27. Recementing of a permanent crown.
28. Any additional services, treatments, or procedures specified in the rules
18promulgated under s. 447.02 (1) (g).
(d) 1. A dental therapist licensed under this chapter may provide dental
20therapy services only under the general supervision of a qualifying dentist with
21whom the dental therapist has entered into a collaborative management agreement.
22For purposes of this subdivision, general supervision of a dental therapist by a
23qualifying dentist requires that a task or procedure be performed by a dental
24therapist with the prior knowledge and consent of the qualifying dentist but does not
25require the presence of the qualifying dentist in the office or on the premises at the
1time a task or procedure is being performed by the dental therapist and does not
2require prior examination or diagnosis of a patient by the qualifying dentist before
3the dental therapist provides dental therapy services to the patient.
2. A supervising dentist under subd. 1. shall accept responsibility for all
5services performed by a dental therapist pursuant to a collaborative management
6agreement. If services needed by a patient are beyond the dental therapist's scope
7of practice or authorization under the collaborative management agreement, the
8dental therapist shall, to the extent required under the collaborative management
9agreement, consult with the supervising dentist under subd. 1. as needed to arrange
10for those services to be provided by a qualifying dentist or another qualified health
11care professional.
(e) 1. Prior to providing any dental therapy services, a dental therapist shall
13enter into a written collaborative management agreement with a qualifying dentist
14who will serve as a supervising dentist under par. (d). The agreement must be signed
15by the dental therapist and the qualifying dentist and address all of the following:
a. The practice settings in which services may be provided and the patient
17populations that may be served.
b. Any conditions or limitations on the services that may be provided by the
19dental therapist, the level of supervision required, and any circumstances requiring
20consultation prior to performing services.
c. Age-specific and procedure-specific practice protocols.
d. Dental record-keeping procedures.
e. Plans for managing dental or medical emergencies.
f. A quality assurance plan for monitoring care provided by the dental
1g. Protocols for administering and dispensing medications.
h. Criteria or protocols relating to the provision of care to patients with specific
3medical conditions, treatments, or medications.
i. Policies relating to supervision of dental hygienists and other staff.
j. A plan for the referral of patients to other dental or health care professionals
6or clinics when services needed are beyond the scope of practice or authorization of
7the dental therapist.
k. Whether and to what extent the dental therapist may perform services
9described in par. (c) 15.
2. a. A collaborative management agreement shall be limited to covering one
11qualifying dentist and one dental therapist.
b. A dental therapist may enter into multiple collaborative management
c. No qualifying dentist may have collaborative management agreements with
15more than 5 dental therapists at any time.
16Section 2871
. 447.065 of the statutes is amended to read:
17447.065 Delegation of remediable procedures and dental practices. (1) 18A dentist
or dental therapist who is licensed
to practice dentistry under this chapter
19may delegate to an individual who is not licensed under this chapter only the
20performance of remediable procedures, and only if all of the following conditions are
(a) The unlicensed individual performs the remediable procedures in
23accordance with a treatment plan approved by the dentist
or dental therapist.
(b) The dentist
or dental therapist is on the premises when the unlicensed
25individual performs the remediable procedures.
1(c) The unlicensed individual's performance of the remediable procedures is
2subject to inspection by the dentist
or dental therapist.
3(2) Subject to the requirements under s. 447.06 (2), a dentist
or dental therapist 4who is licensed
to practice dentistry under this chapter may delegate to a dental
5hygienist who is licensed to practice dental hygiene under this chapter the
6performance of remediable procedures and the administration of oral systemic
7premedications, local anesthesia, nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia, and
8subgingival sustained release chemotherapeutic agents
, to the extent the dentist or
9dental therapist has the authority to perform the activity personally.
10(3) A dentist
or dental therapist who delegates to another individual the
11performance of any practice or remediable procedure is responsible for that
12individual's performance of that delegated practice or procedure.
13Section 2872
. 447.07 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) The examining board may, without further notice or process, limit,
15suspend, or revoke the license or certificate of any dentist
, dental therapist, or dental
16hygienist, or the registration of a mobile dentistry program registrant, who fails,
17within 60 days after the mailing of written notice to the dentist's,
dental therapist's, 18dental hygienist's, or registrant's last-known address, to renew the license,
19certificate, or registration.
20Section 2873
. 447.07 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read: