7Section 3039
. 767.215 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (b) The name and birthdate of each minor child of the parties and
9each other child born to
the wife a party during the marriage, and whether
the wife 10a party is pregnant.
11Section 3040
. 767.215 (5) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) (a) 2. The name, date of birth, and social security number of each
13minor child of the parties and of each child who was born to
the wife a party during
14the marriage and who is a minor.
15Section 3041
. 767.323 of the statutes is amended to read:
16767.323 Suspension of proceedings to effect reconciliation. During the
17pendency of an action for divorce or legal separation, the court may, upon written
18stipulation of both parties that they desire to attempt a reconciliation, enter an order
19suspending any and all orders and proceedings for such period, not exceeding 90
20days, as the court determines advisable to permit the parties to attempt a
21reconciliation without prejudice to their respective rights. During the suspension
22period, the parties may resume living together as
husband and wife a married couple 23and their acts and conduct do not constitute an admission that the marriage is not
24irretrievably broken or a waiver of the ground that the parties have voluntarily lived
25apart continuously for 12 months or more immediately prior to the commencement
1of the action. Suspension may be revoked upon the motion of either party by an order
2of the court. If the parties become reconciled, the court shall dismiss the action. If
3the parties are not reconciled after the period of suspension, the action shall proceed
4as though no reconciliation period was attempted.
5Section 3042
. 767.80 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) Who may bring action or file motion. (intro.) The following persons
7may bring an action or file a motion, including an action or motion for declaratory
8judgment, for the purpose of determining the paternity of a child, or for the purpose
9of rebutting the presumption of
paternity parentage under s. 891.405, 891.407, or
10891.41 (1):
11Section 3043
. 767.80 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (c) Unless s. 767.804 (1) or 767.805 (1) applies, a
male person 13presumed to be the child's
father parent under s. 891.405, 891.407, or 891.41 (1).
14Section 3044
. 767.80 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) Certain agreements not a bar to action. Regardless of its terms,
16an agreement made after July 1, 1981, other than an agreement approved by the
17court between an alleged or presumed
father parent and the mother or child, does
18not bar an action under this section. Whenever the court approves an agreement in
19which one of the parties agrees not to commence an action under this section, the
20court shall first determine whether or not the agreement is in the best interest of the
21child. The court shall not approve any provision waiving the right to bring an action
22under this section if this provision is contrary to the best interests of the child.
23Section 3045
. 767.803 of the statutes is amended to read:
24767.803 Determination of marital children. If the
father and mother 25natural parents of a nonmarital child enter into a lawful marriage or a marriage
1which appears and they believe is lawful, except where the parental rights of the
2mother parent who gave birth were terminated before either of these circumstances,
3the child becomes a marital child, is entitled to a change in birth record under s. 69.15
4(3) (b), and shall enjoy all of the rights and privileges of a marital child as if he or she
5had been born during the marriage of the parents. This section applies to all cases
6before, on, or after its effective date, but no estate already vested shall be divested
7by this section and ss. 765.05 to 765.24 and 852.05. The children of all marriages
8declared void under the law are nevertheless marital children.
9Section 3046
. 767.804 (1) (a) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) 4. No other
person is presumed to be the
father natural
11parent under s. 891.405 or 891.41 (1).
12Section 3047
. 767.805 (title), (1), (1m), (2) and (3) (title) and (a) of the statutes
13are amended to read:
14767.805 (title)
Voluntary acknowledgment of paternity parentage. (1) 15Conclusive determination of paternity parentage. A statement acknowledging
16paternity parentage that is on file with the state registrar under s. 69.15 (3) (b) 3.
17after the last day on which a person may timely rescind the statement, as specified
18in s. 69.15 (3m), is a conclusive determination, which shall be of the same effect as
19a judgment, of
paternity parentage.
20(1m) Minor parent may not sign. A minor may not sign a statement
paternity parentage.
22(2) Rescission of acknowledgment. (a) A statement acknowledging
paternity 23parentage that is filed with the state registrar under s. 69.15 (3) (b) 3. may be
24rescinded as provided in s. 69.15 (3m) by a person who signed the statement as a
25parent of the child who is the subject of the statement.
1(b) If a statement acknowledging
paternity parentage is timely rescinded as
2provided in s. 69.15 (3m), a court may not enter an order specified in sub. (4) with
3respect to the
male person who signed the statement as the
father parent of the child
4unless the
male person is adjudicated the child's
father parent using the procedures
5set forth in this subchapter, except for this section.
6(3) (title)
Actions when paternity parentage acknowledged. (a) Unless the
7statement acknowledging
paternity parentage has been rescinded, an action
8affecting the family concerning custody, child support or physical placement rights
9may be brought with respect to persons who, with respect to a child, jointly signed
10and filed with the state registrar under s. 69.15 (3) (b) 3. as parents of the child a
11statement acknowledging
paternity parentage.
12Section 3048
. 767.805 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) Orders when paternity parentage acknowledged. (intro.) In an
14action under sub. (3) (a), if the persons who signed and filed the statement
paternity as parents parentage of the child had notice of the hearing,
16the court shall make an order that contains all of the following provisions:
17Section 3049
. 767.805 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) (d) 1. An order establishing the amount of the
father's obligation
19to pay or contribute to the reasonable expenses of
the mother's pregnancy and
20child's birth childbirth by the parent who did not give birth. The amount established
21may not exceed one-half of the total actual and reasonable pregnancy and birth
22expenses. The order also shall specify the court's findings as to whether the
father's 23parent who did not give birth has an income
that is at or below the poverty line
24established under
42 USC 9902 (2), and shall specify whether periodic payments are
1due on the obligation, based on the
father's parent's ability to pay or contribute to
2those expenses.
2. If the order does not require periodic payments because the
father parent has
4no present ability to pay or contribute to the expenses, the court may modify the
5judgment or order at a later date to require periodic payments if the
father parent 6has the ability to pay at that time.
7Section 3050
. 767.805 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
(5) Voiding determination. (a) A determination of
paternity 9parentage that arises under this section may be voided at any time upon a motion
10or petition stating facts that show fraud, duress or a mistake of fact. Except for good
11cause shown, any orders entered under sub. (4) shall remain in effect during the
12pendency of a proceeding under this paragraph.