AB325,12,52 177.01 (11g) “Mineral proceeds” means an amount payable for extraction,
3production, or sale of minerals, or, on the abandonment of the amount, an amount
4that becomes payable after abandonment. “Mineral proceeds" includes an amount
AB325,12,76 (a) For the acquisition and retention of a mineral lease, including a bonus,
7royalty, compensatory royalty, shut-in royalty, minimum royalty, or delay rental.
AB325,12,98 (b) For the extraction, production, or sale of minerals, including a net revenue
9interest, royalty, overriding royalty, extraction payment, and production payment.
AB325,12,1110 (c) Under an agreement or option, including a joint-operating agreement, unit
11agreement, pooling agreement, and farm-out agreement.
AB325,32 12Section 32. 177.01 (11j) of the statutes is created to read:
AB325,12,1513 177.01 (11j) “Money order” means a payment order for a specified amount of
14money. “Money order" includes an express money order and a personal money order
15on which the remitter is the purchaser.
AB325,33 16Section 33. 177.01 (11m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB325,12,1817 177.01 (11m) “Municipal bond” means a bond or evidence of indebtedness
18issued by a municipality or other political subdivision of a state.
AB325,34 19Section 34. 177.01 (12) of the statutes is renumbered 177.01 (12) (intro.) and
20amended to read:
AB325,12,2321 177.01 (12) (intro.) “Owner" means a person having a legal, beneficial, or
22equitable interest in property subject to this chapter or the person's legal
23representative acting on the person's behalf. “Owner” includes the following:
AB325,12,24 24(a) A depositor in the case of , for a deposit, a .
AB325,12,25 25(b) A beneficiary in the case of , for a trust other than a deposit in trust, a .
1(c) A creditor, claimant, or payee in the case of, for other intangible property,
2or a person having a legal or equitable interest in property subject to this chapter or
3his or her legal representative
AB325,35 4Section 35. 177.01 (12) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB325,13,65 177.01 (12) (d) The lawful bearer of a record that may be used to obtain money,
6a reward, or a thing of value.
AB325,36 7Section 36. 177.01 (12d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB325,13,98 177.01 (12d) “Payroll card” means a record that evidences a payroll-card
9account as defined in Regulation E, 12 CFR Part 1005, as amended.
AB325,37 10Section 37. 177.01 (13) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB325,13,1411 177.01 (13) “Person" means an individual, business association, state or other
12government, governmental subdivision, instrumentality, or agency, public
13corporation, public authority, estate, trust, 2 or more persons having a joint or
14common interest,
or any other legal or commercial entity.
AB325,38 15Section 38. 177.01 (13b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB325,13,1916 177.01 (13b) (a) “Property” means tangible property described in s. 177.0205
17or a fixed and certain interest in intangible property held, issued, or owed in the
18course of a holder's business or by a government, governmental subdivision, agency,
19or instrumentality.
AB325,13,2020 (b) “Property” includes all of the following:
AB325,13,2121 1. All income from or increments to the property.
AB325,13,2222 2. Property referred to as or evidenced by:
AB325,13,2323 a. Money, virtual currency, or interest.
AB325,13,2424 b. A dividend, check, draft, deposit, or payroll card.
1c. A credit balance, customer overpayment, security deposit, refund, credit
2memorandum, unpaid wage, unused ticket for which the issuer has an obligation to
3provide a refund, mineral proceeds, or unidentified remittance.
AB325,14,74 d. A security, except for a worthless security or a security that is subject to a
5lien, legal hold, or restriction evidenced on the records of the holder or imposed by
6operation of law, if the lien, legal hold, or restriction restricts the holder's or owner's
7ability to receive, transfer, sell, or otherwise negotiate the security.