SB111,1554,126 (d) Eligibility of certain individuals. An individual who has applied for public
7assistance under ch. 49 but for whom a determination of eligibility has not been made
8or whose coverage has not become effective or an individual who has an appeal
9pending under sub. (3) c. 4. may access insulin under this subsection if the individual
10is in urgent need of insulin. To access a 30-day supply of insulin, the individual shall
11attest to the pharmacy that the individual is described in this paragraph and comply
12with par. (c) 1.
SB111,1554,17 13(3) Patient assistance program. (a) Establishment of program. No later than
14July 1, 2022, each manufacturer shall establish a patient assistance program to
15make insulin available in accordance with this subsection to individuals who meet
16the eligibility requirements under par. (b). Under the program, the manufacturer
17shall do all of the following:
SB111,1554,2018 1. Provide the commissioner with information regarding the program,
19including contact information for individuals to call for assistance in accessing the
SB111,1554,2221 2. Provide a hotline for individuals to call or access between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.
22on weekdays and between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Saturdays.
SB111,1554,2423 3. List the eligibility requirements under par. (b) on the manufacturer's
24Internet site.
14. Maintain the privacy of all information received from an individual applying
2for or participating in the program and not sell, share, or disseminate the
3information unless required under this section or authorized, in writing, by the
SB111,1555,65 (b) Eligible individual. An individual shall be eligible to receive insulin under
6a patient assistance program if all of the following conditions are met:
SB111,1555,77 1. The individual is a resident of this state.
SB111,1555,108 2. The individual, or the individual's parent or legal guardian if the individual
9is under the age of 18, has a valid Wisconsin driver's license or state identification
SB111,1555,1111 3. The individual has a valid insulin prescription.
SB111,1555,1412 4. The family income of the individual does not exceed 400 percent of the
13poverty line as defined and revised annually under 42 USC 9902 (2) for a family the
14size of the individual's family,
SB111,1555,1515 5. The individual is not receiving public assistance under ch. 49.
SB111,1555,2116 6. The individual is not eligible to receive health care through a federally
17funded program or receive prescription drug benefits through the U.S. department
18of veterans affairs, except that this subdivision does not apply to an individual who
19is enrolled in a policy under Part D of Medicare under 42 USC 1395w-101 et seq. if
20the individual has spent at least $1,000 on prescription drugs in the current calendar
SB111,1556,222 7. The individual is not enrolled in prescription drug coverage through an
23individual or group health plan that limits the total cost sharing amount, including
24copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance, that an enrollee is required to pay for a

130-day supply of insulin to no more than $75, regardless of the type or amount of
2insulin needed.
SB111,1556,113 (c) Application for patient assistance program. 1. An individual may apply to
4participate in a patient assistance program by filing an application with the
5manufacturer who established the program, the individual's health care practitioner
6if the practitioner participates in the program, or a navigator included on the list
7under sub. (8) (c). A health care practitioner or navigator shall immediately submit
8the application to the manufacturer. Upon receipt of an application, the
9manufacturer shall determine the individual's eligibility under par. (b) and, except
10as provided in subd. 2., notify the individual of the determination no later than 10
11days after receipt of the application.
SB111,1556,1712 2. If necessary to determine the individual's eligibility under par. (b), the
13manufacturer may request additional information from an individual who has filed
14an application under subd. 1. no later than 5 days after receipt of the application.
15Upon receipt of the additional information, the manufacturer shall determine the
16individual's eligibility under par. (b) and notify the individual of the determination
17no later than 3 days after receipt of the requested information.
SB111,1556,2318 3. Except as provided in subd. 5., if the manufacturer determines under subd.
191. or 2. that the individual is eligible for the patient assistance program, the
20manufacturer shall provide the individual with a statement of eligibility. The
21statement of eligibility shall be valid for 12 months and may be renewed upon a
22determination by the manufacturer that the individual continues to meet the
23eligibility requirements of par. (b).
SB111,1557,924 4. If the manufacturer determines under subd. 1. or 2. that the individual is not
25eligible for the patient assistance program, the manufacturer shall provide the

1reason for the determination in the notification under subd. 1. or 2. The individual
2may appeal the determination by filing an appeal with the commissioner that shall
3include all of the information provided to the manufacturer under subds. 1. and 2.
4The commissioner shall establish procedures for deciding appeals under this
5subdivision. The commissioner shall issue a decision no later than 10 days after the
6appeal is filed, and the commissioner's decision shall be final. If the commissioner
7determines that the individual meets the eligibility requirements under par. (b), the
8manufacturer shall provide the individual with the statement of eligibility described
9in subd. 3.
SB111,1557,1810 5. In the case of an individual who has prescription drug coverage through an
11individual or group health plan, if the manufacturer determines under subd. 1. or 2.
12that the individual is eligible for the patient assistance program but also determines
13that the individual's insulin needs are better addressed through the use of the
14manufacturer's copayment assistance program rather than the patient assistance
15program, the manufacturer shall inform the individual of the determination and
16provide the individual with the necessary coupons to submit to a pharmacy. The
17individual may not be required to pay more than the copayment amount specified in
18par. (d) 2.
SB111,1557,2519 (d) Provision of insulin under a patient assistance program. 1. Upon receipt
20from an individual of the eligibility statement described in par. (c) 3. and a valid
21insulin prescription, a pharmacy shall submit an order containing the name of the
22insulin and daily dosage amount to the manufacturer. The pharmacy shall include
23with the order the pharmacy's name, shipping address, office telephone number, fax
24number, electronic mail address, and contact name, as well as any days or times
25when deliveries are not accepted by the pharmacy.
12. Upon receipt of an order meeting the requirements under subd. 1., the
2manufacturer shall send the pharmacy a 90-day supply of insulin, or lesser amount
3if requested in the order, at no charge to the individual or pharmacy. The pharmacy
4shall dispense the insulin to the individual associated with the order. The insulin
5shall be dispensed at no charge to the individual, except that the pharmacy may
6collect a copayment from the individual to cover the pharmacy's costs for processing
7and dispensing in an amount not to exceed $50 for each 90-day supply of insulin.
8The pharmacy may not seek reimbursement from the manufacturer or a 3rd-party
SB111,1558,1210 3. The pharmacy may submit a reorder to the manufacturer if the individual's
11eligibility statement described in par. (c) 3. has not expired. The reorder shall be
12treated as an order for purposes of subd. 2.
SB111,1558,1513 4. Notwithstanding subds. 2. and 3., a manufacturer may send the insulin
14directly to the individual if the manufacturer provides a mail-order service option,
15in which case the pharmacy may not collect a copayment from the individual.
SB111,1558,18 16(4) Exceptions. (a) This section does not apply to a manufacturer who shows
17to the commissioner's satisfaction that the manufacturer's annual gross revenue
18from insulin sales in this state does not exceed $2,000,000.
SB111,1558,2319 (b) A manufacturer may not be required to make an insulin product available
20under sub. (2) or (3) if the wholesale acquisition cost of the insulin product does not
21exceed $8, as adjusted annually based on the U.S. consumer price index for all urban
22consumers, U.S. city average, per milliliter or the applicable national council for
23prescription drug programs' plan billing unit.
1(5) Confidentiality. All medical information solicited or obtained by any
2person under this section shall be subject to the applicable provisions of state law
3relating to confidentiality of medical information, including s. 610.70.
SB111,1559,9 4(6) Reimbursement prohibition. No person, including a manufacturer,
5pharmacy, pharmacist, or 3rd-party administrator, as part of participating in an
6urgent need safety net program or patient assistance program may request or seek,
7or cause another person to request or seek, any reimbursement or other
8compensation for which payment may be made in whole or in part under a federal
9health care program, as defined in 42 USC 1320a-7b (f).
SB111,1559,12 10(7) Reports. (a) Annually, no later than March 1, each manufacturer shall
11report to the commissioner all of the following information for the previous calendar
SB111,1559,1413 1. The number of individuals who received insulin under the manufacturer's
14urgent need safety net program.