SB45,1403,2018(f) Create, publicize, and implement a method of communication to promptly 19answer questions from and address the needs of persons affected by the 20implementation of the program before the program is fully operational. SB45,1403,2221(g) Establish the audit functions under sub. (1) (n) with a timeline to complete 22each audit function every 2 years. SB45,1404,2
1(h) Conduct any other activities determined by the commissioner to be 2important to successful implementation of the program. SB45,1404,43(5) Report. By January 1 and July 1 of each year, the commissioner shall 4submit to the joint committee on finance a report including all of the following: SB45,1404,65(a) A list of prescription drugs included in the prescription drug importation 6program under this section. SB45,1404,97(b) The number of pharmacies, health care providers, and health plans and 8health insurance policies participating in the prescription drug importation 9program under this section. SB45,1404,1410(c) The estimated amount of savings to residents of this state, health plans 11and health insurance policies, and employers resulting from the implementation of 12the prescription drug importation program under this section reported from the 13date of the previous report under this subsection and from the date the program 14was fully operational. SB45,1404,1615(d) Findings of any audit functions under sub. (1) (n) completed since the date 16of the previous report under this subsection. SB45,1404,1817(6) Rule making. The commissioner may promulgate any rules necessary to 18implement this section. SB45,288919Section 2889. 601.59 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1404,2020601.59 State-based exchange. (1) Definitions. In this section: SB45,1404,2121(a) “Exchange” has the meaning given in 45 CFR 155.20. SB45,1405,222(b) “State-based exchange on the federal platform” means an exchange that is
1described in and meets the requirements of 45 CFR 155.200 (f) and is approved by 2the federal secretary of health and human services under 45 CFR 155.106. SB45,1405,63(c) “State-based exchange without the federal platform” means an exchange, 4other than one described in 45 CFR 155.200 (f), that performs all the functions 5described in 45 CFR 155.200 (a) and is approved by the federal secretary of health 6and human services under 45 CFR 155.106. SB45,1405,137(2) Establishment and operation of state-based exchange. The 8commissioner shall establish and operate an exchange that at first is a state-based 9exchange on the federal platform and then subsequently transitions to a state-10based exchange without the federal platform. The commissioner shall develop 11procedures to address the transition from the state-based exchange on the federal 12platform to the state-based exchange without the federal platform, including the 13circumstances that shall be met in order for the transition to occur. SB45,1405,1614(3) Agreement with federal government. The commissioner may enter 15into any agreement with the federal government necessary to facilitate the 16implementation of this section. SB45,1405,2217(4) User fees. The commissioner shall impose a user fee, as authorized 18under 45 CFR 155.160 (b) (1), on each insurer that offers a health plan through the 19state-based exchange on the federal platform or the state-based exchange without 20the federal platform. The user fee shall be applied at one of the following rates on 21the total monthly premiums charged by an insurer for each policy under the plan for 22which enrollment is through the exchange: SB45,1406,2
1(a) For any plan year for which the commissioner operates a state-based 2exchange on the federal platform, the rate is 0.5 percent. SB45,1406,63(b) For the first 2 plan years for which the commissioner operates a state-4based exchange without the federal platform, the rate is equal to the user fee rate 5the federal department of health and human services specifies under 45 CFR 6156.50 (c) (1) for the federally facilitated exchanges for the applicable plan year. SB45,1406,97(c) Beginning with the 3rd plan year for which the commissioner operates a 8state-based exchange without the federal platform and for each plan year 9thereafter, the rate shall be set by the commissioner by rule. SB45,1406,1110(5) Rules. The commissioner may promulgate rules necessary to implement 11this section. SB45,289012Section 2890. Subchapter VI (title) of chapter 601 [precedes 601.78] of the 13statutes is created to read: SB45,1406,1414CHAPTER 601 SB45,1406,1515SUBCHAPTER VI SB45,1406,1616PRESCRIPTION DRUG SB45,1406,1717AFFORDABILITY REVIEW BOARD SB45,289118Section 2891. 601.78 of the statutes is created to read: SB45,1406,1919601.78 Definitions. In this subchapter: SB45,1406,2120(1) “Biologic” means a drug that is produced or distributed in accordance with 21a biologics license application approved under 21 CFR 601.20.