AB68-SSA1,1577,621 (1) Emergency rules for conservation grant program. The department of
22agriculture, trade and consumer protection may use the procedure under s. 227.24
23to promulgate emergency rules relating to the conservation grant program under s.
2493.76. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), when promulgating emergency
25rules under this subsection, the department is not required to provide evidence that

1promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the
2preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to
3provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
4Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (e) 1d. and 1g., for emergency rules promulgated under
5this subsection, the department is not required to prepare a statement of scope of the
6rules or to submit the proposed rules in final draft form to the governor for approval.
AB68-SSA1,1577,187 (2) Emergency rules for regenerative agriculture practices grant program.
8The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection may use the
9procedure under s. 227.24 to promulgate emergency rules relating to the
10regenerative agriculture practices grant program under s. 93.75. Notwithstanding
11s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), when promulgating emergency rules under this subsection,
12the department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under
13this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public
14peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency
15for a rule promulgated under this subsection. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (e) 1d.
16and 1g., for emergency rules promulgated under this subsection, the department is
17not required to prepare a statement of scope of the rules or to submit the proposed
18rules in final draft form to the governor for approval.
AB68-SSA1,1578,819 (3) Emergency rules for food security and Wisconsin products grant
The department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection may use the
21procedure under s. 227.24 to promulgate emergency rules relating to the food
22security and Wisconsin products grant program under s. 93.60 for the period before
23the effective date of any permanent rules promulgated under s. 93.60 but not to
24exceed the period authorized under s. 227.24 (1) (c), subject to extension under s.
25227.24 (2). Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3), when promulgating

1emergency rules under this subsection, the department is not required to provide
2evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is
3necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is
4not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this
5subsection. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (e) 1d. and 1g., for emergency rules
6promulgated under this subsection, the department is not required to prepare a
7statement of scope of the rules or to submit the proposed rules in final draft form to
8the governor for approval.
AB68-SSA1,1578,229 (4) Emergency rules for meat processing facility grant program. The
10department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection may use the procedure
11under s. 227.24 to promulgate emergency rules relating to the meat processing
12facility grant program under s. 93.68 for the period before the effective date of any
13permanent rules promulgated under s. 93.68 but not to exceed the period authorized
14under s. 227.24 (1) (c), subject to extension under s. 227.24 (2). Notwithstanding s.
15227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3), when promulgating emergency rules under this
16subsection, the department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a
17rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of
18the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding
19of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection. Notwithstanding s.
20227.24 (1) (e) 1d. and 1g., for emergency rules promulgated under this subsection, the
21department is not required to prepare a statement of scope of the rules or to submit
22the proposed rules in final draft form to the governor for approval.
AB68-SSA1,9103 23Section 9103. Nonstatutory provisions; Arts Board.
AB68-SSA1,9104 24Section 9104. Nonstatutory provisions; Building Commission.
1Section 9105. Nonstatutory provisions; Child Abuse and Neglect
2Prevention Board.
AB68-SSA1,1579,53 (1) 2021-23 Authorized State Building Program. For the fiscal years
4beginning on July 1, 2021, and ending on June 30, 2023, the Authorized State
5Building Program is as follows: - See PDF for table PDF
AB68-SSA1,9106 6Section 9106. Nonstatutory provisions; Children and Families.
AB68-SSA1,1579,77 (1) Criminal history and child abuse record searches.
AB68-SSA1,1579,118 (a) Notwithstanding s. 48.685 (1) (bm), for the purposes of conducting a
9criminal history and child abuse record search under s. 48.685, “nonclient resident”
10includes a person who has attained 10 years of age on the effective date of this
AB68-SSA1,1579,1512 (b) Notwithstanding s. 48.686 (1) (bm), for the purposes of conducting a
13criminal history and child abuse record search under s. 48.686, “household member”
14includes a person who has attained 10 years of age on the effective date of this
1(2) Child abuse and neglect prevention program; home visitation. Within the
2allocation under s. 49.175 (1) (u), the department of children and families shall
3allocate to the nurse family partnership home visitation program under s. 48.983 (4)
4(b) in a county with a population of 750,000 or more an additional $500,000 annually,
5beginning in fiscal year 2021-22.
AB68-SSA1,1580,126 (3) Child care quality improvement program. Using the procedure under s.
7227.24, the department of children and families may promulgate the rules
8authorized under s. 49.133 (2) as emergency rules. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a)
9and (3), the department of children and families is not required to provide evidence
10that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for
11the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to
12provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
AB68-SSA1,1580,1913 (4) Internet assistance program. Using the procedure under s. 227.24, the
14department of children and families may promulgate the rules authorized under s.
1549.168 (2) as emergency rules. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the
16department of children and families is not required to provide evidence that
17promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the
18preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to
19provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
AB68-SSA1,1581,320 (5) Emergency rules concerning qualified residential treatment programs.
21The department of children and families may promulgate emergency rules under s.
22227.24 to implement s. 48.675. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2), emergency
23rules promulgated under this subsection remain in effect until July 1, 2023, or the
24date on which permanent rules take effect, whichever is sooner. Notwithstanding
25s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the department is not required to provide evidence that

1promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the
2preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to
3provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
AB68-SSA1,9107 4Section 9107. Nonstatutory provisions; Circuit Courts.
AB68-SSA1,1581,85 (1) Circuit courts designated to begin operation in 2021. The circuit court
6branches added in s. 753.06 (4) (a), (7) (e), (9) (g), and (10) (f), are the additional
7branches authorized to be added and allocated by the director of state courts under
8s. 753.0605 (1) to begin operation on August 1, 2021.
AB68-SSA1,9108 9Section 9108. Nonstatutory provisions; Corrections.
AB68-SSA1,1581,2110 (1) Earned release program; report. No later than the first day of the 12th
11month beginning after the effective date of this subsection, the department of
12corrections shall submit a report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for
13distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3). The
14department shall report on the aging and elderly population of inmates in Wisconsin
15prisons, the costs of health care and other accommodations for that population, and
16trends and projections for the aging and elderly population and associated costs. The
17department shall also report on the feasibility, including costs and projected savings,
18of establishing and operating a state run facility for elderly inmates, the feasibility
19for adopting electronic monitoring as an alternative to incarceration for elderly
20inmates, and the possibility for eligibility for medical assistance for individuals who
21would qualify for alternatives to incarceration.
AB68-SSA1,1582,222 (2) Earned release program; rules. The department of corrections shall
23update its administrative rules to implement earned release for completion of a
24vocational readiness training program under s. 302.05 (3), including specification of

1the eligibility criteria for persons sentenced before the effective date of this
2subsection to participate in the program.
AB68-SSA1,1582,103 (3) Conditions of supervision. No later than July 1, 2022, the department of
4corrections shall review the efficacy of its standard conditions and rules of
5supervision, and shall provide a report to the governor, the chief clerk of each house
6of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees in the
7manner provided under s. 13.172 (3), and the director of state courts. The report shall
8include the number of violations reported for each condition and rule and a
9comparison of the department of correction's standard conditions and rules of
10supervision to conditions and rules of supervision in other states.
AB68-SSA1,1582,2111 (4) Earned compliance credit. A person who is serving a sentence for a
12violation other than a crime specified in ch. 940 or s. 948.02, 948.025, 948.03, 948.05,
13948.051, 948.055, 948.06, 948.07, 948.075, 948.08, 948.085, or 948.095 and who is in
14custody upon revocation of extended supervision or parole on the effective date of this
15subsection may petition the department to be given credit under s. 973.156. Upon
16proper verification of the facts alleged in the petition, s. 973.156 shall be applied
17retroactively to the person. If the department is unable to determine whether credit
18should be given, or otherwise refuses to award retroactive credit, the person may
19petition the sentencing court for relief. This subsection applies regardless of the date
20the person was sentenced. A person who is required to register under s. 301.45 is not
21eligible to receive credit under this subsection.
AB68-SSA1,1582,2222 (5) Reports on risk assessment and training.
AB68-SSA1,1583,723 (a) The department of corrections shall conduct a review of the department's
24evidence-based risk assessment tool and shall submit a report to the governor, the
25chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate

1standing committees in the manner provided under s. 13.172 (3), and the director of
2state courts no later than the first day of the 12th month beginning after the effective
3date of this paragraph. The department shall include in the report a review of the
4available alternatives to the current risk assessment tool and the costs and savings
5that would result from the use of alternatives. The department shall include in its
6review the efficacy of an evidence-based risk assessment tool that uses ongoing or
7recurring evaluations of an individual's ability to meet the conditions of supervision.
AB68-SSA1,1583,148 (b) The department of corrections shall conduct a review of the department's
9training of community supervision officers and shall submit a report to the governor,
10the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate
11standing committees in the manner provided under s. 13.172 (3), and the director of
12state courts no later than the first day of the 12th month beginning after the effective
13date of this paragraph. The department shall include in its report an evaluation of
14best practices and outcomes of training models used in other states.
AB68-SSA1,1583,2015 (6) Secured juvenile facilities; terminology change. All rules promulgated
16by the department of corrections in effect on the effective date of this subsection that
17are related to Type-1 juvenile correctional facilities, as determined by the secretary
18of administration, remain in effect and apply to any secured residential care center
19for children and youth operated by the department of corrections until their specified
20expiration dates or until amended or repealed by the department of corrections.
AB68-SSA1,1583,2421 (7) Sentence adjustment for youthful offenders. No later than the first day
22of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection, the department
23of corrections shall provide written notice under s. 973.018 (3) (a) to all youthful
24offenders who have served at least 14 years of their terms of imprisonment.
AB68-SSA1,9109 25Section 9109. Nonstatutory provisions; Court of Appeals.