d. Ease of access in applying for a patient assistance program and receiving
15insulin from the pharmacy under the program.
2. The commissioner shall develop and conduct a satisfaction survey of
17pharmacies that have dispensed insulin through urgent need safety net programs
18and patient assistance programs. The survey shall include questions about the
19pharmacy's satisfaction with all of the following, if applicable:
a. Timeliness of reimbursement from manufacturers for insulin dispensed by
21the pharmacy under urgent need safety net programs.
b. Ease in submitting insulin orders to manufacturers.
c. Timeliness of receiving insulin orders from manufacturers.
3. The commissioner may contract with a nonprofit entity to develop and
25conduct the surveys under subds. 1. and 2. and to evaluate the survey results.
14. No later than July 1, 2024, the commissioner shall submit to the governor
2and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the legislature
3under s. 13.172 (2), a report on the results of the surveys under subds. 1. and 2.
4(9) Penalty. A manufacturer that fails to comply with this section may be
5assessed a penalty of up to $200,000 per month of noncompliance, with the maximum
6penalty increasing to $400,000 per month if the manufacturer continues to be in
7noncompliance after 6 months and increasing to $600,000 per month if the
8manufacturer continues to be in noncompliance after one year.