Committee on Energy and Utilities
The committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 176
Relating to: permitting pharmacists to prescribe certain contraceptives, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
Ayes: 13 - Representatives Moses, Rozar, Brooks, Dittrich, Magnafici, Sapik, Schutt, Summerfield, VanderMeer, Riemer, J. Anderson, Vining and Drake.
Noes: 1 - Representative Murphy.
hist169292To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 224
Relating to: ambulance staffing on aircraft transporting pediatric patients between hospitals.
Ayes: 15 - Representatives Moses, Brooks, Dittrich, Gundrum, Magnafici, Murphy, Sapik, Schutt, Summerfield, VanderMeer, Subeck, Riemer, J. Anderson, Vining and Drake.
Noes: 0.
hist169271To committee on Rules.
Committee on Health, Aging and Long-Term Care
Message from the Senate
From: Michael Queensland, Senate Chief Clerk.
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed to inform you that the Senate has
Passed and asks concurrence in:
hist169611Senate Bill 158
Concurred in:
hist169610Assembly Bill 200
hist169609Assembly Bill 201
hist169608Assembly Bill 203