hist98132To the committee on Elections, Ethics and Rural Issues. Relating to: contributions by corporations, cooperative associations, labor organizations, and federally recognized American Indian Tribes.
By Senators Larson, Carpenter, Johnson, Risser and Smith; cosponsored by Representatives Brostoff, Anderson, Cabrera, Crowley, Emerson, Sargent, Shankland, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Subeck, C. Taylor, Vruwink and Zamarripa.
hist98133To the committee on Elections, Ethics and Rural Issues. Relating to: reporting a contributor's place of employment.
By Senators Larson, Bewley, Carpenter, Johnson and Smith; cosponsored by Representatives Brostoff, Anderson, Bowen, Cabrera, Considine, Crowley, Emerson, Sargent, Shankland, Sinicki, C. Taylor, Vruwink and Zamarripa.
hist98134To the committee on Elections, Ethics and Rural Issues. _____________
Petitions and Communications
hist98141Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Plumer added as a cosponsor of Senate Joint Resolution 8. _____________
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Senate President
March 1, 2019
The Honorable, the Senate:
hist98142Pursuant to Senate Rule 36 (2)(c) and section 13.52 (6), Wisconsin Statutes, the Co-Chairs of the joint survey committee on Retirement Systems shall prepare and submit a report in writing, on Senate Bill 59, relating to state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2019 legislature.. Thank you for prompt attention to this matter.
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Senate President
March 1, 2019
The Honorable, the Senate:
hist98143Pursuant to Senate Rule 36 (2)(c) and section 13.52 (6), Wisconsin Statutes, the Co-Chairs of the joint survey committee on Tax Exemptions shall prepare and submit a report in writing, on Senate Bill 59, relating to state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2019 legislature.. Thank you for prompt attention to this matter.