AB245-ASA2,30 14Section 30 . 70.05 (5) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB245-ASA2,10,1715 70.05 (5) (a) 1. “Assessed value" means with respect to each taxation district
16the total values established under ss. s. 70.32 and 70.34, but excluding
17manufacturing property subject to assessment under s. 70.995.
AB245-ASA2,31 18Section 31. 70.10 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB245-ASA2,11,2 1970.10 Assessment, when made, exemption. The assessor shall assess all
20real and personal taxable property as of the close of January 1 of each year. Except
21in cities of the 1st class and 2nd class cities that have a board of assessors under s.
2270.075, the assessment shall be finally completed before the first Monday in April.
23All real property conveyed by condemnation or in any other manner to the state, any
24county, city, village or town by gift, purchase, tax deed or power of eminent domain
25before January 2 in such year shall not be included in the assessment. Assessment

1of manufacturing property subject to s. 70.995 shall be made according to that
AB245-ASA2,32 3Section 32 . 70.11 (42) of the statutes is repealed.
AB245-ASA2,33 4Section 33 . 70.111 (28) of the statutes is created to read:
AB245-ASA2,11,85 70.111 (28) Business and manufacturing personal property. (a) Beginning
6with the property tax assessments applicable to the January 1, 2024, assessment
7year, personal property, as defined in s. 70.04, including steam and other vessels,
8furniture, and equipment.
AB245-ASA2,11,99 (b) The exemption under par. (a) does not apply to the following:
AB245-ASA2,11,1010 1. Property assessed as real property under s. 70.17 (3).
AB245-ASA2,11,1111 2. Property subject to taxation under s. 76.025 (2).
AB245-ASA2,11,1412 (c) A taxing jurisdiction may include the most recent valuation of personal
13property described under par. (a) that is located in the taxing jurisdiction for
14purposes of complying with debt limitations applicable to the jurisdiction.
AB245-ASA2,34 15Section 34. 70.119 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB245-ASA2,11,1916 70.119 (3) (c) “Municipality" means cities, villages, towns, counties, and
17metropolitan sewerage districts with general taxing authority, except that for
18distributions after December 31, 2023, “municipality” does not include counties and
19metropolitan sewerage districts
AB245-ASA2,35 20Section 35 . 70.13 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB245-ASA2,12,221 70.13 (1) All For assessments made before January 1, 2024, all personal
22property shall be assessed in the assessment district where the same is located or
23customarily kept except as otherwise specifically provided. Personal property in
24transit within the state on the first day of January shall be assessed in the district
25in which the same is intended to be kept or located, and personal property having no

1fixed location shall be assessed in the district where the owner or the person in charge
2or possession thereof resides, except as provided in sub. (5).
AB245-ASA2,36 3Section 36 . 70.13 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB245-ASA2,12,104 70.13 (2) Saw For assessments made before January 1, 2024, saw logs or timber
5in transit, which are to be sawed or manufactured in any mill in this state, shall be
6deemed located and shall be assessed in the district in which such mill is located.
7Saw logs or timber shall be deemed in transit when the same are being transported
8either by water or rail, but when such logs or timber are banked, decked, piled or
9otherwise temporarily stored for transportation in any district, they shall be deemed
10located, and shall be assessed in such district.
AB245-ASA2,37 11Section 37 . 70.13 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB245-ASA2,12,2412 70.13 (3) On For assessments made before January 1, 2024, on or before the
13tenth day of January in each year the owner of logs or timber in transit shall furnish
14the assessor of the district in which the mill at which the logs or timber will be sawed
15or manufactured is located a verified statement of the amount, character and value
16of all the logs and timber in transit on the first day of January preceding, and the
17owner of the logs or timber shall furnish to the assessor of the district in which the
18logs and timber were located on the first day of January preceding, a like verified
19statement of the amount, character and value thereof. Any assessment made in
20accordance with the owner's statement shall be valid and binding on the owner
21notwithstanding any subsequent change as to the place where the same may be
22sawed or manufactured. If the owner of the logs or timber shall fail or refuse to
23furnish the statement herein provided for, or shall intentionally make a false
24statement, that owner shall be subject to the penalties prescribed by s. 70.36.
AB245-ASA2,38 25Section 38 . 70.13 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
170.13 (7) Saw For assessments made before January 1, 2024, saw logs or timber
2removed from public lands during the year next preceding the first day of January
3or having been removed from such lands and in transit therefrom on the first day of
4January, shall be deemed located and assessed in the assessment district wherein
5such public lands are located and shall be assessed in no other assessment district.
6Saw logs or timber shall be deemed in transit when the same are being transported.
7On or before January 10 in each year the owner of such logs or timber shall furnish
8the assessor of the assessment district wherein they are assessable a verified
9statement of the amount, character and value of all such logs and timber. If the
10owner of any such logs or timber shall fail or refuse to furnish such statement or shall
11intentionally make a false statement, he or she is subject to the penalties prescribed
12by s. 70.36. This subsection shall supersede any provision of law in conflict
13therewith. The term “owner" as used in this subsection is deemed to mean the person
14owning the logs or timber at the time of severing. “Public lands" as used in this
15subsection shall mean lands owned by the United States of America, the state of
16Wisconsin or any political subdivision of this state.
AB245-ASA2,39 17Section 39. 70.15 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB245-ASA2,14,418 70.15 (2) The owner of any steam vessel, barge, boat or other water craft,
19hailing from any port of this state, “and so employed regularly in interstate traffic,"
20desiring to comply with the terms of this section, shall annually, on or before the first
21day of January, file with the clerk of such town, village or city a verified statement,
22in writing, containing the name, port of hail, tonnage and name of owner of such
23steam vessel, barge, boat or other water craft, and shall thereupon pay into the said
24treasury of such town, village or city a sum equal to one cent per net ton of the
25registered tonnage of said vessel, and the treasurer shall thereupon issue a receipt.

1All vessels, boats or other water craft not regularly employed in interstate traffic and
2all private yachts or pleasure boats belonging to inhabitants of this state, whether
3at home or abroad, shall be taxed as personal property for taxes levied before
4January 1, 2024
AB245-ASA2,40 5Section 40. 70.17 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB245-ASA2,14,146 70.17 (1) Real property shall be entered in the name of the owner, if known to
7the assessor, otherwise to the occupant thereof if ascertainable, and otherwise
8without any name. The person holding the contract or certificate of sale of any real
9property contracted to be sold by the state, but not conveyed, shall be deemed the
10owner for such purpose. The undivided real estate of any deceased person may be
11entered to the heirs of such person without designating them by name. The real
12estate of an incorporated company shall be entered in the same manner as that of an
13individual. Improvements on leased lands may be assessed either as real property
14or personal property.
AB245-ASA2,41 15Section 41 . 70.17 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB245-ASA2,15,816 70.17 (3) Beginning with the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2024,
17manufactured and mobile homes, not otherwise exempt from taxation under s.
1866.0435 (3), buildings, improvements, and fixtures on leased lands, buildings,
19improvements, and fixtures on exempt lands, buildings, improvements, and fixtures
20on forest croplands, and buildings, improvements, and fixtures on managed forest
21lands shall be assessed as real property. If buildings, improvements, and fixtures,
22but not the underlying land, are leased to a person other than the landowner or if the
23buildings, improvements, and fixtures are owned by a person other than the
24landowner, the assessor may create a separate tax parcel for the buildings,
25improvements, and fixtures and assess the buildings, improvements, and fixtures as

1real property to the owner of the buildings, improvements, and fixtures. The
2assessor may also create a tax parcel, as provided under s. 70.27, for buildings,
3improvements, and fixtures on exempt lands, buildings, improvements, and fixtures
4on forest croplands, and buildings, improvements, and fixtures on managed forest
5lands and assess the buildings, improvements, and fixtures as real property to the
6owner of the buildings, improvements, and fixtures. For purposes of this subsection,
7“buildings, improvements and fixtures" does not include any property defined in s.
AB245-ASA2,42 9Section 42 . 70.174 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB245-ASA2,15,14 1070.174 Improvements on government-owned land. Improvements made
11by any person on land within this state owned by the United States may shall be
12assessed either as real or personal property to the person making the same, if
13ascertainable, and otherwise to the occupant thereof or the person receiving benefits
, as provided under s. 70.17 (3).