SB111,1335,222 224.30 (6) Public service loan forgiveness program information. The
23department shall collect and maintain information regarding loan forgiveness
24programs available to individuals employed by the state or a local unit of
25government. The department shall make the information available to the state, local

1units of governments, and employees of the state and local units of government on
2the Internet or by other means.
SB111,2451 3Section 2451 . 224.55 of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1335,5 4224.55 Support accounts for individuals with disabilities. (1)
5Definitions. In this section:
SB111,1335,66 (a) “ABLE account" means an account established under an ABLE program.
SB111,1335,87 (b) “ABLE program” means a qualified ABLE program under section 529A of
8the Internal Revenue Code.
SB111,1335,13 9(2) Department to establish ABLE program. (a) Implementation directly or
10by agreement.
The department shall implement and administer an ABLE program,
11either directly or by entering into a formal or informal agreement with another state,
12or with an entity representing an alliance of states, to establish an ABLE program
13or otherwise administer ABLE program services for the residents of this state.
SB111,1335,1914 (b) Review of other states' partnership programs. The department shall review
15section 529A ABLE state partnership programs offered by other states and, no later
16than the first day of the 10th month beginning after the effective date of this
17subsection, determine whether, as the best option for Wisconsin residents, the
18department will implement the ABLE program under par. (a) directly or by entering
19into an agreement.
SB111,1335,2220 (c) Agreement terms. An agreement under par. (a) may require the party
21contracting with the department, in addition to providing any other services, to do
22any of the following:
SB111,1336,223 1. Develop and implement an ABLE program in accordance with all
24requirements under section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code, and modify this
25ABLE program as necessary for participants in the ABLE program to qualify for the

1federal income tax benefits or treatment provided under section 529A of the Internal
2Revenue Code and rules adopted under section 529A.
SB111,1336,53 2. Engage the services of vendors on a contractual basis for rendering
4professional and technical assistance and advice in developing marketing plans and
5promotional materials to publicize the ABLE program.
SB111,1336,86 3. Work with organizations with expertise in supporting people with
7disabilities and their families in administering the agreement and ensuring
8accessibility of the ABLE program for people with disabilities.
SB111,1336,109 4. Take any other action necessary to implement and administer the ABLE
SB111,1336,1211 (d) Information about ABLE accounts. The department shall include on its
12Internet site information concerning ABLE accounts.
SB111,1336,14 13(3) Confidentiality. The department shall keep confidential any personal and
14financial information maintained by the department relating to an ABLE account.
SB111,1336,16 15(4) Funding; rules. (a) All expenses incurred by the department under this
16section shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.144 (1) (g).
SB111,1336,1817 (b) The department may promulgate rules to implement and administer this
SB111,2452 19Section 2452 . 224.56 of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1336,21 20224.56 Small business retirement savings program. (1) Definitions. In
21this section:
SB111,1336,2322 (a) “Account" means a retirement savings account established for an eligible
23employee under the program under this section.
SB111,1336,2424 (b) “Board" means the small business retirement savings board.
1(c) “Eligible employee” means an individual who resides in this state and who
2is any of the following:
SB111,1337,43 1. Employed by a private employer that does not offer a retirement savings
SB111,1337,65 2. Employed by a private employer and not eligible to participate in a
6retirement savings plan offered by the private employer.
SB111,1337,87 (d) “Investment administrator” means the vendor with which the board has
8contracted under sub. (2) (b).
SB111,1337,109 (e) “Participating employer” means a private employer that qualifies for and
10has elected to participate in the program as provided in sub. (4) (a).
SB111,1337,1111 (f) “Roth IRA” has the meaning given in 26 USC 408A (b).
SB111,1337,14 12(2) Establishment of program. (a) Subject to par. (b), the board shall establish
13and oversee a small business retirement savings program that meets the
14requirements specified in this section.
SB111,1337,1715 (b) After soliciting competitive sealed proposals under s. 16.75 (2m), the board
16shall select and contract with a vendor to provide the following services in
17administering the small business retirement savings program:
SB111,1337,1818 1. Investment services.