hist116503Assembly Bill 939
Relating to: the adoption of a biennial budget by a city, village, town, or county.
By Representative Zimmerman.
hist120516To committee on Local Government.
Message from the Senate
From: Jeffrey Renk, Senate Chief Clerk.
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed to inform you that the Senate has
Passed and asks concurrence in:
hist120729Senate Bill 50
Senate Bill 215
hist120731Senate Bill 383
hist120733Senate Bill 523
Senate Bill 525
hist120735Senate Bill 537
Senate Bill 541
hist120737Senate Bill 559
hist120739Senate Bill 583
hist120741Senate Bill 595
Senate Bill 605
hist120745Senate Bill 613
hist120747Senate Bill 637
hist120749Senate Bill 669
hist120751Senate Bill 684
hist120753Senate Bill 685
Senate Bill 690
hist119672Senate Bill 696
hist120755Senate Bill 700