1 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 20th edition (1998). Available from American Public Health Association, 800 I Street, NW., Washington, DC 20001-3710.
2 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st edition (2005). Available from American Public Health Association, 800 I Street, NW., Washington, DC 20001-3710.
3 Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 22nd edition (2012). Available from American Public Health Association, 800 I Street NW., Washington, DC 20001-3710.
4 Standard Methods Online are available at http://www.standardmethods.org. The year in which each method was approved by the Standard Methods Committee is designated by the last two digits in the method number. The methods listed are the only online versions that may be used. 5 Lactose broth, as commercially available, may be used in lieu of lauryl tryptose broth, if the system conducts at least 25 parallel tests between lactose broth and lauryl tryptose broth using the water normally tested, and if the findings from this comparison demonstrate that the false-positive rate and false-negative rate for total coliforms, using lactose broth, is less than 10 percent.
6 A multiple tube enumerative format, as described in Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 9221, is approved for this method for use in presence-absence determination under this regulation.
7 EPA Method 1604, EPA 821-R-02-024—“EPA Method 1604: Total Coliforms and Escherichia coli in Water by Membrane Filtration Using a Simultaneous Detection Technique (MI Medium),” September 2002, http://www.epa.gov/nerlcwww/1604sp02.pdf. 8 Multiple-tube and multi-well enumerative formats for this method are approved for use in presence-absence determination under this regulation.
9 Colisureâ results may be read after an incubation time of 24 hours.
10 E*Coliteâ—“Charm E*ColiteTM Presence/Absence Test for Detection and Identification of Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia coli in Drinking Water,” January 9, 1998.
11 Readycultâ—“Readycultâ Coliforms 100 Presence/Absence Test for Detection and Identification of Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia coli in Finished Waters,” January 2007, Version 1.1. Available from EMD Millipore (division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany), 290 Concord Road, Billerica, MA 01821.
12 modified Colitagâ, ATP D05-0035—“Modified ColitagTM Test Method for the Simultaneous Detection of E. coli and other Total Coliforms in Water,” August 28, 2009. Available at http://www.nemi.gov or from CPI, International, 580 Skylane Boulevard, Santa Rosa, CA 95403. NR 809.311 HistoryHistory: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10; CR 15-049: am. (3) (b) 1., (6), (7), r. and recr. Table F Register March 2016 No. 723, eff. 4-1-16. NR 809.312NR 809.312 Compliance reporting for microbiological contaminants. NR 809.312(1)(1) MCL violation reporting. When a sample collected under s. NR 809.31 (1), (2), (2m), (4), or (5) exceeds maximum contaminant level in s. NR 809.30 (1), the water supplier shall report the violation to the department no later than the end of the next business day after it learns of the violation, and shall provide public notice of the violation in accordance with s. NR 809.951. NR 809.312(1m)(1m) treatment technique violation reporting. The water supplier for a public water system that has violated the treatment technique for coliforms in s. NR 809.313 shall report the violation to the department by no later than the end of the next business day after it learns of the violation, and shall provide public notice of the violation in accordance with s. NR 809.952. NR 809.312(2)(2) Monitoring violation reporting. A water supplier who has failed to comply with a coliform monitoring requirement shall report the monitoring violation to the department within 10 days after discovering the violation, and shall notify the public as specified in s. NR 809.953. NR 809.312 HistoryHistory: CR 09-073: cr. Register November 2010 No. 659, eff. 12-1-10; CR 15-049: am. (1), cr. (1m) Register March 2016 No. 723, eff. 4-1-16; correction in (2) made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Register July 2022 No. 799. NR 809.313NR 809.313 Coliform treatment technique triggers and assessment requirements for protection against potential fecal contamination. NR 809.313(1)(1) Treatment technique triggers. Water suppliers of public water systems shall conduct assessments in accordance with sub. (2) after public water systems exceed treatment technique triggers in par. (a) or (b). NR 809.313(1)(a)1.1. For public water systems taking 40 or more samples per month, the public water system exceeds 5.0% total coliform-positive samples for the month. NR 809.313(1)(a)2.2. For public water systems taking fewer than 40 samples per month, the public water system has two or more total coliform-positive samples in the same month. NR 809.313(1)(a)3.3. The water supplier fails to take every required repeat sample after any single total coliform-positive sample. NR 809.313(1)(b)2.2. A second Level 1 trigger as defined in par. (a) within a rolling 12-month period, unless the department has determined a likely reason that the samples that caused the first Level 1 treatment technique trigger were total coliform-positive and has established that the water supplier has corrected the problem. NR 809.313(1)(b)3.3. For public water systems with approved annual monitoring, a Level 1 trigger in two consecutive years.