September 19, 2023 - Introduced by Representatives Spiros, Dittrich, Donovan, Edming, S. Johnson, Murphy, O’Connor, Penterman, Schutt and Brandtjen, cosponsored by Senators Wanggaard, Cabral-Guevara, Hutton, Jacque, James, Marklein and Tomczyk. Referred to Committee on Transportation.
AB421,,22An Act to repeal 343.44 (2) (ad), 343.44 (2) (ag) and 343.44 (2) (ar); to amend 343.05 (5) (b) 1., 343.05 (5) (b) 4., 343.05 (5) (b) 5. and 343.44 (2) (b) (intro.); to repeal and recreate 343.05 (5) (am); and to create 343.44 (2) (a) and 351.02 (1) (a) 11. of the statutes; relating to: penalties for operating a motor vehicle without a license or after license suspension or revocation and providing a penalty. AB421,,33Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau Current law prohibits a person from operating a motor vehicle without a valid operator’s license or while the person’s operating privilege has been suspended or revoked. This bill increases the penalties for certain violations of operating without a license (OWL). The bill also consolidates and modifies the existing penalties for operating while suspended (OWS) and operating after revocation (OAR) and provides for additional penalties.
Operating without a license