AB1004,7,2424 (k) The witness's municipality.
AB1004,7,2525 (L) The witness's signature.
1Section 4. 6.87 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 6.87 (9) (a) and amended to
AB1004,8,103 6.87 (9) (a) If a municipal clerk receives an absentee ballot with an improperly
4completed certificate or with no certificate, the clerk may return the ballot to the
5elector, inside the sealed envelope when an envelope is received, together with a new
6envelope if necessary, whenever time permits the elector to correct the defect and
7return the ballot within the period authorized under sub. (6), and the clerk shall post
8a notification of the defect on the elector's voter information page on the Internet site
9that is used by electors for original registration under s. 6.30 (5). The clerk may also
10attempt to notify the elector of the defect by other means
AB1004,5 11Section 5 . 6.87 (9) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1004,8,1512 6.87 (9) (b) No person other than the elector, or the witness with respect to the
13witness certificate, may correct a defect in the elector's absentee ballot certificate.
14Whoever violates this paragraph is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not
15to exceed $500 or imprisonment not to exceed 30 days, or both.
AB1004,6 16Section 6 . 6.875 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1004,9,1617 6.875 (4) (a) For the purpose of absentee voting in qualified retirement homes
18and residential care facilities, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners
19of each municipality in which one or more qualified retirement homes or residential
20care facilities are located shall appoint at least 2 special voting deputies for the
21municipality. Except as provided in par. (am), upon application under s. 6.86 (1), (2),
22or (2m) by one or more qualified electors who are occupants of a home or facility, the
23municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality in which the
24home or facility is located shall dispatch 2 special voting deputies to visit the home
25or facility for the purpose of supervising absentee voting procedure by occupants of

1the home or facility. The clerk or board of election commissioners shall maintain a
2list, available to the public upon request, of each home or facility where special voting
3deputies are dispatched. The list shall include the date and time the deputies intend
4to visit each home or facility. The 2 deputies designated to visit each qualified
5retirement home and residential care facility shall be affiliated with different
6political parties whenever deputies representing different parties are available. No
7qualified retirement home or residential care facility may deny entry to a special
8voting deputy appointed under this paragraph except if the home or facility is closed
9to the public during a public health emergency and except if the home or facility is
10closed to the public during an incident of infectious disease, if the administrator of
11the home or facility has signed a verifiable statement documenting the incident and
12filed the statement with the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners.
13During a public health emergency or an incident of infectious disease, if a qualified
14retirement home or residential care facility is closed to the public, the home or facility
15shall allow a personal care voting assistant appointed under sub. (8) to supervise the
16absentee voting procedure used by occupants of the home or facility.
AB1004,7 17Section 7 . 6.875 (4) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 6.875 (4) (b) 1.
AB1004,8 18Section 8 . 6.875 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB1004,9,2419 6.875 (4) (b) 2. No individual who is employed or retained at a qualified
20retirement home or residential care facility in the municipality who is not a personal
21care voting assistant appointed under sub. (8) (a) 1. may assist an occupant of the
22home or facility in completing the occupant's absentee ballot, but may assist only in
23distributing the absentee ballots in their unopened envelopes to the occupants who
24requested the ballots.
AB1004,9 25Section 9 . 6.875 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.875 (6) (a) Special voting deputies in each municipality shall, not later than
25 p.m. on the 6th 11th working day preceding an election, arrange one or more
3convenient times with the administrator of each qualified retirement home and
4residential care facility in the municipality that the deputies are scheduled to visit.
5The time may be no earlier than the 4th Monday preceding the election and no later
6than 5 p.m. on the Monday 6th working day preceding the election. The municipal
7clerk shall give notice of each visit by special voting deputies to a qualified retirement
8home or residential care facility in the same manner that notices of public meetings
9are provided by presiding officers under s. 19.84 (1) (b) at least 5 working days in
10advance of each visit, indicating the date and time of the visit. The municipal clerk
11also shall post a notice at the home or facility and on the Internet indicating the date
12and time that absentee voting will take place at that home or facility. The notice shall
13be posted as soon as practicable after arranging the visit but in no case less than 5
14working days before the visit. A municipal clerk whose municipality does not
15maintain an Internet site need not comply with the Internet posting requirement.
16At the designated time, 2 deputies appointed under sub. (4) shall visit the home or
AB1004,10 18Section 10 . 6.875 (6) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1004,11,219 6.875 (6) (c) 2. Upon the request of a relative of an occupant of a qualified
20retirement home or residential care facility, the administrator of the home or facility
21may notify the relative of the time or times at which special voting deputies will
22conduct absentee voting at the home or facility and permit the
The administrator of
23a qualified retirement home or residential care facility shall provide notice of the
24dates and times when the deputies or absentee voting assistants appointed under
25sub. (8) will be facilitating absentee voting at the home or facility to each relative of

1an occupant for whom the home or facility has contact information. The
relative to
2may be present in the room where the voting is conducted.
AB1004,11 3Section 11 . 6.875 (6) (e) of the statutes is renumbered 6.875 (6) (e) 1.
AB1004,12 4Section 12 . 6.875 (6) (e) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB1004,11,105 6.875 (6) (e) 2. If a qualified elector is not able to cast his or her ballot on 2
6separate visits by the deputies to the home or facility because access to the home or
7facility is restricted due to a public health emergency or an incident of infectious
8disease, the deputies shall so inform the municipal clerk or executive director of the
9board of election commissioners, who may then send the ballot to the elector no later
10than 5 p.m. on the Friday preceding the election.
AB1004,13 11Section 13 . 6.875 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1004,11,1812 6.875 (8) (a) 1. For an election held during a public health emergency or an
13incident of infectious disease that results in restricting access to a qualified
14retirement home or residential care facility, the municipal clerk or board of election
15commissioners of each municipality in which one or more qualified retirement homes
16or residential care facilities are located may appoint any individual who is employed
17or retained at a qualified retirement home or residential care facility in the
18municipality to serve as a personal care voting assistant.
AB1004,11,2519 2. Personal care voting assistants appointed under subd. 1. shall comply with
20the duties for special voting deputies and complete a 2-hour online training, as
21prescribed by the commission under s. 7.315 (1) (a). A personal care voting assistant
22appointed under subd. 1. need not be a qualified elector of the county where the
23municipality is located, but shall be a qualified elector in this state. No personal care
24voting assistant appointed under subd. 1. may assist with or facilitate the
25registration of any resident of a qualified retirement home or residential care facility.
13. Prior to entering upon his or her duties, each individual appointed to serve
2as a personal care voting assistant under subd. 1. shall file the oath required by s.
37.30 (5). In the oath, the individual shall swear that he or she is qualified to act as
4a personal care voting assistant under this subsection, that he or she has read the
5statutes governing absentee voting, that he or she understands the proper absentee
6voting procedure, that he or she understands the penalties under s. 12.13 for
7noncompliance with the procedure, and that his or her sacred obligation will be to
8fully and fairly implement the absentee voting law and seek to have the intent of the
9electors ascertained. In addition, the oath shall state that the individual realizes
10that any error in conducting the voting procedure may result in invalidation of an
11elector's vote under s. 7.51 (2) (e) and that the individual realizes that absentee
12voting is a privilege and not a constitutional right. The form of the oath shall be
13prescribed by the commission.
AB1004,12,1914 4. The municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall appoint at least
152 individuals employed or retained by the qualified retirement home or residential
16care facility to serve as personal care voting assistants under subd. 1. The 2 personal
17care voting assistants for each home or facility shall be affiliated with different
18political parties whenever personal care voting assistants representing different
19parties are available.
AB1004,12,2520 (b) A personal care voting assistant appointed under par. (a) 1. shall complete
21documentation, on a form prescribed by the commission, that provides the assistant's
22name, the name of each elector in the qualified retirement home or residential care
23facility for whom the personal care voting assistant provides assistance, and the type
24of assistance provided to the elector. The personal care voting assistant shall also
25include the information contained on the form on the return envelope.
1(c) The form prescribed under par. (b) shall be a document separate from the
2absentee ballot certificate and shall be delivered by the administrator of the home
3or facility to the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners. Absentee ballots
4completed with the assistance of personal care voting assistants shall be mailed to
5the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners, except that the municipal
6clerk or board of election commissioners may make arrangements with the
7administrator of the home or facility to have an election official, other than a personal
8care voting assistant, collect the ballots at the home or facility and return them to
9the clerk or board.
AB1004,14 10Section 14 . 7.03 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1004,13,1511 7.03 (1) (d) Except as otherwise provided in par. (a), special voting deputies
12appointed under s. 6.875 (4), personal care voting assistants appointed under s. 6.875
and other officials and trainees who attend training sessions under s. 6.875 (8)
14(a) 2.,
7.15 (1) (e), or 7.25 (5) may also be compensated by the municipality where they
15serve at the option of the municipality.
AB1004,15 16Section 15 . 7.30 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1004,13,2317 7.30 (3) (a) Not less than 30 days before any election the governing body or
18board of election commissioners of any municipality, by resolution, may authorize
19the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners to
20select and employ tabulators for any election. Such authorization applies to the
21elections specified in the resolution, and if not specified, applies until the
22authorization is modified or revoked. Each tabulator shall sign the official oath and
23return it to the municipal clerk before the election.