AB1196,,112023 ASSEMBLY BILL 1196
April 9, 2024 - Introduced by Representative Stubbs, cosponsored by Senator Larson. Referred to Committee on Children and Families.
AB1196,,22An Act to create 15.207 (20), 48.47 (20) and 48.6595 of the statutes; relating to: creation of the council on child care availability and reporting on the cost of child care.
AB1196,,33Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill creates a council on child care availability, to be housed in the Department of Children and Families. The council is charged with studying various issues related to the establishment of a free and universal child care system within the state and with making an annual report to the legislature and governor with recommendations for how to establish and pay for the free and universal child care system.
Under the bill, DCF is required to create a biennial report detailing the actual cost of child care, broken out by the type of care provided and compared to the child care rates established by DCF under current law.
For further information see the state fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.