NR 506.07 NoteNote: Copies of Wisconsin department of transportation standard specifications for road and bridge construction can be obtained from the department of natural resources, bureau of waste management, 101 S. Webster street, Madison, Wisconsin 53707. Copies are also available for inspection at the offices of the legislative reference bureau and the secretary of state.
NR 506.07(3)(a)(a) Disposal of solid waste shall begin at the edge of each phase. Waste shall be pushed out over the granular blanket. Vehicles may not be driven directly on the granular blanket. Alternative operating procedures may be approved by the department if the consistency of the solid waste prevents vehicular access over a filled area. NR 506.07(3)(b)(b) Except for portions of the sideslope greater than 10 feet above the base liner, a layer of solid waste at least 4 feet thick or an adequate amount of other frost protection material shall be placed over the granular blanket in all portions of the lined area prior to December 1st of the year following the year the clay portion of the liner was constructed. After this date, solid waste may not be placed on any portion of the base liner or lower 10 feet of the sideslope not covered with a 4-foot thick layer of solid waste or other adequate frost protection material. Those portions of the base liner or lower 10 feet of sideslope not covered with a 4-foot thick layer of solid waste or other frost protection material by this date shall be investigated for density and effects from freeze-thaw as specified by the department and shall be repaired and recertified during the next construction season if required, prior to waste placement. The requirements of this paragraph may be waived by the department. NR 506.07(3)(c)(c) To provide for maximum compaction after the initial 4-foot lift of waste is placed, each single layer of municipal solid waste shall be spread and compacted in 2-foot layers. NR 506.07(4)(4) Gas control. Effective means shall be utilized to prevent the migration of explosive gases generated by the waste fill. At no time shall the concentration of explosive gases in any landfill structure, excluding the leachate collection system or gas control and recovery system components exceed 25% of the lower explosive limit for such gases. At no time shall the concentration of explosive gases in the soils outside of the limits of filling or air within 200 feet of or beyond the landfill property boundary exceed the lower explosive limit for such gases. The department may require the concentration of explosive gases not exceed detectable levels for that gas at the landfill property boundary. NR 506.07(5)(a)(a) Leachate shall be removed from all collection tanks, manholes, lift stations, sumps or other structures used for leachate storage as often as necessary to allow for gravity drainage of leachate from the facility at all times or as it is produced, including hours when the landfill is closed, such as overnight and weekends. Unless the facility has received approval from the department to recirculate leachate or gas condensate derived from the landfill as provided in s. NR 506.13 (2), all leachate removed from a leachate collection system shall be disposed of at a wastewater treatment facility approved by the department and capable of accepting the leachate in accordance with the requirements of its WPDES permit. The landfill owner or operator shall immediately notify the department of any change in the availability of the designated wastewater treatment facility to accept or dispose of the leachate removed from the landfill. Waste may not be accepted at the landfill unless leachate is being managed in accordance with landfill’s approved plan of operation and the requirements of this section. NR 506.07(5)(b)(b) Any liquid which comes in contact with waste or accumulates in a portion of the landfill where active waste disposal operations are occurring shall be handled as leachate and properly treated as specified in par. (a) unless otherwise approved by the department in writing. NR 506.07(5)(c)(c) All leachate collection lines shall be cleaned with a water jet cleanout device with a maximum pressure of 10,000 pounds per square inch immediately after construction, and annually thereafter. NR 506.07(5)(d)(d) All leachate collection lines shall be cleaned with water jet cleanout devices initially after placement of the leachate drain layer using pipe cleaning procedures that insert cleanout devices from each access point to, at a minimum, the toe of the opposite sideslope. NR 506.07(5)(e)(e) A video camera inspection shall be conducted on all leachate collection pipes after the initial pipe cleaning activities required in par. (d) and at 5 year intervals, following the annual pipe cleaning required in par. (c). The video camera inspection shall extend a minimum of 300 feet unto the base grades of each leachate collection line. NR 506.07(5)(f)(f) All blockages of leachate collection pipes, pipe breaks or any impedances to passage of pipe cleaning equipment shall be investigated, defined and a remediation proposed for review and approval by the department. NR 506.07(5)(g)(g) A summary report shall be submitted after each pipe cleaning and each video camera inspection event. The report shall summarize any specialty equipment or chemicals used in collection pipe cleaning. The report shall include a description of all observations, including recording tape or disk of the video camera inspection. The report shall summarize the investigation of blockages or other difficulties in cleaning pipes. The report shall propose remediation if the leachate collection pipes are not restored to function and blockages are not cleared. NR 506.07(5)(h)(h) A summary report shall be submitted after the removal of dams or barriers used to separate clean water in a prepared cell from solid waste and leachate. The report shall document the removal of the separation features and the connection of any separated pipe lengths. NR 506.07(7)(7) Phased closure. For all landfills that do not have a department-approved plan for phased development and closure, by October 15th of each year, any areas that are at final grades shall be capped, topsoiled and seeded unless otherwise approved by the department. NR 506.07 HistoryHistory: Cr. Register, January, 1988, No. 385, eff. 2-6-88; am. (intro.), (1) (a), (c), r. (1) (d), (j), (o), renum. (1) (e) to (u) to be (1) (d) to (h), (j) to (m), (o) to (t), (2) to (6) to be (3) to (7) and am. (1) (e), (g), (k), (L), (m), (q), (r) and (t), (3) to (7), cr. (1) (i), (2), Register, June, 1996, No. 486, eff. 7-1-96; correction in (1) (q) made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 7., Stats., Register March 2003 No. 567; CR 04-077: cr. (5) (d) to (h) Register November 2005 No. 599, eff. 12-1-05; CR 05-020: am. (2) (a) (intro.), r. (6) Register January 2006 No. 601, eff. 2-1-06. NR 506.08NR 506.08 Closure requirements. Any person who maintains or operates a landfill, except a CCR landfill regulated under s. NR 506.083, or who permits use of property for such purpose shall, when the fill area or portion thereof reaches final grade, or when the department determines that closure is required, cease to accept solid waste and close the landfill or portion thereof in accordance with the plan approval issued by the department and all of the following minimum practices unless otherwise approved by the department in writing: NR 506.08(1)(a)(a) At least 120 days prior to closing the landfill, the owner or operator shall notify the department in writing of the intent to close the landfill and the expected date of closure. Prior to this date, the owner or operator shall notify all users of the landfill of the intent to close the landfill so that alternative disposal options can be arranged. NR 506.08(1)(b)(b) Signs shall be posted at all points of access to the landfill at least 30 days prior to closure indicating the date of closure and alternative disposal facilities. Facilities which are operated by and serve only a single waste generator and are not open to the public are exempt from this provision. NR 506.08(1)(c)(c) Notice of the upcoming closure shall be published in a local newspaper at least 30 days prior to closure and a copy of the notice shall be provided to the department within 10 days of the date of publication. Facilities which are operated by and serve only a single waste generator and are not open to the public are exempt from this provision. NR 506.08(2)(2) General requirements. Within 10 days after ceasing to accept solid waste, the owner or operator shall restrict access by the use of gates, fencing or other appropriate means to insure against further use of the landfill. If the final use allows access, such access shall be restricted until closure has been completed and approved by the department. NR 506.08(3)(3) Closure. Closure activities shall begin within 30 days after ceasing to accept solid waste. Closure shall be accomplished in the following manner for facilities without a closure plan or plan of operation approved in writing by the department. Placement of final cover in accordance with s. NR 504.07 may be required if the department determines that this type of final cover system is necessary to prevent or abate attainment or exceedance of the groundwater standards contained in ch. NR 140. Municipal solid waste landfills that accepted greater than 100 tons of solid waste per day on an annual basis and ceased accepting municipal solid waste on or before October 8, 1993 shall have final cover placement completed by July 1, 1996. Municipal solid waste landfills that accepted 100 tons or less of solid waste per day on an annual basis and ceased accepting municipal solid waste on or before April 8, 1994 shall have final cover placement completed by July 1, 1996. NR 506.08(3)(a)(a) The entire area previously used for disposal purposes shall be covered with at least 2 feet of compacted earth having a hydraulic conductivity of no more than 1x10-5 cm/sec or if the hydraulic conductivity of the underlying soils or any base liner system is less than 1x10-5 cm/sec, then the 2 feet of compacted earth shall have a hydraulic conductivity that is equal to or less than the underlying soils or any base liner system. The final grades shall be sloped adequately to allow storm water runoff. A specific soil type may be required by the department for this 2-foot layer. The department may require the cover layer to be more than 2 feet thick. NR 506.08(3)(b)(b) Storm water run-on shall be diverted around all areas used for solid waste disposal to limit the potential for erosion of the cover soils and increased infiltration. Drainage swales conveying storm water runoff over previous solid waste disposal areas shall be lined with a minimum thickness of 2 feet of clay. NR 506.08(3)(c)(c) The final slopes of the landfill shall be greater than 5%, but may not exceed 4 horizontal to one vertical unless otherwise approved by the department. NR 506.08(3)(d)(d) The finished surface of the disposal area shall be covered with a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil. NR 506.08(4)(4) Establishment of vegetation. Within 180 days after ceasing to accept solid waste, or if solid waste termination is after September 15, by June 15 of the following year, the owner or operator shall complete seeding, fertilizing and mulching of the finished surface. The seed type and amount of fertilizer applied shall be selected depending on the type and quality of topsoil and compatibility with both native vegetation and the final use. Unless otherwise approved by the department in writing, seed mixtures and sowing rates shall be those specified for right–of–ways in accordance with section 630, Wisconsin department of transportation standard specifications for highway and structure construction.