies:
Ins 4.10(13)(a)(a) Liability insurance shall only be provided as contained in the Wisconsin Insurance Plan homeowners policy.
Ins 4.10(13)(c)(c) Liability insurance shall not be provided for risks with any of the following deficiencies, as disclosed by the application or inspection, until they have been corrected.
Ins 4.10(13)(c)1.1. Broken, cracked, uneven or otherwise faulty steps, porches, decks, sidewalks, patios and similar areas.
Ins 4.10(13)(c)2.2. Downspouts or drains which discharge onto sidewalks or driveways.
Ins 4.10(13)(c)3.3. Unsafe conditions including inadequate lighting of stairways.
Ins 4.10(13)(c)4.4. Animals known to be vicious or animals which have caused a liability claim.
Ins 4.10(13)(c)5.5. Swimming pools or private ponds not fenced in accordance with local regulations.
Ins 4.10(13)(c)6.6. Unsafe, or the absence of, handrails.
Ins 4.10(13)(c)7.7. Junk cars, empty refrigerators or other potentially dangerous objects in the yard which are an attraction to children.