AB845,,7979(b) The court shall consider relevant information, including expert testimony and other information about the youthful offender’s participation in any available educational, vocational, volunteer, community service, or other programs, the youthful offender’s work reports and psychological evaluations, evidence of the youthful offender’s remorse, and the youthful offender’s major violations of institutional rules, if any. AB845,,8080(c) The youthful offender has the right to attend the hearing, the right to be represented by counsel, and the right to testify, present evidence, and cross-examine witnesses. AB845,,8181(d) The victim shall be provided notice of the hearing as required under s. 950.04 (1v) (g) and given the opportunity to provide a statement concerning sentencing in accordance with s. 950.04 (1v) (m). AB845,,8282(e) A hearing under this subsection shall be recorded. AB845,,8383(f) The decision of the court on a petition under sub. (4) is a final adjudication subject to appeal under s. 809.30. AB845,,8484(6) Order. (a) If the court finds that the interests of justice warrant a sentence adjustment, the court may amend the judgment of conviction and adjust the sentence as follows: AB845,,85851. If the youthful offender is serving a sentence for a crime committed before December 31, 1999, the court may convert an indeterminate sentence to a bifurcated sentence under s. 973.01. If the court converts the indeterminate sentence to a bifurcated sentence, the court shall set a date for release to extended supervision under s. 302.113 that is no later than the original parole eligibility date. The court may also modify the conditions of parole or extended supervision. AB845,,86862. If the youthful offender is serving a bifurcated sentence for a crime committed on or after December 31, 1999, the court may reduce the term of confinement in prison and modify the conditions of extended supervision. The court may also reduce the total length of the bifurcated sentence. Notwithstanding s. 973.01 (2) (d), the court shall provide for at least 3 years of extended supervision under s. 302.113. AB845,,87874. If the youthful offender is serving a life sentence, including a life sentence without the possibility of parole or release to extended supervision, the court may convert the sentence to a bifurcated sentence under s. 973.01 or a life sentence under s. 973.014 (3) (c) and set a date for release to extended supervision under s. 302.113 or a date of eligibility for release under s. 302.114 and establish conditions for extended supervision accordingly. AB845,,8888(b) If the court denies the petition for sentence adjustment or sets a date for release to extended supervision that is more than 3 years after the date of the hearing under this subsection, the court shall provide in writing the reasons for the denial or delayed eligibility for release. AB845,,8989(7) Subsequent petitions. A youthful offender is eligible to file a subsequent petition under sub. (4) no earlier than 3 years after a hearing is held under sub. (5), unless the court sets an earlier date. AB845,,9090(8) Access to programming. The department shall consider an individual’s status as a youthful offender and the proximity to the date of the individual’s eligibility for sentence adjustment under this section when determining the individual’s eligibility for available programming. AB845,,9191(9) Sentence adjustment on other grounds. Nothing in this section limits the youthful offender’s right to resentencing, sentence adjustment, or sentence modification on other grounds, including under s. 302.113 (9g) or 302.114. AB845,2292Section 22. 973.15 (2m) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: AB845,,9393973.15 (2m) (a) 1. “Determinate sentence” means a bifurcated sentence imposed under s. 973.01 or a life sentence under which a person is eligible for release to extended supervision under s. 973.014 (1g) (a) 1. or 2. or (3) (c). AB845,2394Section 23. 977.05 (4) (i) 10. of the statutes is created to read: AB845,,9595977.05 (4) (i) 10. Cases involving youthful offenders under s. 973.018. AB845,2496Section 24. 978.07 (1) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read: AB845,,9797978.07 (1) (c) 1. Any case record of a felony punishable by life imprisonment or a related case, after the defendant’s parole eligibility date under s. 304.06 (1) or 973.014 (1) or (3) (b) or date of eligibility for release to extended supervision under s. 973.014 (1g) (a) 1. or 2. or (3) (c), whichever is applicable, or 50 years after the commencement of the action, whichever occurs later. If there is no parole eligibility date or no date for release to extended supervision, the district attorney may destroy the case record after the defendant’s death. AB845,2598Section 25. Nonstatutory provisions. AB845,,9999(1) No later than the first day of the 6th month beginning after the effective date of this subsection, the department of corrections shall provide written notice under s. 973.018 (4) (a) to all of the following: AB845,,100100(a) All youthful offenders who are incarcerated for a crime other than a crime described in par. (b) and who have served at least 14 years in prison on the date the notice is provided. AB845,,101101(b) All youthful offenders who are incarcerated for a felony that caused the death of a person or a felony sexual assault of a child and who have served at least 19 years in prison on the date the notice is provided. AB845,26102Section 26. Initial applicability. AB845,,103103(1) Sentence adjustment for youthful offender. The creation of s. 973.018 first applies to a youthful offender, as defined in s. 973.014 (3) (a), who is incarcerated on the effective date of this subsection.