(6) During a roll call vote, any member may raise the point of order that a member appears to be absent from the chamber but is shown as voting according to the roll call display boards. If the presiding officer rules the point of order “well taken", the vote of the absent member may not be recorded.
(7) Any interruption of a roll call vote, from the time the voting machine is opened or the calling commenced to the announcement of the official totals by the presiding officer, is out of order except to raise a point of order concerning the taking of the vote.
(8) After the voting machine is closed or the calling completed, a member's request to be recorded as voting or as voting contrary to the way shown in the official record shall be shown in the journal, but does not alter the outcome of the roll call vote.
(9) The official record of the roll call vote, and the account of the roll call vote in the daily journal, shall show the names and total number of those voting “aye", of those voting “no", and of those absent or not voting.
Assembly Rule 77. Voting mandatory; exceptions. When a question is put every member present shall vote either “aye" or “no" unless paired with another member who is absent with leave, or unless the assembly for special cause excuses the member from voting.
Assembly Rule 78. Presiding officer votes. The presiding officer shall vote and be recorded on all roll call votes.
Assembly Rule 79. Pairs. Members may pair on any question by filing a signed statement with the chief clerk indicating the questions on which they wish to be paired. The chief clerk shall read the pair to the assembly before the vote is taken. A “pair" form for the use of members shall be provided by the chief clerk.
(1) A pair may not be recognized unless one or both of the parties thereto are absent with leave.
(2) If one party to a pair is present and votes, the pair is invalidated.
(3) Pairs are applicable to the main questions on a proposal and do not apply to amendments or procedural motions unless the pair so specifies.
(4) A pair is not counted as part of the official result of a vote, but shall be recorded.
(5) For the purpose of establishing a qualified majority or quorum, both members of the pair are considered not present.
Assembly Rule 80. Division of the question. ar80(1)(1)
Any member may request a division of simple amendments and motions involving distinct and independent propositions or concurrent actions if they are severable without being rewritten or restated, and the question shall be divided if each separate proposition or action to be voted on is complete and proper regardless of the action taken on any other portion of the original question.
(2) If it is the opinion of the presiding officer that the proposed division of a simple amendment is unduly complex or the purpose of the division can be more clearly or simply accomplished by amendment, or that a call for a division is being used as a substitute for a series of amendments, the question may not be divided.
(3) An amendment to delete certain words and to substitute other words is one indivisible proposition.
(4) Bills, joint resolutions, resolutions, and substitute amendments, and amendments received from the senate for assembly concurrence, may not be divided. A bill vetoed in its entirety by the governor may not be divided. A report of a committee of conference may not be divided.
(5) When a bill has been vetoed in part and the assembly considers a specific item for passage notwithstanding the objections of the governor, any member may request that the item be divided. The item may be divided on request by a member if:
(a) The request proposes to so divide the item that each separate proposition, if passed notwithstanding the objections of the governor, will result in a complete and workable law regardless of the action taken on any other part of the original item.
(b) It is the opinion of the presiding officer that the item involves distinct and independent propositions capable of division and that the division will not be unduly complex.
(6) When a bill has been vetoed in part the committee on rules may, by a resolution offered under rule 33, propose to schedule a specific part as a special order. When appropriate, the resolution may divide the part into one or more independent propositions and dependent propositions. The proposed division must include at least one separate proposition that, if passed notwithstanding the objections of the governor, will result in a complete and workable law regardless of the action taken on any other part of the original part. The presiding officer shall first put the question on the independent proposition. The question on any proposition dependent thereon may be put only if the independent proposition has been passed notwithstanding the objections of the governor.
Assembly Rule 81. Tie loses question. Whenever the assembly casts a tie vote, the question is lost.
Assembly Rule 82. Interruptions of clerk during roll call. A person may not visit or remain at the clerk's desk while a roll call vote or tabulation is in progress.
Chapter 10:
Assembly Rule 83. Call of the assembly. ar83(1)(1)
Any member who obtains the floor may request a call of the assembly to require absent members to be sent for.