NR 811.40(1)(f)(f) Mixing equipment shall be provided where necessary to assure a uniform chemical solution strength. Continuous mixing shall be provided to maintain slurries in suspension. NR 811.40(1)(h)(h) For non-bulk tanks, suction lines shall extend into the tank through the tank cover. Chemical feed pumps shall be installed at a height above the maximum liquid level in the chemical storage tank. Flooded suctions, for bulk tanks and if necessary to prevent loss of prime, may be approved by the department on a case-by-case basis. NR 811.40(1)(i)(i) Adequate means of draining tanks shall be provided, but there may be no direct connection between any drain piping and a sanitary sewer. Chemicals shall not be discharged directly to a storm sewer. Drain piping shall terminate at least 2 pipe diameters, but not less than 3 inches, above the overflow rim of a receiving sump, conduit or waste receptacle. NR 811.40(1)(j)(j) Overflow pipes, if provided, shall be turned downward, provided with a 24-mesh corrosion resistant screen, have a free air break discharge, and be located in a conspicuous location. NR 811.40(1)(k)(k) If subsurface locations for solution or storage tanks are approved by the department, the tanks shall be free from sources of possible contamination and located to assure positive drainage for groundwater, accumulated water, chemical spills, and overflows. NR 811.40(1)(L)(L) Chemicals shall be stored in accordance with the following requirements: NR 811.40(1)(L)1.1. Each chemical shall be provided with its own secondary leakage containment. NR 811.40(1)(L)2.2. Each of the following chemicals shall be stored in a separate room with no other chemicals: NR 811.40(1)(m)(m) All buried chemical solution lines and gas lines shall be installed within protective conduit piping. Each chemical solution line shall be placed in its own protective conduit piping. NR 811.40 NoteNote: When the chemical feed equipment will not be installed near the point of chemical application it is recommended that chemical solution piping be installed within protective conduit from the chemical feed equipment to the point of chemical application.
NR 811.40(1)(n)(n) Gases from feeders, storage, and equipment exhausts shall be conveyed to the exterior of the building above grade and remote from air intakes to reduce the health and safety risk to operators and reduce corrosion of equipment and facilities from chemical vapors. Chemical vapor ventilation systems shall meet the following requirements as applicable: NR 811.40(1)(n)1.1. Fluoride and ammonia liquid storage tanks shall be vented to the exterior of the building but not through vents in common with day tanks. NR 811.40(1)(n)2.2. Chemical tank vents, when provided, shall be vented to the exterior of the building and terminate downward facing with a 24-mesh corrosion resistant screen. The tank vent shall terminate as high as practical, but a minimum of 24 inches above surrounding grade. NR 811.40(1)(o)(o) Permanent signs identifying the chemical for each fill tube shall be posted at chemical offloading areas. Permanent signs identifying the tank contents shall be posted adjacent to or on chemical storage tanks. NR 811.40(1)(p)(p) Compliance with local, state, and federal safety codes, including department of safety and professional services and OSHA codes, for other applicable chemical safety and handling requirements is required. NR 811.40(2)(2) Handling facilities. Handling facilities shall meet the following requirements: NR 811.40(2)(a)(a) Equipment shall be provided for measuring quantities of chemicals used to prepare feed solutions. NR 811.40(2)(b)(b) Piping for chemicals shall be compatible with the chemical being conveyed. NR 811.40(2)(c)(c) The following equipment shall be provided for each installation where chemicals are handled: NR 811.40(2)(c)1.1. Where the eyes or body of any person may be exposed to injurious corrosive materials, suitable facilities for quick drenching or flushing of the eyes and body shall be provided as required in s. SPS 332.15. NR 811.40(2)(c)2.2. Rubber gloves, protective clothing, and safety goggles that form a tight seal with the face shall be provided for each operator who prepares chemical solutions. NR 811.40(2)(c)3.3. A dust respirator of the prescribed type shall be provided for handling dry chemicals if required in the respective material safety data sheet or s. SPS 332.15. NR 811.40(2)(d)(d) Provision shall be made for the transfer of dry chemicals from shipping containers to storage bins or hoppers in such a way as to minimize the quantity of dust generated. Control shall be provided by use of one of the following: