SB548,,2727• The right to cast a secret ballot, without anyone bothering you or telling you how to vote. SB548,,2828• If you have a disability, the right to get help casting your ballot from anyone you choose, except from your employer or union representative. SB548,,2929• The right to get help voting in a language other than English if enough voters where you live speak your language. SB548,,3030• The right to get a new ballot if you made a mistake. You can get up to 3 ballots in all if you make a mistake and have not already cast your ballot. SB548,,3131• The right to cast a provisional ballot. You can cast a provisional ballot if you are unable or unwilling to provide required proof of identification for voting or a valid driver license or identification card number for registering to vote on election day. Your provisional ballot will not be counted unless you provide the required information to the poll workers by 8:00 p.m. on election day or to the municipal clerk by 4:00 p.m. of the Friday following the election. SB548,,3232• The right to have your ballot counted accurately. SB548,,3333• The right to vote free from coercion or intimidation by any election official or other person. SB548,,3434• The right to report any illegal or fraudulent election activity to an elections official or the State of Wisconsin Elections Commission. SB548,1035Section 10. 5.35 (6) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read: SB548,,36365.35 (6) (a) 5. Any other voting information directed to be posted by the commission to be posted or to be noticed under par. (d). SB548,1137Section 11. 5.35 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: SB548,,38385.35 (6) (b) At Except as authorized under par. (d), at each polling place in the state where a consolidated ballot under s. 5.655 is used or an electronic voting system is utilized at a partisan primary election incorporating a ballot upon which electors may mark votes for candidates of more than one recognized political party, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall prominently post a sign in the form prescribed by the commission warning electors in substance that on any ballot with votes cast for candidates of more than one recognized political party, no votes cast for any candidates for partisan office will be counted unless a preference for a party is made. If the elector designates a preference, only votes cast for candidates of that preference will be counted. SB548,1239Section 12. 5.35 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: SB548,,40405.35 (6) (c) At Except as authorized under par. (d), at each polling place located in a municipality that is served by more than one polling place for an election, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall prominently post a map of the geographic area served by the polling place for that election. The posting shall clearly show the boundaries of the ward or wards served by the polling place for that election. SB548,1341Section 13. 5.35 (6) (d) of the statutes is created to read: SB548,,42425.35 (6) (d) As an alternative to any posting requirement under this subsection, the commission may authorize another means of providing notice to affected electors of the information specified in this subsection if the commission determines that the alternative means of providing the information is at least as effective as posting. Any authorization under this paragraph shall be in writing and shall specify the particular alternative means of notification that may be used. SB548,1443Section 14. 6.256 of the statutes is created to read: SB548,,44446.256 Commission shall facilitate registration of electors. (1) Except as provided for individuals specified in sub. (8) and as otherwise expressly provided, the commission shall use all feasible means to facilitate the registration of all eligible electors of this state who are subject to a registration requirement and the maintenance of the registration of all eligible electors for so long as an elector remains eligible. SB548,,4545(2) Subject to s. 343.14 (2p) (b), for the purpose of carrying out its functions under sub. (1), the commission shall obtain the following information from the department of transportation, to the extent that the department has the information: SB548,,4646(a) The full name of each individual who holds a current operator’s license issued to the individual under ch. 343 or a current identification card issued to the individual under s. 343.50, together with the following information pertaining to that individual: SB548,,47471. The current address of the individual together with any address history and any name history maintained by the department of transportation. SB548,,48482. The date of birth of the individual. SB548,,49493. The number of the license or identification card issued to the individual. SB548,,50504. A copy of the document that the applicant provided as proof of citizenship and a statement from the department of transportation indicating that the department verified the applicant’s citizenship. For purposes of this subdivision, the applicant shall provide a document that meets the requirements under 42 USC 1320b-7 (d). SB548,,5151(b) For each item of information specified in this subsection, the most recent date that the item of information was provided to or obtained by the department of transportation. SB548,,5252(3) The commission shall compare the information obtained under sub. (2) with the information in the registration list under s. 6.36 (1) (a). If the commission finds discrepancies between the information obtained under sub. (2) regarding an elector and the information in the registration list under s. 6.36 (1) (a) regarding that same elector, the commission shall contact the elector by mail or telephone or in person to resolve the discrepancies. If the commission is able to resolve the discrepancies after contacting the elector, the commission shall update the information on the registration list. If the commission is unable to contact the elector, the commission shall resolve any discrepancies in favor of the information in the registration list. SB548,,5353(4) Except as provided in this subsection and sub. (8), if the commission concludes that an individual appears eligible to vote in this state but is not registered, and the commission has obtained from reliable sources all the information required under s. 6.33 (1) to complete the individual’s registration, the commission shall enter the individual’s name on the registration list. If the commission has not obtained from reliable sources all the information pertaining to an individual that is required under s. 6.33 (1), the commission shall attempt to obtain from reliable sources the necessary information under s. 6.33 (1) that is required to complete the individual’s registration. If an elector’s status has been changed from eligible to ineligible under s. 6.50 (2) or (2g) and the elector’s eligibility, name, or residence has not changed, the commission may not change the individual’s name to eligible status unless the commission first verifies that the individual is eligible and wishes to change his or her status to eligible. SB548,,5454(5) The commission shall attempt to contact an individual described in sub. (4) if necessary to obtain all the information specified in s. 6.33 (1) pertaining to the individual that is required to complete the individual’s registration. SB548,,5555(6) If the commission is able to obtain all the required information specified in s. 6.33 (1) pertaining to an individual, the commission shall enter the name of the individual on the registration list maintained under s. 6.36 (1) (a).