SB70-AA7,123,417 (26n) Iron District MKE, LLC; new soccer stadium and related facilities.
18Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (41m) (b), the building commission may not authorize a
19grant to Iron District MKE, LLC, for the construction in a blighted area in
20Milwaukee County of a new soccer stadium and related facilities, including a hotel
21and a concerts and events venue, as enumerated in this section, under s. 13.48 (41m),

1unless the department of administration has reviewed and approved plans for the
2project. Notwithstanding ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of
3administration may not supervise any services or work or let any contract for the
4project. Section 16.87 does not apply to the project.
SB70-AA7,123,115 (27n) Woodman's Sports and Convention Center. Notwithstanding s. 13.48
6(41a) (b), the building commission may not award a grant to the city of Janesville for
7the construction of the Woodman's Sports and Convention Center, as enumerated in
8sub. in this section, under s. 13.48 (41a), unless the department of administration
9has reviewed and approved plans for the project. Notwithstanding ss. 16.85 (1) and
1016.855 (1m), the department of administration may not supervise any services or
11work or let any contract for the project. Section 16.87 does not apply to the project.
SB70-AA7,123,1912 (28n) National Railroad Museum, Inc.; Lenfestey Center expansion.
13Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (33w) (b), the building commission may not authorize a
14grant to National Railroad Museum, Inc., for the expansion of the museum's
15Lenfestey Center, as enumerated in this section, under s. 13.48 (33w), unless the
16department of administration has reviewed and approved plans for the project.
17Notwithstanding ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of administration
18may not supervise any services or work or let any contract for the project. Section
1916.87 does not apply to the project.
SB70-AA7,124,220 (29n) Peninsula Players Theatre Foundation, Inc.; dormitory upgrades.
21Notwithstanding s. 13.48 (41s) (b), the building commission may not award a grant
22to the Peninsula Players Theatre Foundation, Inc., for upgrades to the dormitories
23of the Peninsula Players Theatre, as enumerated in this section, under s. 13.48 (41s),
24unless the department of administration has reviewed and approved plans for the
25project. Notwithstanding ss. 16.85 (1) and 16.855 (1m), the department of

1administration may not supervise any services or work or let any contract for the
2project. Section 16.87 does not apply to the project.
SB70-AA7,9251 3Section 9251. Fiscal changes; Other.
SB70-AA7,124,84 (2n) Additional transfer to the capital improvement fund. The amount
5transferred under sub. (1) from the general fund to the capital improvement fund is
6increased by the total of the dollar amounts designated as “segregated revenue”
7under Section 9104 (22n), (23n), and (24n) that are not duplicative of dollar amounts
8specified in Section 9104. (1).”.
SB70-AA7,124,99 (End)