SB111,2426 18Section 2426 . 196.504 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1312,2319 196.504 (3) (d) 1. Require each Internet service provider to disclose to the
20commission by April 1 of each year the properties it serves, the average minimum
21download and upload speeds at which it provides residential and business Internet
22service to those properties, and a description of its existing service area in a format
23determined by the commission.
12. Use the information disclosed under subd. 1. to conduct broadband mapping
2and facilitate the deployment of broadband infrastructure and access to broadband
SB111,1313,84 3. Notwithstanding s. 19.35, the commission shall withhold from public
5inspection any information disclosed to the commission under subd. 1. that would aid
6a competitor of an Internet service provider in competing with the Internet service
7provider if the commission determines that public disclosure is not necessary to
8accomplish the purposes under subd. 2.
SB111,2427 9Section 2427 . 196.5048 of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1313,11 10196.5048 Internet service provider registration. No person may provide
11Internet service in this state unless the person registers with the commission.
SB111,2428 12Section 2428 . 196.745 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1313,1913 196.745 (2) (a) Any person violating sub. (1) (a), or any order or rule issued
14under sub. (1) (a), shall forfeit an amount not exceeding $25,000 $200,000. Each day
15of violation is a separate violation of sub. (1) (a). No person may forfeit an amount
16exceeding $500,000 $2,000,000 for a single persisting violation of sub. (1) (a) or any
17order or any rule issued under sub. (1) (a). The commission shall remit all forfeitures
18paid under this paragraph to the secretary of administration for deposit in the school
SB111,2429 20Section 2429 . 198.06 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1313,2421 198.06 (5) (a) The board of canvassers shall cause a certified copy of the order
22declaring the result of the election to be filed in the office of the secretary of state
23administration. A certified copy of the order shall also be filed with the clerk of each
24municipality included in the district, with the county clerk, and with the commission.
SB111,2430 25Section 2430 . 198.06 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
1198.06 (5) (b) If the district as finally constituted comprises a smaller area than
2originally proposed because of the failure of one or more municipalities to approve
3the district at the election, the commission shall, within 10 days following the filing
4of the order under par. (a) with the commission, file its approval or disapproval of the
5district as created by the election with the secretary of state administration, the clerk
6of each municipality included in the district and the county clerk. If the commission
7approves, upon the filing of the approval the creation and incorporation of the district
8shall be considered complete. If the commission disapproves, the district shall be
9considered dissolved. Except as provided in par. (c), the approval or disapproval of
10the commission shall be final.
SB111,2431 11Section 2431 . 198.06 (5) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1314,1512 198.06 (5) (d) If a district has been approved by all of the municipalities within
13the district as proposed, the creation and incorporation of the district shall be
14considered complete upon the filing of the result of the election with the secretary of
15state administration by the board of canvassers.
SB111,2432 16Section 2432 . 198.06 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1314,2417 198.06 (7) Informalities disregarded, limitation of action to test validity of
No informality in any proceeding or in the conduct of the election, not
19substantially affecting adversely the legal rights of any citizen, shall be held to
20invalidate the creation of any district, and any proceedings wherein the validity of
21the creation is denied shall be commenced within 3 months from the date of filing the
22order of the board of canvassers with the secretary of state administration, otherwise
23the creation and the legal existence of the district shall be held to be valid and in
24every respect legal and incontestable.
SB111,2433 25Section 2433 . 198.08 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
1198.08 (3) Appointment, vote by municipal executive officers. In the selection
2of a director for a subdistrict each chief executive shall have one vote for each 1,000
3voters within that chief executive's municipality, or the part of the municipality that
4is located in the subdistrict. A three-fourths vote shall be necessary for the selection
5of a director. The result of the selection of the director shall be certified to by the
6chairperson and clerk of the meeting and immediately filed with the secretary of
7state administration and the clerk of each municipality in the district.
SB111,2434 8Section 2434 . 198.20 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1315,169 198.20 (2) The election, and all matters pertaining to the election not otherwise
10provided for in this section, shall be held and conducted and the result ascertained
11and declared in accordance with s. 198.06 (3) and (4). The ordinance and the result
12of the referendum shall be certified to the secretary of state administration. After
13certification, the consolidation shall be considered complete. Consolidation shall not
14affect the preexisting rights or liabilities of any power districts and actions on those
15rights and liabilities may be commenced or completed as though no consolidation had
16been effected.
SB111,2435 17Section 2435 . 198.22 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1316,218 198.22 (7) Boundaries. Immediately upon the organization of the board of
19directors the clerk shall cause to be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of
20each county in which any part of said district is located, and shall file with the
21secretary of state administration, the department of natural resources, the governor
22and the clerk of each town, city or village, wholly or partly within the district, a
23certified copy of the boundaries of the district as set forth in the notice of election
24pursuant to sub. (3) or as thereafter amended. Thereafter, in any proceeding wherein

1the boundaries of the district are concerned, it shall be sufficient in describing said
2boundaries to refer to such record of such description.
SB111,2436 3Section 2436 . 200.25 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1316,74 200.25 (5) Oath of office. Before assuming the duties of the office, each
5commissioner shall take and subscribe the oath of office required under s. 19.01 and
6file the oath with the secretary of state administration, duly certified by the official
7administering the oath.
SB111,2437 8Section 2437 . 200.35 (14) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1316,109 200.35 (14) (title) Shore protection projects and dredged material
10management facility
SB111,2438 11Section 2438 . 200.35 (14) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1316,1212 200.35 (14) (a) 2. “Project" means a any of the following:
SB111,1316,16 13a. A shore protection or erosion control project which consists, in whole or in
14part, of waste rock produced by construction projects undertaken by the commission
15and which has been requested, by resolution, by a political subdivision with territory
16in the district's service area.