NR 440.76(2)(u)1.1. Low-density fluff refuse-derived fuel through densified refuse-derived fuel. NR 440.76(2)(ug)(ug) “Same location” means the same or contiguous properties under common ownership or control, including those separated only by a street, road, highway or other public right-of-way. Common ownership or control includes properties that are owned, leased or operated by the same entity, parent entity, subsidiary, subdivision or any combination thereof. Entities may include a municipality, other governmental unit or any quasi-governmental authority such as a public utility district or regional authority for waste disposal. NR 440.76(2)(ur)(ur) “Second calendar half” means the period that starts on July 1 and ends on December 31 in any year. NR 440.76(2)(v)(v) “Shift supervisor” means the person who is in direct charge and control of operating a municipal waste combustion unit and who is responsible for onsite supervision, technical direction, management and overall performance of the municipal waste combustion unit during an assigned shift. NR 440.76(2)(vg)(vg) “Spreader stoker, mixed fuel-fired (coal and refuse-derived fuel) combustion unit” means a municipal waste combustion unit that combusts coal and refuse-derived fuel simultaneously, in which coal is introduced to the combustion zone by a mechanism that throws the fuel onto a grate from above. Combustion takes place both in suspension and on the grate. NR 440.76(2)(vr)(vr) “Standard conditions” when referring to units of measure means a temperature of 20°C and a pressure of 101.3 kilopascals. NR 440.76(2)(w)(w) “Startup period” means the period when a municipal waste combustion unit begins the continuous combustion of municipal solid waste. It does not include any warmup period during which the municipal waste combustion unit combusts fossil fuel or other solid waste fuel but receives no municipal solid waste. NR 440.76(2)(wg)(wg) “Stoker (refuse-derived fuel) combustion unit” means a steam generating unit that combusts refuse-derived fuel in a semisuspension combusting mode, using air-fed distributors. NR 440.76(2)(wr)(wr) “Total mass dioxins/furans” or “total mass” means the total mass of tetra- to octa- chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans as determined using Method 23 in Appendix A of 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1), and the procedures specified in sub. (10) (d). NR 440.76(2)(x)(x) “Twenty-four hour daily average” or “24-hour daily average” means either the arithmetic mean or geometric mean, as specified, of all hourly emission concentrations when the municipal waste combustion unit operates and combusts municipal solid waste, measured during the 24 hours between 12:00 midnight and the following midnight. NR 440.76(2)(xm)(xm) “Untreated lumber” means wood or wood products that have been cut or shaped and includes wet, air-dried and kiln-dried wood products. Untreated lumber does not include wood products that have been painted, pigment-stained or pressure-treated by compounds such as chromate copper arsenate, pentachlorophenol and creosote. NR 440.76(2)(y)(y) “Waterwall furnace” means a municipal waste combustion unit that has energy recovery in the furnace (for example, radiant heat transfer section) of the combustion unit. NR 440.76(2)(ym)(ym) “Yard waste” means grass, grass clippings, bushes, shrubs and clippings from bushes and shrubs that come from residential, commercial or retail, institutional or industrial sources as part of maintaining yards or other private or public lands. Yard waste does not include the following 2 items: NR 440.76(2)(ym)1.1. Construction, renovation and demolition wastes that are exempt from the definition of “municipal solid waste”. NR 440.76(2)(ym)2.2. Clean wood that is exempt from the definition of “municipal solid waste”. NR 440.76(2)(z)(z) “You” or “I” means the owner or operator of a municipal waste combustion unit or the applicant for a permit to construct a municipal waste combustion unit, unless the context indicates otherwise. NR 440.76(2)(zm)(zm) “Your” or “my” means of or relating to the owner or operator of a municipal waste combustion unit or the applicant for a permit to construct a municipal waste combustion unit, unless the context indicates otherwise. NR 440.76(3)(3) Preconstruction requirements: materials separation plan. NR 440.76(3)(a)1.1. You shall prepare a materials separation plan for your municipal waste combustion unit if you commence construction of a new small municipal waste combustion unit after December 6, 2000. NR 440.76(3)(a)2.2. If you commence construction of your municipal waste combustion unit after August 30, 1999 but before December 6, 2000, you are not required to prepare the materials separation plan specified in this subsection. NR 440.76(3)(a)3.3. You shall prepare a materials separation plan if you are required to submit an initial application for a construction permit, under ch. NR 405 or 408, as applicable, for the reconstruction or modification of your municipal waste combustion unit. NR 440.76(3)(b)(b) What is a materials separation plan? The plan identifies a goal and an approach for separating certain components of municipal solid waste for a given service area prior to waste combustion and making them available for recycling. NR 440.76(3)(c)(c) What steps must I complete for my materials separation plan? NR 440.76(3)(c)1.1. For your materials separation plan, you shall complete the following 9 steps: