SB45,1410,2321(e) A member of the board or a 3rd-party contractor may not accept any gift or 22donation of services or property that indicates a potential conflict of interest or has 23the appearance of biasing the work of the board. SB45,2893
1Section 2893. 601.79 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1411,32601.79 Drug cost affordability review. (1) Identification of drugs. 3The board shall identify prescription drug products that are any of the following: SB45,1411,74(a) A brand name drug or biologic that, as adjusted annually to reflect 5adjustments to the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city 6average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor, has a launch wholesale 7acquisition cost of at least $30,000 per year or course of treatment. SB45,1411,118(b) A brand name drug or biologic that, as adjusted annually to reflect 9adjustments to the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city 10average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor, has a wholesale acquisition 11cost that has increased by at least $3,000 during a 12-month period. SB45,1411,1412(c) A biosimilar that has a launch wholesale acquisition cost that is not at 13least 15 percent lower than the referenced brand biologic at the time the biosimilar 14is launched. SB45,1411,1815(d) A generic drug that has a wholesale acquisition cost, as adjusted annually 16to reflect adjustments to the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, 17U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor, that meets all of 18the following conditions: SB45,1412,2191. Is at least $100 for a supply lasting a patient for a period of 30 consecutive 20days based on the recommended dosage approved for labeling by the federal food 21and drug administration, a supply lasting a patient for a period of fewer than 30 22days based on the recommended dosage approved for labeling by the federal food
1and drug administration, or one unit of the drug if the labeling approved by the 2federal food and drug administration does not recommend a finite dosage. SB45,1412,632. Increased by at least 200 percent during the preceding 12-month period, as 4determined by the difference between the resulting wholesale acquisition cost and 5the average of the wholesale acquisition cost reported over the preceding 12 6months. SB45,1412,97(e) Other prescription drug products, including drugs to address public health 8emergencies, that may create affordability challenges for the health care system 9and patients in this state. SB45,1412,1410(2) Affordability review. (a) After identifying prescription drug products 11under sub. (1), the board shall determine whether to conduct an affordability 12review for each identified prescription drug product by seeking stakeholder input 13about the prescription drug product and considering the average patient cost share 14of the prescription drug product. SB45,1412,2015(b) The information used to conduct an affordability review under par. (a) may 16include any document and research related to the manufacturer’s selection of the 17introductory price or price increase of the prescription drug product, including life 18cycle management, net average price in this state, market competition and context, 19projected revenue, and the estimated value or cost-effectiveness of the prescription 20drug product. SB45,1412,2321(c) The failure of a manufacturer to provide the board with information for an 22affordability review under par. (b) does not affect the authority of the board to 23conduct the review. SB45,1413,8
1(3) Affordability challenge. When conducting an affordability review of a 2prescription drug product under sub. (2), the board shall determine whether use of 3the prescription drug product that is fully consistent with the labeling approved by 4the federal food and drug administration or standard medical practice has led or 5will lead to an affordability challenge for the health care system in this state, 6including high out-of-pocket costs for patients. To the extent practicable, in 7determining whether a prescription drug product has led or will lead to an 8affordability challenge, the board shall consider all of the following factors: SB45,1413,109(a) The wholesale acquisition cost for the prescription drug product sold in 10this state. SB45,1413,1411(b) The average monetary price concession, discount, or rebate the 12manufacturer provides, or is expected to provide, to health plans in this state as 13reported by manufacturers and health plans, expressed as a percentage of the 14wholesale acquisition cost for the prescription drug product under review. SB45,1413,1815(c) The total amount of the price concessions, discounts, and rebates the 16manufacturer provides to each pharmacy benefit manager for the prescription drug 17product under review, as reported by the manufacturer and pharmacy benefit 18manager and expressed as a percentage of the wholesale acquisition cost. SB45,1413,2019(d) The price at which therapeutic alternatives to the prescription drug 20product have been sold in this state. SB45,1413,2321(e) The average monetary concession, discount, or rebate the manufacturer 22provides or is expected to provide to health plan payors and pharmacy benefit 23managers in this state for therapeutic alternatives to the prescription drug product. SB45,1414,3
1(f) The costs to health plans based on patient access consistent with labeled 2indications by the federal food and drug administration and recognized standard 3medical practice. SB45,1414,54(g) The impact on patient access resulting from the cost of the prescription 5drug product relative to insurance benefit design. SB45,1414,76(h) The current or expected dollar value of drug-specific patient access 7programs that are supported by the manufacturer. SB45,1414,108(i) The relative financial impacts to health, medical, or social services costs 9that can be quantified and compared to baseline effects of existing therapeutic 10alternatives to the prescription drug product. SB45,1414,1211(j) The average patient copay or other cost sharing for the prescription drug 12product in this state. SB45,1414,1313(k) Any information a manufacturer chooses to provide. SB45,1414,1414(L) Any other factors as determined by the board by rule. SB45,1414,1815(4) Upper payment limit. (a) If the board determines under sub. (3) that use 16of a prescription drug product has led or will lead to an affordability challenge, the 17board shall establish an upper payment limit for the prescription drug product after 18considering all of the following: SB45,1414,19191. The cost of administering the drug. SB45,1414,20202. The cost of delivering the drug to consumers.