AB93,9,33 (d) Specify any visitation rights of a nonparent.
AB93,9,54 (e) If, under the agreement, custodial responsibility is shared by 2 or more
5individuals, provide a process to resolve any dispute that may arise.
AB93,9,96 (f) Specify the frequency, duration, and means, including electronic means, by
7which the deploying parent may have contact with the child, any role to be played
8by the other parent or by a nonparent in facilitating the contact, and the allocation
9of any costs of contact.
AB93,9,1110 (g) Specify the contact between the deploying parent and child during the time
11that the deploying parent is on leave or is otherwise available.
AB93,9,1412 (h) Acknowledge that any party's child support obligation cannot be modified
13by the agreement and that changing the terms of the obligation during deployment
14requires modification in the appropriate court.
AB93,9,1615 (i) Specify that the temporary arrangement will terminate in accordance with
16s. 324.22 (1).
AB93,9,1817 (j) If the agreement is required to be filed under s. 324.25, specify which parent
18is required to file the agreement.
AB93,9,20 19(4) The omission of any of the items specified in sub. (3) does not invalidate an
20agreement under this section.
AB93,9,25 21324.22 Nature of authority created by agreement. (1) An agreement
22under this subchapter is temporary and does not create an independent, continuing
23right to physical placement, legal custody, or visitation for an individual to whom
24custodial responsibility is given. The temporary agreement terminates according to
25one of the following:
1(a) If deployment is for less than 6 months, the temporary agreement
2terminates immediately after the deploying parent returns.
AB93,10,43 (b) If deployment is for 6 months or more, the temporary agreement terminates
430 days after the deploying parent returns.
AB93,10,65 (c) The temporary agreement terminates on a date that has been stipulated by
6all of the parties to the agreement or by modification under s. 324.23.
AB93,10,77 (d) The temporary agreement terminates on a date ordered by the court.
AB93,10,10 8(2) A nonparent who has physical placement, legal custody, or visitation by an
9agreement under this subchapter has standing to enforce the agreement until it has
10been terminated.
AB93,10,13 11324.23 Modification of agreement. (1) By mutual consent, the parents of
12a child may modify an agreement regarding custodial responsibility made under this
13subchapter subject to any visitation rights granted by court order under s. 767.43.
AB93,10,16 14(2) If an agreement is modified under sub. (1) before deployment of a deploying
15parent, the modification must be in writing and signed by both parents and any
16nonparent who will exercise custodial responsibility under the modified agreement.
AB93,10,19 17(3) If an agreement is modified under sub. (1) during deployment of a deploying
18parent, the modification must be agreed to in a record by both parents and any
19nonparent who will exercise custodial responsibility under the modified agreement.
AB93,10,25 20324.25 Filing agreement with court. If a court order on custodial
21responsibility or child support is in effect concerning a child who is the subject of an
22agreement under this subchapter, the agreement shall be filed within a reasonable
23time with that ordering court. The case number and heading of the underlying action
24affecting the family under ch. 767 concerning custodial responsibility or child
25support shall be provided to the court with the agreement.
1subchapter III
AB93,11,10 5324.31 Proceeding for temporary deployment custody order. (1) After
6a deploying parent receives notice of deployment and until the deployment
7terminates, a court may issue a temporary order granting custodial responsibility,
8unless prohibited by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 USC Appendix 521 and
9522. A court may not issue a permanent order granting custodial responsibility
10without the consent of the deploying parent.
AB93,11,17 11(2) At any time after a deploying parent receives notice of deployment, the
12deploying parent or other parent may file a motion regarding custodial responsibility
13for a child during deployment. The motion shall be filed in an underlying action
14affecting the family under ch. 767 for custodial responsibility in a court with
15jurisdiction under s. 324.04 or, if there is no underlying action affecting the family
16under ch. 767 in a court with jurisdiction under s. 324.04, in a new action for granting
17custodial responsibility during deployment.
AB93,11,20 18324.32 Expedited hearing. If a motion to grant custodial responsibility is
19filed under s. 324.31 (2) before a deploying parent deploys, the court shall conduct
20a hearing within 30 days of filing.
AB93,11,24 21324.33 Testimony by electronic means. In a proceeding under this
22subchapter, a party or witness who is not reasonably available to appear personally
23may appear, provide testimony, and present evidence by electronic means unless the
24court finds good cause to require a personal appearance.
1324.34 Effect of prior judicial order or agreement. In a proceeding for a
2grant of custodial responsibility under this subchapter, all of the following apply:
AB93,12,6 3(1) A prior judicial order designating custodial responsibility in the event of
4deployment is binding on the court unless the circumstances meet the requirements
5of the law of this state other than this chapter for modifying a judicial order regarding
6custodial responsibility.
AB93,12,10 7(2) The court shall enforce a prior written agreement between the parents for
8designating custodial responsibility in the event of deployment, including an
9agreement executed under subch. II, unless the court finds that the agreement is
10contrary to the best interest of the child.
AB93,12,18 11324.345 Best interest of the child. In determining the best interest of the
12child under this chapter, the court shall consider the factors in custody and physical
13placement determinations under s. 767.41 (5), with a particular emphasis on
14maintaining sibling relationships. The court may not grant legal custody, physical
15placement, or visitation to an individual in a temporary legal custody or physical
16placement order under this chapter if that individual has previously been denied
17legal custody, physical placement, visitation, guardianship, or any other custodial
18rights for the child under ch. 48, 54, 55, or 767.
AB93,12,23 19324.35 Grant of physical placement to nonparent. (1) On the motion of
20a deploying parent and in accordance with the law of this state other than this
21chapter, if it is in the best interest of the child, a court may grant physical placement
22to a nonparent who is an adult family member of the child or an adult who has
23maintained a relationship similar to a parent-child relationship with the child.