AB356,12,1816 23.33 (13) (d) 1. In determining the number of previous convictions under par.
17(b) 2. and 3. to 5., convictions arising out of the same incident or occurrence shall be
18counted as one previous conviction.
AB356,24 19Section 24 . 23.33 (13) (d) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,13,520 23.33 (13) (d) 2. In determining the number of previous convictions under par.
21(b) 2. to 5., previous convictions under the intoxicated operation of an all-terrain or
22utility terrain vehicle law or under the all-terrain or utility terrain vehicle refusal
23law that occurred before, on, or after the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB
24inserts date], and previous convictions under the intoxicated operation of an
25off-highway motorcycle law, as defined in s. 23.335 (1) (L), the off-highway

1motorcycle refusal law, as defined in s. 23.335 (1) (tm), the intoxicated boating law,
2as defined in s. 30.50 (4m), the boating refusal law, as defined in s. 30.50 (2c), the
3intoxicated snowmobiling law, as defined in s. 350.01 (9c), or the snowmobiling
4refusal law, as defined in s. 350.01 (17m), that occur after the effective date of this
5subdivision .... [LRB inserts date], shall count as previous convictions.
AB356,25 6Section 25 . 23.33 (13) (dm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,13,137 23.33 (13) (dm) Reporting convictions to the department. Whenever a person
8is convicted of a violation of the intoxicated operation of an all-terrain vehicle or
9utility terrain vehicle law or the all-terrain or utility terrain vehicle refusal law, the
10clerk of the court in which the conviction occurred , or the justice, judge or magistrate
11of a court not having a clerk,
shall forward to the department the record of such
12conviction. The record of conviction forwarded to the department shall state whether
13the offender was involved in an accident at the time of the offense.
AB356,26 14Section 26 . 23.33 (13) (eg) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,13,2215 23.33 (13) (eg) Certificate of completion of safety program. In addition to any
16other penalty or order, a person who for the first time violates the intoxicated
17operation of an all-terrain or utility terrain vehicle law or the all-terrain or utility
18terrain vehicle refusal law shall be ordered by the court to obtain a certificate of
19satisfactory completion of a safety program established under sub. (5) (d). If the
20person has a valid certificate at the time that the court imposes a sentence for such
21a violation, the court shall permanently revoke the certificate and order the person
22to obtain another certificate of satisfactory completion of the safety program.
AB356,27 23Section 27 . 23.335 (1) (km) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,14,324 23.335 (1) (km) “Intoxicated operating law” means the intoxicated operation
25of an off-highway motorcycle law, the intoxicated operation of an all-terrain or

1utility terrain vehicle law, as defined in s. 23.33 (1) (ic), the intoxicated boating law,
2as defined in s. 30.50 (4m), or the intoxicated snowmobiling law, as defined in s.
3350.01 (9c).
AB356,28 4Section 28 . 23.335 (1) (nm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,14,55 23.335 (1) (nm) “Legal drinking age” means 21 years of age.
AB356,29 6Section 29 . 23.335 (1) (zdr) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,14,127 23.335 (1) (zdr) “Public premises” means all premises held out to the public for
8use of a motor vehicle, including highways, all premises provided by employers to
9employees for the use of their motor vehicles, and all premises provided to tenants
10of rental housing in buildings of 4 or more units for the use of their motor vehicles,
11whether such premises are publicly or privately owned and whether or not a fee is
12charged for the use of those premises.
AB356,30 13Section 30 . 23.335 (1) (zer) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,14,1714 23.335 (1) (zer) “Recreational vehicle" means an off-highway motorcycle, an
15all-terrain vehicle as defined in s. 23.33 (1) (b), a utility terrain vehicle as defined
16in s. 23.33 (1) (ng), a recreational motorboat as defined in s. 30.50 (9m), or a
17snowmobile, as defined in s. 340.01 (58a).
AB356,31 18Section 31 . 23.335 (1) (zet) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,14,2219 23.335 (1) (zet) “Recreational vehicle and boating refusal law" means the
20off-highway motorcycle refusal law, the all-terrain or utility terrain vehicle refusal
21law, as defined in s. 23.33 (1) (jm), the boating refusal law, as defined in s. 30.50 (2c),
22or the snowmobiling refusal law, as defined in s. 350.01 (17m).
AB356,32 23Section 32 . 23.335 (1) (zf) of the statutes is renumbered 23.335 (1) (tm) and
24amended to read:
123.335 (1) (tm) “Refusal “Off-highway motorcycle refusal law" means sub. (12)
2(h) or a local ordinance in conformity therewith.
AB356,33 3Section 33 . 23.335 (12) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,15,64 23.335 (12) (a) 3. If a A person who has not attained the legal drinking age of
521, the person
may not engage in the operation of an off-highway motorcycle while
6he or she has an alcohol concentration of more than 0.0 but not more less than 0.08.
AB356,34 7Section 34 . 23.335 (12) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,15,168 23.335 (12) (a) 4. A person may be charged with and a prosecutor may proceed
9upon a complaint based upon a violation of any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m. for
10acts arising out of the same incident or occurrence. If the person is charged with
11violating any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m., the offenses shall be joined. If the
12person is found guilty of any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m. for acts arising out
13of the same incident or occurrence, there shall be a single conviction for purposes of
14sentencing and for purposes of counting convictions under sub. (23) (c) 2. and 3. to
Subdivisions 1., 2., and 2m. each require proof of a fact for conviction which that
16the others do not require.
AB356,35 17Section 35 . 23.335 (12) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,16,218 23.335 (12) (b) 3. A person may be charged with and a prosecutor may proceed
19upon a complaint based upon a violation of any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m. for
20acts arising out of the same incident or occurrence. If the person is charged with
21violating any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m. in the complaint, the crimes shall be
22joined under s. 971.12. If the person is found guilty of any combination of subd. 1.,
232., or 2m. for acts arising out of the same incident or occurrence, there shall be a
24single conviction for purposes of sentencing and for purposes of counting convictions

1under sub. (23) (c) 2. and 3. to 5. Subdivisions 1., 2., and 2m. each require proof of
2a fact for conviction which that the others do not require.
AB356,36 3Section 36 . 23.335 (12) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB356,16,74 23.335 (12) (j) Report of arrest to department. If a law enforcement officer
5arrests a person for a violation of the intoxicated operation of an off-highway
6motorcycle law or the off-highway motorcycle refusal law, the law enforcement
7officer shall notify the department of the arrest as soon as practicable.
AB356,37 8Section 37 . 23.335 (12) (km) of the statutes is created to read:
AB356,16,199 23.335 (12) (km) Suspension or revocation of operating privileges. 1. `Orders
10to suspend or revoke.' a. If a court imposes a penalty for a violation of the intoxicated
11operation of an off-highway motorcycle law or the off-highway motorcycle refusal
12law, the court shall order the suspension of the person's privilege to operate a
13recreational vehicle for a period of not less than 12 months and not more than 16
14months. As part of the order, the court may authorize the person to operate an
15off-highway motorcycle exclusively on land under the management and control of
16the person's immediate family if the court finds that such operation is essential for
17the purpose of engaging in an occupation or trade. Whenever a court suspends an
18operating privilege under this subd. 1. a., the court shall notify the department of
19that action.