1Section 10. 292.32 of the statutes is created to read: AB131,10,32292.32 Limitations on department actions relating to PFAS. (1) 3Definitions. In this section: AB131,10,54(a) “Construction project” means a building project that will affect one or 5more parcels. AB131,10,66(b) “PFAS” has the meaning given in s. 292.315 (1). AB131,10,127(c) “Public works” means the physical structures and facilities developed or 8acquired by a local unit of government or a federally recognized American Indian 9tribe or band in this state to provide services and functions for the benefit and use 10of the public, including water, sewerage, waste disposal, utilities, and 11transportation, and privately owned solid waste disposal facilities that accept 12residential waste. AB131,10,1613(2) Construction projects. Notwithstanding any conflicting provisions of 14this chapter, the department may not prevent, delay, or otherwise impede any 15construction project or project of public works on the basis of a presence of PFAS 16contamination unless the department determines any of the following: AB131,10,1717(a) The project poses a substantial risk to public health or welfare. AB131,10,1918(b) There is a substantial risk that the project will create worsening 19environmental conditions. AB131,10,2220(c) The entity proposing to complete the project is responsible for the original 21contamination, as a result of conduct that was reckless or was done with the intent 22to discharge PFAS into the environment. AB131,11,2
1(d) The department is specifically required under the federal Clean Water Act 2to prevent, delay, or otherwise impede the project. AB131,11,53(3) PFAS testing on nonstate lands. If department staff or a 3rd-party 4entity contracted by the department seeks to conduct voluntary testing under this 5chapter for PFAS, all of the following shall apply: AB131,11,126(a) If the department, or an entity contracted by the department, seeks to 7collect voluntary samples from lands not owned by the state based on permission 8from the landowner, such permission shall be in writing, and the department shall 9notify the landowner that such permission includes the authority to collect samples, 10to test those samples, and to publicly disclose the results of that testing. A 11landowner may revoke such permission at any time prior to the collection of 12samples. AB131,11,1613(b) The department may not publicly disclose the results of any PFAS testing 14conducted on samples taken from lands not owned by the state unless the 15department notifies the landowner of the test results at least 72 hours before 16publicly disclosing the test results. AB131,11,2317(4) PFAS testing requests. The department shall, in a timely manner, 18respond to requests from any person to conduct PFAS testing on samples taken 19from the person’s property if practicable and if funds are available to do so, if there 20is a reasonable belief that PFAS contamination may be present on the property, and 21if existing information such as public water supply testing data is not available. 22The department may contract with a 3rd party to respond to requests for testing 23under this subsection. AB131,11
1Section 11. 292.34 of the statutes is created to read: AB131,12,42292.34 Innocent landowner grant program; limitations on 3enforcement action. (1) In this section, “PFAS” has the meaning given in s. 4292.315 (1). AB131,12,85(1m) This section applies only to PFAS for which there is a state or federal 6standard, a public health recommendation from the department of health services 7under s. 160.07, or a health advisory issued by the federal environmental protection 8agency. AB131,12,139(2) The department shall administer a program under which the department 10may provide a grant to an eligible person under sub. (3) or to a person who is 11applying on behalf of multiple eligible persons that are located in the same 12geographic region and that will be conducting similar activities under sub. (4), if the 13applicant will be the entity conducting the activities under sub. (4). AB131,12,1414(3) All of the following are persons eligible for a grant under this section: AB131,12,1615(a) A person that spread biosolids or wastewater residuals contaminated by 16PFAS in compliance with any applicable license or permit. AB131,12,1917(b) A person that owns land upon which biosolids or wastewater residuals 18contaminated by PFAS were spread in compliance with any applicable license or 19permit. AB131,12,2320(c) A fire department, public-use airport, as defined in s. 114.002 (18m), or 21municipality that responded to an emergency that required the use of PFAS or that 22conducted training for such an emergency in compliance with applicable federal 23regulations. AB131,12,2424(d) A solid waste disposal facility that accepted PFAS. AB131,13,3
1(e) A person that owns, leases, manages, or contracts for property on which 2the PFAS contamination did not originate, unless the person also owns, leases, 3manages, or contracts for the property on which the PFAS discharge originated. AB131,13,94(4) Grants under this section may be used to cover costs associated with 5additional testing; environmental studies; engineering reports; clean drinking 6water supplies, including temporary potable water, filtration, well replacement, or 7interconnection to a municipal water supply; remediation costs; and any other cost 8resulting from landspreading of contaminated biosolids, detection of groundwater 9contamination, or other contamination events affecting the property. AB131,13,1110(5) The department shall accept applications for grants and award grants 11under this section on a rolling basis. AB131,13,1512(6) Grants awarded under this section may not exceed $250,000 for each 13eligible person. The department may require the recipient of a grant under this 14section to provide matching funds in an amount not to exceed 5 percent of the 15amount of the grant. AB131,1216Section 12. NR 811.12 (1) (g) 2. of the administrative code is renumbered NR 17811.12 (1) (g) 2. (intro.) and amended to read: AB131,13,2118NR 811.12 (1) (g) 2. (intro.) Test wells to be converted to permanent wells or 19test wells to be pumped at a rate of 70 gallons per minute or more for a period of 20more than 72 hours All of the following test wells shall be approved by the 21department prior to their construction.: