AB43-ASA2,352,19 14(4) Denial of application. (a) The department or a governmental unit shall
15deny a grant application under this section if the applicant or a person who would
16be directly benefited by the grant intentionally caused the conditions which resulted
17in a category 1 or 2 failing private on-site wastewater treatment system. The
18department or governmental unit shall notify the applicant in writing of a denial,
19including the reason for the denial.
AB43-ASA2,353,320 (b) The department shall notify a governmental unit if an individual's name
21appears on the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b). The department
22or a governmental unit shall deny an application under this section if the name of
23the applicant or an individual who would be directly benefited by the grant appears
24on the statewide support lien docket under s. 49.854 (2) (b), unless the applicant or
25individual who would be benefited by the grant provides to the department or

1governmental unit a payment agreement that has been approved by the county child
2support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and that is consistent with rules promulgated
3under s. 49.858 (2) (a).
AB43-ASA2,353,9 4(5) Use of funds. (a) Except for grants under par. (b), funds available under
5a grant under this section shall be applied to the rehabilitation or replacement of the
6private on-site wastewater treatment system. An existing private on-site
7wastewater treatment system may be replaced by an alternative private on-site
8wastewater treatment system or by a system serving more than one principal
AB43-ASA2,353,1210 (b) Funds available under a grant under this section for experimental private
11on-site wastewater treatment systems shall be applied to the installation and
12monitoring of the experimental private on-site wastewater treatment systems.
AB43-ASA2,353,17 13(6) Allowable costs; state share. (a) Except as provided in par. (e), costs
14allowable in determining grant funding under this section may not exceed the costs
15of rehabilitating or replacing a private on-site wastewater treatment system that
16would be necessary to allow the rehabilitated system or new system to meet the
17minimum requirements of the state plumbing code promulgated under s. 145.02.
AB43-ASA2,353,2318 (b) Except as provided in par. (e), costs allowable in determining grant funding
19under this section may not exceed the costs of rehabilitating or replacing a private
20on-site wastewater treatment system by the least costly methods, except that a
21holding tank may not be used as the measure of the least costly method for
22rehabilitating or replacing a private on-site wastewater treatment system other
23than a holding tank.
AB43-ASA2,354,1624 (c) Except as provided in pars. (d) and (e), the state grant share under this
25section is limited to $7,000 for each principal residence or small commercial

1establishment to be served by the private on-site wastewater treatment system or
2to the amount determined by the department based upon private on-site wastewater
3treatment system grant funding tables, whichever is less. The department shall
4prepare and publish private on-site wastewater treatment system grant funding
5tables which specify the maximum state share limitation for various components and
6costs involved in the rehabilitation or replacement of a private on-site wastewater
7treatment system based upon minimum size and other requirements specified in the
8state plumbing code promulgated under s. 145.02. The maximum state share
9limitations shall be designed to pay approximately 60 percent of the average
10allowable cost of private on-site wastewater treatment system rehabilitation or
11replacement based upon estimated or actual costs of that rehabilitation or
12replacement. The department shall revise the grant funding tables when it
13determines that 60 percent of current costs of private on-site wastewater treatment
14system rehabilitation or replacement exceed the amounts in the grant funding tables
15by more than 10 percent, except that the department may not revise the grant
16funding tables more often than once every 2 years.
AB43-ASA2,354,2117 (d) Except as provided in par. (e), if the income of a person who owns a principal
18residence that is served by a category 1 or 2 failing private on-site wastewater
19treatment system is greater than $32,000, the amount of the grant under this section
20is limited to the amount determined under par. (c) less 30 percent of the amount by
21which the person's income exceeds $32,000.
AB43-ASA2,355,222 (e) Costs allowable for experimental private on-site wastewater treatment
23systems shall include the costs of installing and monitoring experimental private
24on-site wastewater treatment systems installed under s. 145.02 (3) (b) and this
25section. The department shall promulgate rules that specify how the department

1will select, monitor, and allocate the state share for experimental private on-site
2wastewater treatment systems that the department funds under this section.
AB43-ASA2,355,10 3(7) Application. (a) In order to be eligible for a grant under this section, a
4governmental unit shall make an application for replacement or rehabilitation of
5private on-site wastewater treatment systems of principal residences or small
6commercial establishments and shall submit an application for participation to the
7department. The application shall be in the form and include the information the
8department prescribes. In order to be eligible for funds available in a fiscal year, an
9application is required to be received by the department prior to February 1 of the
10previous fiscal year.
AB43-ASA2,355,1211 (b) An American Indian tribe or band may submit an application for
12participation for any Indian lands under its jurisdiction.
AB43-ASA2,355,14 13(8) Conditions; governmental units. As a condition for obtaining grant
14funding under this section, a governmental unit shall do all of the following:
AB43-ASA2,355,1615 (a) Adopt and administer the maintenance program established under s.
16145.20 (5).
AB43-ASA2,355,2117 (b) Certify that grants will be used for private on-site wastewater treatment
18system replacement or rehabilitation for a principal residence or small commercial
19establishment owned by a person who meets the eligibility requirements under sub.
20(3), that the funds will be used as provided under sub. (5) and that allowable costs
21will not exceed the amount permitted under sub. (6).
AB43-ASA2,355,2322 (c) Certify that grants will be used for private on-site wastewater treatment
23systems which will be properly installed and maintained.
AB43-ASA2,355,2524 (d) Certify that grants provided to the governmental unit will be disbursed to
25eligible owners.
1(e) Establish a process for regulation and inspection of private on-site
2wastewater treatment systems.
AB43-ASA2,356,63 (f) Establish a system of user charges and cost recovery if the governmental
4unit considers this system to be appropriate. User charges and cost recovery may
5include the cost of the grant application fee and the cost of supervising installation
6and maintenance.
AB43-ASA2,356,117 (g) Establish a system which provides for the distribution of grant funds
8received among eligible applicants based on the amount requested in the application
9as approved by the department. If the amount received by a county is insufficient
10to fully fund all grants, the county shall prorate grant funds on the same basis as sub.
AB43-ASA2,356,15 12(9) Assistance. The department shall make its staff available to provide
13technical assistance to each governmental unit. The department shall prepare and
14distribute to each participating governmental unit a manual of procedures for the
15grant program under this section.
AB43-ASA2,356,19 16(10) Distribution of literature. The department shall prepare literature that
17describes the eligibility for receiving a grant under this section for a principal
18residence. The department shall supply the literature to counties, and counties shall
19distribute the literature to recipients of public benefits.
AB43-ASA2,356,25 20(11) Allocation of funds. (a) Determination of eligible applications. At the
21beginning of each fiscal year the department shall determine the state grant share
22for applications from eligible owners received by participating governmental units.
23The department may revise this determination if a governmental unit does not meet
24the conditions specified under sub. (8) or if it determines that individuals do not meet
25eligibility requirements under sub. (3).
1(b) Allocation. The department shall allocate available funds for grants to each
2participating governmental unit according to the total amount of the state grant
3share for all eligible applications received by that governmental unit.
AB43-ASA2,357,64 (c) Limitation; commercial establishments. The department may not allocate
5more than 10 percent of the funds available under this subsection each fiscal year
6for grants for small commercial establishments.
AB43-ASA2,357,107 (d) Limitation; experimental private on-site wastewater treatment systems.
8The department may not allocate more than 10 percent of the funds available under
9this subsection each fiscal year for grants for the installation and monitoring of
10experimental private on-site wastewater treatment systems.
AB43-ASA2,357,13 11(12) Prorating. (a) Except as provided in par. (d), the department shall prorate
12available funds under this subsection if funds are not sufficient to fully fund all
13applications. A prorated payment shall be deemed full payment of the grant.
AB43-ASA2,357,1714 (b) Except as provided in par. (d), if funds are sufficient to fully fund all category
151 but not all category 2 failing private on-site wastewater treatment systems, the
16department shall fully fund all category 1 systems and prorate the funds for category
172 systems on a proportional basis.
AB43-ASA2,357,2118 (c) Except as provided in par. (d), if funds are not sufficient to fully fund all
19category 1 failing private on-site wastewater treatment systems, the department
20shall fund the category 1 systems on a proportional basis and deny the grant
21applications for all category 2 systems.
AB43-ASA2,357,2422 (d) The department is not required to prorate available funds for grants for the
23installation and monitoring of experimental private on-site wastewater treatment