hist118544Representative Felzkowski asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 792 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted. Relating to: priorities and criteria for the municipal flood control and riparian restoration program and amending administrative rules.
hist118555The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 793 be ordered engrossed and read a third time? Motion carried.
hist118556Representative Felzkowski asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 793 be given a third reading. Granted. hist118557The question was: Assembly Bill 793 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed? The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Allen, August, Ballweg, Brandtjen, Brooks, Dittrich, Duchow, Edming, Felzkowski, Gundrum, Horlacher, Hutton, Jagler, James, Katsma, Kerkman, Knodl, Krug, Kuglitsch, Kulp, Kurtz, Loudenbeck, Magnafici, Murphy, Mursau, Neylon, Novak, Nygren, Oldenburg, Ott, Petersen, Petryk, Plumer, Pronschinske, Quinn, Ramthun, Rodriguez, Rohrkaste, Sanfelippo, Schraa, Skowronski, Snyder, Sortwell, Spiros, Stafsholt, Steffen, Steineke, Summerfield, Swearingen, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Tranel, Tusler, VanderMeer, Vorpagel, Wichgers, Wittke, Zimmerman and Speaker Vos - 60.
Noes - Representatives Anderson, Billings, Bowen, Brostoff, Cabrera, Considine, Crowley, Doyle, Emerson, Fields, Goyke, Gruszynski, Haywood, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hintz, Kitchens, Kolste, McGuire, B. Meyers, Milroy, L. Myers, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Pope, Riemer, Sargent, Shankland, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Stubbs, Stuck, Subeck, C. Taylor, Vining, Vruwink and Zamarripa - 37.
Absent or not voting - Representatives Born and Macco - 2.
Motion carried.
hist118558Representative Felzkowski asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 793 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted. Representative Born asked unanimous consent that his leave of absence be lifted. Granted.
Relating to: public notice and comment period for certain groundwater standards.
hist118568The question was: Shall Assembly Bill 794 be ordered engrossed and read a third time? Motion carried.
hist118569Representative Felzkowski asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 794 be given a third reading. Granted. hist118570The question was: Assembly Bill 794 having been read three times, shall the bill be passed? The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Allen, August, Ballweg, Born, Brandtjen, Brooks, Dittrich, Duchow, Edming, Felzkowski, Gundrum, Horlacher, Hutton, Jagler, James, Katsma, Kerkman, Kitchens, Knodl, Krug, Kuglitsch, Kulp, Kurtz, Loudenbeck, Magnafici, Murphy, Mursau, Neylon, Novak, Nygren, Oldenburg, Ott, Petersen, Petryk, Plumer, Pronschinske, Quinn, Ramthun, Rodriguez, Rohrkaste, Sanfelippo, Schraa, Skowronski, Snyder, Sortwell, Spiros, Stafsholt, Steffen, Steineke, Summerfield, Swearingen, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Tranel, Tusler, VanderMeer, Vorpagel, Wichgers, Wittke, Zimmerman and Speaker Vos - 62.
Noes - Representatives Anderson, Billings, Bowen, Brostoff, Cabrera, Considine, Crowley, Doyle, Emerson, Fields, Goyke, Gruszynski, Haywood, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hintz, Kolste, McGuire, B. Meyers, Milroy, L. Myers, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Pope, Riemer, Sargent, Shankland, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Stubbs, Stuck, Subeck, C. Taylor, Vining, Vruwink and Zamarripa - 36.
Absent or not voting - Representative Macco - 1.
Motion carried.
hist118571Representative Felzkowski asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 794 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.