Generally, Ch. 401
Acceleration at will, 401.309
Breach, waiver of claim arising out of, 401.306
Choice of law provisions, 401.301
Construction of UCC, 401.103
Against implied repeal, 401.104
Plural, singular; use of, 401.106
Consumer act, applicability of UCC to, 421.103
Course of performance, dealing, usage of trade, 401.303
Bank deposits and collections chapter, 404.104, 404.105
Commercial paper chapter, 403.102
Documents of title chapter, 407.102
General, 401.201
Investment securities chapter, 408.102
Letters of credit chapter, 405.102
Sales chapter, 402.103 to 402.106
Secured transactions chapter, 409.102
Equity, applicability of principles of, 401.103
Good faith, obligation of, 401.304
Law merchant, 401.103 (2)
Lease and security interest distinguished, 401.203
Notice, knowledge, 401.202
Purposes of act, 401.103
Remedies to be liberally administered, 401.305
Reservation of rights, 401.308
Scope of chapter 401, 401.102
Section captions, 401.107
Subordinated obligations, 401.310