NR 440.76(2)(e)(e) “Co-fired combustion unit” means a unit that combusts municipal solid waste with nonmunicipal solid waste fuel (e.g., coal or industrial process waste). To be considered a co-fired combustion unit, the unit shall be subject to a federally enforceable permit that limits it to combusting a fuel feed stream which is 30% or less, by weight, municipal solid waste as measured each calendar quarter. NR 440.76(2)(em)(em) “Continuous burning” means the continuous, semicontinuous or batch feeding of municipal solid waste to dispose of the waste, produce energy, or provide heat to the combustion system in preparation for waste disposal or energy production. Continuous burning does not mean the use of municipal solid waste solely to thermally protect the grate or hearth during the startup period when municipal solid waste is not fed to the grate or hearth. NR 440.76(2)(f)(f) “Continuous emission monitoring system” means a monitoring system that continuously measures the emissions of a pollutant from a municipal waste combustion unit. NR 440.76(2)(fm)(fm) “Dioxins/furans” mean tetra- to octa- chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans. NR 440.76(2)(g)(g) “Eight-hour block average” or “8-hour block average” means the average of all hourly emission concentrations or parameter levels when the municipal waste combustion unit operates and combusts municipal solid waste measured over any of the following 8-hour periods of time: NR 440.76(2)(gm)(gm) “Federally enforceable” means all limits and conditions the administrator can enforce, including the requirements of 40 CFR parts 60, 61 and 63, requirements in a state’s implementation plan, and any permit requirements established under ch. NR 406. NR 440.76(2)(h)(h) “First calendar half” means the period that starts on January 1 and ends on June 30 in any year. NR 440.76(2)(hm)(hm) “Fluidized bed combustion unit” means a unit where municipal waste is combusted in a fluidized bed of material. The fluidized bed material may remain in the primary combustion zone or may be carried out of the primary combustion zone and returned through a recirculation loop. NR 440.76(2)(i)(i) “Four-hour block average” or “4-hour block average” means the average of all hourly emission concentrations or parameter levels when the municipal waste combustion unit operates and combusts municipal solid waste measured over any of the following 4-hour periods: NR 440.76(2)(im)(im) “Mass burn refractory municipal waste combustion unit” means a field-erected municipal waste combustion unit that combusts municipal solid waste in a refractory wall furnace. Unless otherwise specified, municipal waste combustion units with a cylindrical rotary refractory wall furnace are included. NR 440.76(2)(j)(j) “Mass burn rotary waterwall municipal waste combustion unit” means a field-erected municipal waste combustion unit that combusts municipal solid waste in a cylindrical rotary waterwall furnace. NR 440.76(2)(jm)(jm) “Mass burn waterwall municipal waste combustion unit” means a field-erected municipal waste combustion unit that combusts municipal solid waste in a waterwall furnace. NR 440.76(2)(k)(k) “Materials separation plan” means a plan that identifies a goal and an approach for separating certain components of municipal solid waste for a given service area in order to make the separated materials available for recycling. A materials separation plan may include the following 3 items: NR 440.76(2)(k)1.1. Elements such as drop-off facilities, buy-back or deposit-return incentives, curbside pickup programs or centralized mechanical separation systems. NR 440.76(2)(k)2.2. Different goals or approaches for different subareas in the service area. NR 440.76(2)(k)3.3. No materials separation activities for certain subareas or, if warranted, the entire service area. NR 440.76(2)(km)(km) “Maximum demonstrated load of a municipal waste combustion unit” means the highest 4-hour block arithmetic average municipal waste combustion unit load achieved during 4 consecutive hours in the course of the most recent dioxins/furans stack test that demonstrates compliance with the applicable emission limit for dioxins/furans specified in this section. NR 440.76(2)(L)(L) “Maximum demonstrated temperature of the particulate matter control device” means the highest 4-hour block arithmetic average flue gas temperature measured at the inlet of the particulate matter control device during 4 consecutive hours in the course of the most recent stack test for dioxins/furans emissions that demonstrates compliance with the limits specified in this section. NR 440.76(2)(m)(m) “Mixed fuel-fired (pulverized coal and refuse-derived fuel) combustion unit” means a combustion unit that combusts coal and refuse-derived fuel simultaneously, in which pulverized coal is introduced into an air stream that carries the coal to the combustion chamber of the unit where it is combusted in suspension. This includes both conventional pulverized coal and micropulverized coal.