SB160-SSA1,8,10 7(3) Agreements between parties. Nothing in this subchapter shall prevent or
8abrogate an agreement between a licensee and another licensee, a 3rd-party service
9provider, or another party to fulfill any of the requirements under s. 601.953 or
SB160-SSA1,8,13 11(4) Private cause of action. This subchapter may not be construed to create
12or imply a private cause of action for violation of its provisions or to curtail a private
13cause of action that otherwise exists in the absence of this subchapter.
SB160-SSA1,8,15 14(5) Rules. The commissioner may promulgate rules that are necessary to carry
15out the provisions of this subchapter.
SB160-SSA1,5 16Section 5. 601.952 of the statutes is created to read:
SB160-SSA1,8,24 17601.952 Information security program. (1) Implementation of program.
18No later than one year after the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts
19date], a licensee shall develop, implement, and maintain a comprehensive written
20information security program based on the licensee's risk assessment under sub. (2)
21and consistent with the conditions of sub. (3) (a). The program shall contain
22administrative, technical, and physical safeguards for the protection of the licensee's
23information systems and nonpublic information. The licensee shall design the
24program to do all of the following:
1(a) Protect against threats and hazards to the security and integrity of the
2information systems and nonpublic information.
SB160-SSA1,9,53 (b) Protect against unauthorized access to and use of nonpublic information
4and minimize the likelihood of harm to a consumer from the unauthorized access or
SB160-SSA1,9,86 (c) Establish and periodically reevaluate a schedule for retention and disposal
7of nonpublic information and establish a mechanism for the destruction of nonpublic
8information that is no longer needed.
SB160-SSA1,9,10 9(2) Risk assessment. The licensee shall conduct a risk assessment under which
10the licensee shall do all of the following:
SB160-SSA1,9,1411 (a) Identify reasonably foreseeable internal and external threats that could
12result in unauthorized access to or transmission, disclosure, misuse, alteration, or
13destruction of nonpublic information, including nonpublic information that is
14accessible to or held by 3rd-party service providers of the licensee.
SB160-SSA1,9,1615 (b) Assess the likelihood and potential damage of the threats identified under
16par. (a), taking into consideration the sensitivity of the nonpublic information.
SB160-SSA1,9,1917 (c) Assess the sufficiency of policies, procedures, information systems, and
18other safeguards to manage the threats identified under par. (a) in each relevant
19area of the licensee's operations, including all of the following:
SB160-SSA1,9,2020 1. Employee training and management.
SB160-SSA1,9,2221 2. Information systems, including the classification, governance, processing,
22storage, transmission, and disposal of information.
SB160-SSA1,9,2423 3. Processes for detecting, preventing, and responding to attacks, intrusions,
24and other system failures.
1(3) Risk management. Based on the risk assessment under sub. (2), the licensee
2shall do all of the following:
SB160-SSA1,10,63 (a) Design an information security program to mitigate the identified threats,
4commensurate with the size and complexity of the licensee, the nature and scope of
5the licensee's activities, including its use of 3rd-party service providers, and the
6sensitivity of the nonpublic information.
SB160-SSA1,10,77 (b) Implement the following security measures, as appropriate:
SB160-SSA1,10,88 1. Place access controls on information systems.
SB160-SSA1,10,129 2. Identify and manage the data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities
10that enable the licensee to achieve its business purposes, taking into consideration
11the relative importance of the data, personnel, devices, systems, and facilities to the
12business objectives and risk strategy of the licensee.
SB160-SSA1,10,1413 3. Restrict physical access to nonpublic information to authorized individuals
SB160-SSA1,10,1715 4. Protect, by encryption or other means, nonpublic information being
16transmitted over an external network and nonpublic information stored on a
17portable computer or storage device or media.
SB160-SSA1,10,1918 5. Adopt secure development practices for applications that are developed
19in-house and utilized by the licensee.
SB160-SSA1,10,2120 6. Modify information systems in accordance with the licensee's information
21security program.
SB160-SSA1,10,2322 7. Utilize effective controls, which may include multifactor authentication
23procedures for employees accessing nonpublic information.
SB160-SSA1,10,2524 8. Implement regular testing and monitoring of systems and procedures to
25detect actual and attempted attacks on, or intrusions into, an information system.
19. Include audit trails within the information security program that are
2designed to detect and respond to cybersecurity events and to reconstruct material
3financial transactions sufficient to support the normal operations and obligations of
4the licensee.
SB160-SSA1,11,75 10. Implement measures to protect against the destruction, loss, or damage of
6nonpublic information due to environmental hazards, natural and other disasters,
7and technological failures.
SB160-SSA1,11,98 11. Develop, implement, and maintain practices for the secure disposal of
9nonpublic information in all formats.