AB68,1435,2019 5. The person failed to report or make himself or herself available for
20supervision for a period of more than 60 consecutive days.
AB68,2752 21Section 2752 . 304.06 (3g) of the statutes is repealed.
AB68,2753 22Section 2753. 304.071 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1435,2523 304.071 (2) If a prisoner is not eligible for parole under s. 961.49 (2), 1999 stats.,
24or s. 939.62 (2m) (c), 973.01 (6), 973.014 (1) (c) or , (1g), or (3) (c), or 973.032 (5), he or
25she is not eligible for parole under this section.
1Section 2754. 304.072 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1436,62 304.072 (4) The sentence of a revoked parolee or person on extended
3supervision resumes running on the day he or she is received at a correctional
4institution subject to sentence credit for the period of custody in a jail, correctional
5institution or any other detention facility pending revocation according to the terms
6of s. 973.155 and subject to earned compliance credit under s. 973.156.
AB68,2755 7Section 2755. 321.37 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1436,18 8321.37 No discrimination. No person, otherwise qualified, may be denied
9membership in the national guard or state defense force because of sex, color, race,
10creed, or sexual orientation, gender expression, as defined in s. 111.32 (7j), or gender
11identity, as defined in s. 111.32 (7k),
and no member of the national guard or state
12defense force may be segregated within the national guard or state defense force on
13the basis of sex, color, race, creed, or sexual orientation, gender expression, as defined
14in s. 111.32 (7j), or gender identity, as defined in s. 111.32 (7k)
. Nothing in this section
15prohibits separate facilities for persons of different sexes with regard to dormitory
16accommodations, toilets, showers, saunas, and dressing rooms, except that no person
17may be denied equal access to facilities most consistent with the person's gender
AB68,2756 19Section 2756. 321.40 (1) (c) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1436,2320 321.40 (1) (c) 2. A public institution of higher education under the
21Minnesota-Wisconsin Minnesota-University of Wisconsin System student
22reciprocity agreement under s. 36.27 (2r) or a public vocational school under the
ta-Wisconsin public vocational school reciprocity agreement under s. 39.47.
AB68,2757 24Section 2757. 323.14 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
1323.14 (1m) Considerations in federal hazard mitigation planning. If a city,
2village, town, or county develops a mitigation plan under 42 U.S.C. 5165, the city,
3village, town, or county shall consider the effects of climate change on the natural
4hazards, risks, and vulnerabilities of the city, village, town, or county and consider
5actions that may assist in mitigating the effects of climate change on these hazards,
6risks, and vulnerabilities.
AB68,2758 7Section 2758. 323.29 (3) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 323.29 (3) (a) (intro.)
8and amended to read:
AB68,1437,99 323.29 (3) (a) (intro.) The department shall provide do all of the following:
AB68,1437,10 101. Provide staff support for the council and oversight of.
AB68,1437,12 113. Oversee the development and operation of a any current or future statewide
12public safety interoperable communication system.
AB68,2759 13Section 2759. 323.29 (3) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,1437,1514 323.29 (3) (a) 2. Administer any current or future statewide public safety
15interoperable communication system.
AB68,2760 16Section 2760. 323.29 (3) (b) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,1437,1917 323.29 (3) (b) 3. Enter into agreements for maintenance and support of,
18upgrades to, and enhancements for the statewide public safety interoperable
19communication system under this section.
AB68,2761 20Section 2761. 323.31 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1438,11 21323.31 State disaster assistance. From the appropriations under s. 20.465
22(3) (b) and (s), the adjutant general shall make payments to retail electric
23cooperatives, as defined in s. 16.957 (1) (t), to local governmental units, as defined
24in s. 19.42 (7u), and to federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands in this
25state for the damages and costs incurred as the result of a disaster , including costs

1incurred for approved hazard mitigation measures after a disaster,
if federal disaster
2assistance is not available for that disaster because the governor's request that the
3president declare the disaster a major disaster under 42 USC 5170 has been denied
4or because the disaster, as determined by the department of military affairs, does not
5meet the statewide or countywide per capita impact indicator under the public
6assistance program that is issued by the federal emergency management agency. To
7be eligible for a payment under this section, the retail electric cooperative, local
8governmental unit, or tribe or band shall pay 30 percent of the amount of the
9damages and costs resulting from the disaster. The department of military affairs
10shall promulgate rules establishing the application process and the criteria for
11determining eligibility for payments under this section.
AB68,2762 12Section 2762. 323.72 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1438,14 13323.72 (title) Structural collapse Urban search and rescue emergency
AB68,2763 15Section 2763. 323.72 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1439,1116 323.72 (1) A regional structural collapse team An urban search and rescue task
17force designated by the division
shall assist in the at the discretion of the division in
emergency response to a structural collapse incident in a region of this state
19designated by the division
involving search, rescue, and recovery in the technical
20rescue disciplines to include structural collapse, rope rescue, vehicle extrication,
21machinery extrication, confined space, trench, excavation, and water operations in
22an urban search and rescue environment
. Whenever a regional structural collapse
an urban search and rescue task force assists in an emergency response under
24this subsection, it the division shall determine under the rules promulgated under
25sub. (5)
whether an emergency requiring the team's urban search and rescue task

response existed. If the regional structural collapse team division determines
2that such an emergency existed, it shall make a good faith effort to identify the
3person who is required to reimburse the division under sub. (3) and shall provide that
4information to the division
. The division shall contract with local agencies, as
5defined in s. 323.70 (1) (b), to establish no more than 4 regional structural collapse
an urban search and rescue task force. A member of a regional structural
7collapse team
an urban search and rescue task force shall meet the highest training,
8competency, and job performance requirement
standards for a structural collapse
search and rescue task force under the National Fire Protection Association
10standards NFPA 472, 1006, and 1670, and the urban search and rescue standard by
11the Emergency Management Accreditation program ANSI/EMAP US&R 2-2019
AB68,2764 12Section 2764 . 323.72 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,1440,213 323.72 (2) The From the appropriation under s. 20.465 (3) (h) or (hm), the
14division shall reimburse a regional structural collapse team local agency under sub.
for costs incurred by the team local agency in responding to an emergency
16involving a structural collapse incident if the team determines that a structural
17collapse emergency
requiring a an urban search and rescue task force response
18existed as provided under the rules promulgated under sub. (5) if the division
19determines that such a response was necessary
. Reimbursement under this
20subsection is limited to amounts collected under sub. (3). Reimbursement under this
21subsection is available only if the regional structure collapse team has identified the
22person who is required to reimburse the division under sub. (3) and provided that
23information to the division
shall be issued to the local agency within 60 days after
24receiving a complete application for reimbursement on a form prescribed by the

1division if the agency applies for reimbursement within 45 days after the conclusion
2of the deployment of the urban search and rescue task force
AB68,2765 3Section 2765 . 323.72 (2m) of the statutes is created to read: