NR 216.002(20)(20) “Permittee” means a person who has applied for and received WPDES permit coverage for storm water discharge under this chapter. NR 216.002(21)(21) “Person” means an individual, owner, operator, corporation, partnership, association, municipality, interstate agency, state agency or federal agency. NR 216.002(22)(22) “Point source” means a discernible, confined and discrete conveyance of storm water for which a permit is required under s. 283.33, Stats. NR 216.002(23m)(23m) “Pollutant of concern” means a pollutant that has been identified as contributing to a water quality impairment of an impaired water. NR 216.002(25)(25) “Pollution prevention” means taking measures to eliminate or reduce pollution. NR 216.002(25m)(25m) “Receiving water” means the portion of a surface water that will be affected by an existing, proposed new, or increased discharge. Receiving water includes downstream surface waters that are affected by the discharge. NR 216.002(26)(26) “Section 313 water priority chemical” means a chemical or chemical category which is all of the following: NR 216.002(26)(b)(b) Present at or above threshold levels at a facility subject to EPCRA s. 313 reporting requirements. NR 216.002(27)(27) “Sediment” means settleable solid material that is transported by runoff, suspended within runoff or deposited by runoff away from its original location. NR 216.002(28)(28) “SIC” means standard industrial classification. SIC codes cited in this chapter are from the 1987 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification Manual. NR 216.002(29)(29) “Significant contributor” means a person who discharges to waters of the state pollutants that contribute to or have the reasonable potential to contribute to an exceedence of a water quality standard. NR 216.002(30)(30) “Significant materials” means materials related to industrial activity that may contaminate storm water, including: raw materials; fuels; materials such as solvents, detergents and plastic pellets; finished materials such as metallic products; raw materials used in food processing or production; hazardous substances designated under 42 USC 9601 to 9675; any chemical the facility is required to report pursuant to 42 USC 11023; fertilizers; pesticides; and waste products such as ashes, slag and sludge that have the potential to be released with storm water discharges. NR 216.002 NoteNote: 42 USC 9601 to 9675 is also known as the comprehensive environmental response, compensation and liability act (CERCLA). 42 USC 11023 is also known as the emergency planning and community right-to-know act (EPCRA), or as section 313 of title III of the superfund amendments and reauthorization act (SARA) of 1986. NR 216.002(31)(31) “Source area controls” means best management practices intended to prevent storm water runoff from contacting materials that can potentially contaminate it or if contact occurs, to reduce pollutants at the source of contamination. NR 216.002(32)(32) “Stabilize” means the process of making a site steadfast or firm, minimizing soil movement by the use of practices such as mulching and seeding, sodding, landscaping, paving, graveling or other appropriate measures. NR 216.002(33)(33) “Storm water” means runoff from precipitation including rain, snow, ice melt or similar water that moves on the land surface via sheet or channelized flow. NR 216.002(34)(34) “Storm water outfall” means the point where a municipal separate storm sewer system discharges to waters of the state, or leaves one municipality and enters another. NR 216.002(35)(35) “SWPPP” means storm water pollution prevention plan. NR 216.002(36m)(36m) “TMDL implementation plan” means a list of specific and identifiable steps and actions a permittee intends to undertake and complete to meet a TMDL wasteload allocation. NR 216.002(36r)(36r) “Total Suspended Solids” or “TSS” means settleable solid material that is transported by runoff or suspended within runoff. NR 216.002(37)(37) “Treatment BMP” means a storm water treatment system, works or practice that is designed to reduce or remove pollutants from contaminated storm water. NR 216.002(38)(38) “Urbanized area” means a place and the adjacent densely settled surrounding territory that together have a minimum population of 50,000 people, as determined by the U.S. bureau of the census based on the latest decennial federal census. NR 216.002(39)(39) “Urban storm water planning area” means the boundary defined by a municipality that serves as the appropriate planning area for the abatement of storm water runoff pollution into waters of the state. NR 216.002(39g)(39g) “US EPA” means the United States environmental protection agency.