AB43-ASA2,360,20 18(2) The department of justice shall provide funds from the appropriation under
19s. 20.455 (2) (fw) to support a statewide elder abuse hotline for persons to
20anonymously provide tips regarding suspected elder abuse.
AB43-ASA2,422 21Section 422. 165.95 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43-ASA2,361,422 165.95 (2) The department of justice shall make grants to counties and to tribes
23to enable them to establish and operate programs, including suspended and deferred
24prosecution programs and programs based on principles of restorative justice, that
25provide alternatives to prosecution and incarceration for criminal offenders who

1abuse alcohol or other drugs. The department of justice shall make the grants from
2the appropriations under s. 20.455 (2) (ek), (em), (jd), (kn), and (kv). The department
3of justice shall collaborate with the department of corrections and the department
4of health services in establishing this grant program.
AB43-ASA2,423 5Section 423 . 165.986 (7) of the statutes is repealed.
AB43-ASA2,424 6Section 424 . 165.989 of the statutes is repealed.
AB43-ASA2,425 7Section 425 . 196.025 (6) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43-ASA2,361,88 196.025 (6) (title) Police and fire protection 911 fee.
AB43-ASA2,426 9Section 426 . 196.025 (6) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43-ASA2,361,2510 196.025 (6) (b) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., a communications provider
11shall collect from each subscriber a monthly fee of $0.75 on each communications
12service connection with an assigned telephone number, including a communication
13service provided via a voice over Internet protocol connection. If a communications
14provider provides multiple communications service connections to a subscriber, the
15fee required to be collected by the communications provider under this subdivision
16shall be a separate fee on each of the first 10 connections and one additional fee for
17each 10 additional connections per billed account. A communications provider may
18list the fee separately from other charges on a subscriber's bill, and if a
19communications provider does so, the communications provider shall identify the fee
20as “police and fire protection 911 fee," or, if the communications provider combines
21the fee with a charge imposed under s. 256.35 (3), the communications provider shall
22identify the combined fee and charge as “charge for funding countywide 911 systems
23plus police and fire protection 911 fee." Any partial payment of a fee by a subscriber
24shall first be applied to any amount the subscriber owes the communications
25provider for communications service.
1Section 427. 196.025 (6) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43-ASA2,362,92 196.025 (6) (b) 2. A communications provider that offers a prepaid wireless
3telecommunications plan, or a retailer that offers such a plan on behalf of a
4communications provider, shall collect from each subscriber or purchaser a fee equal
5to $0.38 on each retail transaction for such a plan that occurs in this state. A
6communications provider or retailer may state the amount of the fee separately on
7a bill for the retail transaction, and if a communications provider or retailer does so,
8the communications provider or retailer shall identify the fee as “ police and fire
911 fee."
AB43-ASA2,428 10Section 428 . 196.025 (6) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB43-ASA2,362,1211 196.025 (6) (c) 3. The commission and department shall deposit all fees
12remitted under subds. 1. and 2. into the police and fire protection 911 fund.
AB43-ASA2,429 13Section 429. 196.218 (5) (a) 12. of the statutes is repealed.
AB43-ASA2,430 14Section 430. 230.08 (2) (e) 8. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
AB43-ASA2,362,1515 230.08 (2) (e) 8. Natural resources — 9.
AB43-ASA2,431 16Section 431 . 230.08 (2) (fr) of the statutes is created to read:
AB43-ASA2,362,1717 230.08 (2) (fr) The director and staff of the legislative human resources office.
AB43-ASA2,432 18Section 432. 234.18 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB43-ASA2,362,2119 234.18 (3) On the effective date of this subsection .... [LRB inserts date], the
20amount specified in sub. (1), including the increase specified in sub. (2), is increased
21by $200,000,000.
AB43-ASA2,433 22Section 433. 238.08 of the statutes is renumbered 238.08 (intro.) and amended
23to read:
1238.08 Records of the corporation. (intro.) All records of the corporation
2are open to the public as provided in s. 19.35 (1) except those records relating to
3pending the following:
AB43-ASA2,363,6 4(1) Pending grants, loans, or economic development projects that, in the
5opinion of the corporation, must remain confidential to protect the competitive
6nature of the grant, loan, or project.
AB43-ASA2,434 7Section 434. 238.08 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB43-ASA2,363,98 238.08 (2) Confidential tax information received from the department of
9revenue under s. 71.78.
AB43-ASA2,435 10Section 435. 238.14 of the statutes is repealed.
AB43-ASA2,436 11Section 436. 238.157 of the statutes is created to read:
AB43-ASA2,363,15 12238.157 Vibrant spaces grant program; prohibition. The corporation is
13prohibited from expending any moneys from the appropriation under s. 20.192 (1)
14(a) or (r) for a vibrant spaces grant program as constituted under the corporation's
15policies and procedures on May 1, 2023, or any similar program.
AB43-ASA2,437 16Section 437 . 238.40 of the statutes is created to read: