7179.0813 Appeal from denial of reinstatement. (1) If the department
8denies a limited partnership's application for reinstatement under s. 179.0812, the
9department shall serve the partnership with a written notice, addressed to the
10registered agent of the partnership, that explains each reason for denial.
11(2) The limited partnership may appeal the denial of reinstatement to the
12circuit court for the county where the partnership's principal office or, if none in this
13state, the office of its registered agent is located, within 30 days after service of the
14notice of denial is effective under s. 179.0103 (7m). To appeal, the partnership shall
15petition the court to set aside the administrative dissolution and attach to the
16petition copies of the department's notice of administrative dissolution under s.
17179.0811 (3) (b), the partnership's application for reinstatement under s. 179.0812
18(1), and the department's notice of denial under sub. (1).
19(3) The court may order the department to reinstate the limited partnership
20or may take other action that the court considers appropriate.
21(4) The court's final decision may be appealed as in other civil proceedings.
subchapter IX
24179.0901 Direct action by partner. (1) Subject to sub. (2), a partner may
25maintain a direct action against another partner or the limited partnership, with or
1without an accounting as to the partnership's activities and affairs, to enforce the
2partner's rights and protect the partner's interests, including rights and interests
3under the partnership agreement or this chapter or arising independently of the
4partnership relationship.
5(2) A partner maintaining a direct action under this section must plead and
6prove an actual or threatened injury that is not solely the result of an injury suffered
7or threatened to be suffered by the limited partnership.
8(3) A right to an accounting on a dissolution and winding up does not revive
9a claim barred by law.
10179.0902 Derivative action. A partner may maintain a derivative action to
11enforce a right of a limited partnership if any of the following applies:
12(1) The partner first makes a demand on the general partners, requesting that
13they cause the limited partnership to bring an action to enforce the right, and the
14general partners do not bring the action within a reasonable time.
15(2) A demand under sub. (1) would be futile.
16179.0903 Proper plaintiff. A derivative action to enforce a right of a limited
17partnership may be maintained only by a person that is a partner at the time the
18action is commenced and to which any of the following applies:
19(1) The person was a partner when the conduct giving rise to the action
21(2) The person's status as a partner devolved on the person by operation of law
22or pursuant to the terms of the partnership agreement from a person that was a
23partner at the time of the conduct.
24179.0904 Pleading. In a derivative action under s. 179.0902, the complaint
25must state with particularity one of the following:
1(1) The date and content of plaintiff's demand and the response to the demand
2by the general partners.
3(2) Why demand should be excused as futile.
4179.0905 Special litigation committee. (1) If a limited partnership is
5named as or made a party in a derivative proceeding, the partnership may appoint
6a special litigation committee to investigate the claims asserted in the proceeding
7and determine whether pursuing the action is in the best interests of the
8partnership. If the partnership appoints a special litigation committee, on motion
9by the committee made in the name of the partnership, except for good cause shown,
10the court shall stay discovery for the time reasonably necessary to permit the
11committee to make its investigation. This subsection does not prevent the court from
12doing any of the following:
(a) Enforcing a person's right to information under s. 179.0304 or 179.0407.
(b) Granting extraordinary relief in the form of a temporary restraining order
15or preliminary injunction.
16(2) A special litigation committee must be composed of one or more
17disinterested and independent individuals, who may be partners.
18(3) A special litigation committee may be appointed as follows:
(a) By a majority of the general partners not named as parties in the
(b) If all general partners are named as parties in the proceeding, by a majority
22of the general partners named as defendants.
23(4) After appropriate investigation, a special litigation committee may
24determine that any of the following is in the best interests of the limited partnership:
(a) That the proceeding continue under the control of the plaintiff.
1(b) That the proceeding continue under the control of the committee.
(c) That the proceeding be settled on terms approved by the committee.