Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 365; S 475

Farm to school annual report per 2009 WisAct 293 (s. 93.49 (5), Wis.Stats.
A 153; S 227

Board of Nursing

Opioid abuse report per s. 440.035 (2m)(c)1.
S 553

Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board

Biennial program evaluation report per s. 48.982 (7)(h), Wis.Stats.
A 240; S 292

Biennial report per s. 15.04 (1)(d), Wis.Stats.
A 364; S 474

Children and Families, Department of

Caregiver laws annual report per s. 48.686 (3)(bm), Wis.Stats.
A 447; S 10, 553

Child abuse and neglect report per s. 48.47 (8), Wis.Stats.
S 11, 554

Child deaths, serious injuries or egregious injuries: summary report per s. 48.981 (7)(cr)3.b., Wis.Stats.

2019 pages
A 29, 30, 59, 60, 85, 118, 153, 240, 250,

2019 pages
A 268, 299, 366, 448,

2020 pages
A 532, 533, 759, 762, 763, 768

2019 pages
S 10, 11, 52, 53, 98, 99, 133, 175, 227, 292,

2019 pages
S 293, 321, 354, 410, 475,

2020 pages

Children in out-of-home care: quarterly report on alleged sexual abuse of per 48.981 (9)(b), Wis.Stats.

2019 pages
A 30, 153, 251, 366, 448; S 53, 175, 322, 475,

2020 pages
A 533, 759; S 639, 836

Out-of-home care report per s. 48.47 (8)(c), Wis.Stats.

Public benefit participation and chronic absenteeism report per 2017 WisAct 59
S 11

Read to Lead operations report per s. 48.53 (2), Wis.Stats.

Read to Lead operations report per s. 48.53 (2), Wis.Stats.
S 321

Rehabilitation review report per s. 46.685 (5g), Wis.Stats.

Rehabilitation review requests: annual report per ss. 48.685 (5g) and 48.686 (5g), Wis.Stats.

Children’s Mental Health, Office of

Annual report per s. 51.025 (2), Wis.Stats.
S 11

Claims Board, for listing of claims, see journal subject: Claims Board