AB68,1550,13 9(4) Rebates and price concessions. By March 1 annually, each pharmacy
10benefit manager shall report to the commissioner the amount received from
11manufacturers as drug rebates and the value of price concessions, expressed as a
12percentage of the wholesale acquisition cost, provided by manufacturers for each
AB68,1550,17 14(5) Manufacturer-sponsored assistance programs. By March 1 annually,
15each manufacturer shall provide the commissioner with a description of each
16manufacturer-sponsored patient assistance program in effect during the previous
17year that includes all of the following:
AB68,1550,1818 (a) The terms of the programs.
AB68,1550,1919 (b) The number of prescriptions provided to state residents under the program.
AB68,1550,2120 (c) The total market value of assistance provided to residents of this state under
21the program.
AB68,1550,24 22(6) Pharmacy services administrative organizations. By March 1 annually,
23each pharmacy services administrative organization shall report to the
24commissioner all of the following information:
1(a) The negotiated reimbursement rate of the 25 prescription drugs with the
2highest reimbursement rates during the previous year.
AB68,1551,43 (b) The 25 prescription drugs with the highest year-to-year change in
4reimbursement rate for the previous year.
AB68,1551,55 (c) The schedule of fees charged by the organization to pharmacies.
AB68,1551,11 6(7) Certification and penalties for noncompliance. Each manufacturer and
7pharmacy services administrative organization that is required to report under this
8section shall certify each report as accurate under the penalty of perjury. A
9manufacturer or pharmacy services administrative organization that fails to submit
10a report required under this section is subject to a forfeiture of no more than $10,000
11each day the report is overdue.
AB68,1551,14 12(8) Hearing and public reporting. (a) The commissioner shall publicly post
13manufacturer price justification documents. The commissioner shall keep any trade
14secret or proprietary information confidential.
AB68,1551,2015 (b) The commissioner shall analyze data collected under this section and
16publish annually a report on emerging trends in prescription prices and price
17increases and shall annually conduct a public hearing based on the analysis under
18this paragraph. The report under this paragraph shall include analysis of
19manufacturer prices and price increases and analysis of how pharmacy benefit
20manager discounts and net costs compare to retail prices paid by patients.
AB68,2968 21Section 2968. 632.868 of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,1551,22 22632.868 Insulin safety net programs. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB68,1551,2423 (a) “Manufacturer" means a person engaged in the manufacturing of insulin
24that is self-administered on an outpatient basis.
AB68,1551,2525 (b) “Navigator" has the meaning given in s. 628.90 (3).
1(c) “Patient assistance program” means a program established by a
2manufacturer under sub. (3) (a).
AB68,1552,33 (d) “Pharmacy" means an entity licensed under s. 450.06 or 450.065.
AB68,1552,64 (e) “Urgent need of insulin" means having less than a 7-day supply of insulin
5readily available for use and needing insulin in order to avoid the likelihood of
6suffering a significant health consequence.
AB68,1552,87 (f) “Urgent need safety net program” means a program established by a
8manufacturer under sub. (2) (a).
AB68,1552,12 9(2) Urgent need safety net program. (a) Establishment of program. No later
10than July 1, 2022, each manufacturer shall establish an urgent need safety net
11program to make insulin available in accordance with this subsection to individuals
12who meet the eligibility requirements under par. (b).
AB68,1552,1413 (b) Eligible individual. An individual shall be eligible to receive insulin under
14an urgent need safety net program if all of the following conditions are met:
AB68,1552,1515 1. The individual is in urgent need of insulin.
AB68,1552,1616 2. The individual is a resident of this state.
AB68,1552,1717 3. The individual is not receiving public assistance under ch. 49.
AB68,1552,2218 4. The individual is not enrolled in prescription drug coverage through an
19individual or group health plan that limits the total cost sharing amount, including
20copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance, that an enrollee is required to pay for a
2130-day supply of insulin to no more than $75, regardless of the type or amount of
22insulin prescribed.
AB68,1552,2423 5. The individual has not received insulin under an urgent need safety net
24program within the previous 12 months, except as allowed under par. (d).
1(c) Provision of insulin under an urgent need safety net program. 1. In order
2to receive insulin under an urgent need safety net program, an individual who meets
3the eligibility requirements under par. (b) shall provide a pharmacy with all of the
AB68,1553,85 a. A completed application, on a form prescribed by the commissioner that shall
6include an attestation by the individual, or the individual's parent or legal guardian
7if the individual is under the age of 18, that the individual meets all of the eligibility
8requirements under par. (b).