AB131,613Section 6. 281.75 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB131,4,2114281.75 (5m) Referral to the innocent landowner grant program. If the
15department determines that a claimant that submits a claim under this section on
16the basis of contamination by perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substances would be
17eligible for a grant under the innocent landowner grant program under s. 292.34,
18and moneys are available under s. 292.34, the department shall refer the claim to
19the program under s. 292.34 instead of reviewing the claim under this section. If
20the claimants claim is denied under s. 292.34, the department shall refer the claim
21back to the program under this section.
AB131,722Section 7. 281.75 (7) (c) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
1281.75 (7) (c) 2. a. Equipment used for treating the water, including a
2filtration device and up to 2 replacement filters;
AB131,83Section 8. 292.11 (9) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB131,5,54292.11 (9) (g) 1. In this section, PFAS means any perfluoroalkyl or
5polyfluoroalkyl substance.
AB131,5,962. All of the persons eligible for an innocent landowner grant under s. 292.34
7(3) (a) to (e) are exempt from subs. (3), (4), and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to PFAS
8contamination if the person grants permission to the department to remediate the
9land at the departments expense.
AB131,5,16103. A person not otherwise exempt under subd. 2. is exempt from subs. (3), (4),
11and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to PFAS contamination based on the results of PFAS
12testing on samples taken from lands not owned by the state, unless that testing
13demonstrates that PFAS levels violate any applicable state or federal law, including
14any standard promulgated under state or federal law. This subdivision does not
15limit the ability of a landowner or other authorized party to voluntarily take
16remedial action based on PFAS test results collected by the department.
AB131,917Section 9. 292.315 of the statutes is created to read:
AB131,5,1918292.315 Municipal PFAS grant program. (1) Definition. In this section,
19PFAS means any perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance.
AB131,5,2320(1m) Applicability. This section applies only to PFAS for which there is a
21state or federal standard, a public health recommendation from the department of
22health services under s. 160.07, or a health advisory issued by the federal
23environmental protection agency.
AB131,5,2424(2) Grants. The department shall provide all of the following grants:
1(a) Grants to municipalities to test for PFAS levels at municipal water
2systems and municipal wastewater treatment facilities, or to reimburse
3municipalities for PFAS testing performed at properties owned, leased, managed,
4or contracted for by those municipalities after applicable standards for the chemical
5being tested have been promulgated. The department shall base the amount of
6grant awards under this paragraph on the cost of testing and the amount of testing
7needed in each community, while ensuring that funding is available to every
8eligible applicant that submits a claim under this paragraph. The department may
9not require a municipality that submits a claim for a grant under this paragraph to
10provide information other than the basic information necessary to process the claim
11and may not require the recipient of a grant under this paragraph to provide any
12matching funds.
AB131,6,2113(b) Grants, provided in equal shares not to exceed $1,800, to entities that are
14not municipalities and that are regulated as public or community water systems for
15the entity to test its drinking water supply for PFAS if required to do so by the
16department, or for reimbursement to the entity for PFAS testing performed after
17applicable standards for the chemical being tested have been promulgated. An
18entity that is not a municipality may apply to the department one time for a grant
19under this paragraph, by a deadline set by the department. The department may
20not require the recipient of a grant under this paragraph to provide any matching
AB131,7,422(c) Grants, provided in equal shares not to exceed $15,000, to the owner or
23manager of, or the holder of a solid waste facility license issued by the department

1for, privately owned solid waste disposal facilities to test for the presence of PFAS in
2leachate. An entity may apply to the department one time for a grant under this
3paragraph, by a deadline set by the department. The department may not require
4the recipient of a grant under this paragraph to provide any matching funds.
AB131,7,215(d) Grants to municipalities to test for PFAS levels at locations that are
6owned, leased, managed, or contracted for by a municipality and where PFAS may
7be present, including airports, water systems, wastewater treatment facilities, or
8contaminated lands, and to test for PFAS levels in leachate at solid waste disposal
9facilities that are owned, leased, managed, or contracted for by a municipality. If
10the property is not owned by the municipality, the department may not issue a
11grant under this paragraph unless the property owner has given the municipality
12written consent for the municipality to enter the property and conduct testing or
13the ability to enter the property and conduct testing is permitted under an existing
14agreement between the property owner and the municipality. The department may
15not provide a grant under this paragraph to test for PFAS in a water system or
16wastewater treatment facility if the applicant has received a grant under par. (a),
17unless the applicant demonstrates that it has used all of the grant funds provided
18to it under par. (a). The department shall accept applications for grants and
19provide grants under this paragraph on a rolling basis. The department may not
20require the recipient of a grant under this paragraph to provide matching funds in
21an amount greater than 20 percent of the amount of the grant.
AB131,8,722(e) Grants to municipalities and the owner or manager of, or the holder of a
23solid waste facility license issued by the department for, privately owned solid waste

1disposal facilities to dispose of PFAS-containing biosolids or leachate at facilities
2that accept such biosolids or leachate or to purchase and install on-site treatment
3systems to address PFAS contained in biosolids or leachate. Grant moneys received
4under this paragraph may not be used for any cost associated with landspreading.
5The department may not require the recipient of a grant under this paragraph to
6provide matching funds in an amount greater than 20 percent of the amount of the
AB131,8,208(f) Grants for capital costs or debt service, including for facility upgrades or
9new infrastructure, to municipalities that are small or disadvantaged or in which
10rates for water or wastewater utilities will increase by more than 20 percent as a
11direct result of steps taken to address PFAS contamination. A grant provided
12under this paragraph may not exceed 50 percent of the municipalitys capital or
13debt service costs, and no municipality may receive grants under this paragraph
14that total more than 20 percent of the funding available for grants under this
15paragraph. The department shall give priority under this paragraph to projects
16that are necessary to address an exceedance of an applicable promulgated state or
17federal standard. The department shall accept applications for grants and provide
18grants under this paragraph on a rolling basis. A municipality may submit an
19application for a grant under this program at the same time as submitting an
20application for financial assistance under s. 281.58 or 281.61.
AB131,9,1521(g) Grants to municipalities for capital costs or other costs related to PFAS
22that are not otherwise paid from the environmental improvement fund, including
23costs for addressing solid waste disposal facilities or other contaminated lands

1owned, leased, managed, or contracted for by the municipality and costs incurred by
2fire departments, including to replace PFAS-containing firefighting foam; grants to
3municipalities for the preparation and implementation of pollutant minimization
4plans; and grants to municipalities for costs incurred by municipal public utilities
5or metropolitan sewerage districts created under ch. 200 for pretreatment or other
6PFAS source reduction measures for an interconnected customer or other regular
7customer if the costs incurred are less than the costs of the upgrades otherwise
8required at the endpoint treatment facility and if the costs are approved by the
9governing body of the municipality or the metropolitan sewerage district. No
10municipality may receive grants under this paragraph that total more than 20
11percent of the funding available for grants under this paragraph. The department
12may not require the recipient of a grant under this paragraph to provide matching
13funds in an amount greater than 20 percent of the amount of the grant. The
14department shall accept applications for grants and provide grants under this
15paragraph on a rolling basis.
AB131,9,1916(3) Limitations. (a) The department may not require the recipient of a grant
17under sub. (2) to take action to address PFAS contamination unless testing
18demonstrates that PFAS levels exceed the amount allowed under any applicable
19state or federal law, including any standard promulgated under state or federal law.
AB131,9,2320(b) The department may not publicly disclose the results of any PFAS testing
21conducted under this section unless the department notifies the grant recipient at
22least 72 hours before publicly disclosing any test result. This paragraph does not
23apply to any testing required or conducted under ch. 281 or 283.
1Section 10. 292.32 of the statutes is created to read:
AB131,10,32292.32 Limitations on department actions relating to PFAS. (1)
3Definitions. In this section:
AB131,10,54(a) Construction project means a building project that will affect one or
5more parcels.
AB131,10,66(b) PFAS has the meaning given in s. 292.315 (1).
AB131,10,127(c) Public works means the physical structures and facilities developed or
8acquired by a local unit of government or a federally recognized American Indian
9tribe or band in this state to provide services and functions for the benefit and use
10of the public, including water, sewerage, waste disposal, utilities, and
11transportation, and privately owned solid waste disposal facilities that accept
12residential waste.
AB131,10,1613(2) Construction projects. Notwithstanding any conflicting provisions of
14this chapter, the department may not prevent, delay, or otherwise impede any
15construction project or project of public works on the basis of a presence of PFAS
16contamination unless the department determines any of the following:
AB131,10,1717(a) The project poses a substantial risk to public health or welfare.
AB131,10,1918(b) There is a substantial risk that the project will create worsening
19environmental conditions.