Wetland mitigation bank changes; DNR duties and emergency rule provision - AB190
Continuous disinfection of water: municipal water systems required to provide - SB783
Continuous disinfection of water: municipal water systems required to provide - AB966
Lead service line replacement projects re private users of public water systems: bonding authority of the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program increased to provide forgivable loans - SB371
Lead service line replacement projects re private users of public water systems: bonding authority of the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program increased to provide forgivable loans - AB399
waukesha countyWaukesha County
Independent charter school authorizers cannot contract with new charter schools until set date [Sec. 1567, 1568, 1573-1577] - SB59
Independent charter school authorizers cannot contract with new charter schools until set date [Sec. 1567, 1568, 1573-1577; original bill only] - AB56
Local professional baseball park district: distribution of excess sales and use tax revenues to certain counties and municipalities; conditions and DOR duties - SB176
School board in charge of the School District of New Berlin allowed to give preference to pupils residing in the City of New Berlin re the full-time open enrollment program - AB702
School board in charge of the School District of New Berlin allowed to give preference to pupils residing in the City of New Berlin re the full-time open enrollment program - SB639
waushara countyWaushara County
Circuit court branch added to each of the following counties: Adams, Calumet, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marathon, Sawyer, Vilas, and Waushara - SB148
Circuit court branch added to each of the following counties: Adams, Calumet, Clark, Dunn, Eau Claire, Jackson, Langlade, Manitowoc, Marathon, Sawyer, Vilas, and Waushara - AB153
Reimbursement to Village of Redgranite for local law enforcement investigation services to a correctional institution - SB781
Reimbursement to Village of Redgranite for local law enforcement investigation services to a correctional institution - AB811
wcWC, see Worker's compensation
wca _wisconsin consumer act_WCA (Wisconsin Consumer Act), see Consumer protection
Severe weather incidents in July 2019: commending emergency response personnel, National Guard, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, utility crews, and volunteers for their response and efforts to keep communities safe - SJR60
Severe weather incidents in July 2019: commending emergency response personnel, National Guard, the Red Cross, the Salvation Army, utility crews, and volunteers for their response and efforts to keep communities safe - AJR78
Weatherization projects: DPI grants to school districts established - AB767
Weatherization projects: DPI grants to school districts established - SB653
wedcWEDC, see Economic Development Corporation, Wisconsin
Wild parsnip declared a noxious weed by local governments or American Indian tribes or bands: DNR grants to control, monitor, and eliminate; Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation funding - AB829
Wild parsnip declared a noxious weed by local governments or American Indian tribes or bands: DNR grants to control, monitor, and eliminate; Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation funding - SB761
weight limitWeight limit, see Bus and truck — Taxation or registration