AB256,3067Section 30. 79.035 (4) (i) of the statutes is amended to read: AB256,,686879.035 (4) (i) The reduction for a county is the amount determined under par. (b) 2. multiplied by the county’s population, except that the reduction determined under this paragraph may not exceed the lesser of an amount equal to 25 percent of the county’s payment under this section in 2011, prior to any reduction under s. 79.02 (3) (e), 2021 stats., or 15 cents for each $1,000 of the county’s equalized value, as determined under s. 70.57. AB256,3169Section 31. 79.035 (5) of the statutes is amended to read: AB256,,707079.035 (5) Except as provided in subs. (6), (7), and (8), for the distribution in 2013 and in subsequent years ending with 2023, each county and municipality shall receive a payment under this section that is equal to the amount of the payment determined for the county or municipality under this section for 2012. AB256,3271Section 32. 79.035 (5) of the statutes, as affected by 2019 Wisconsin Act 19 and 2023 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read: AB256,,727279.035 (5) Except as provided in subs. (7) and (8), for the distribution in 2013 and in subsequent years ending with 2023, each county and municipality shall receive a payment under this section that is equal to the amount of the payment determined for the county or municipality under this section for 2012. AB256,3373Section 33. 79.035 (9) (intro.) of the statutes, as created by 2023 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is repealed and recreated to read: AB256,,747479.035 (9) (intro.) Except as provided in subs. (7) and (8), for the distribution in 2024 and subsequent years, each county and municipality shall receive payments under this section as follows: AB256,3475Section 34. 79.035 (9) of the statutes is created to read: AB256,,767679.035 (9) Except as provided in subs. (6), (7), and (8), for the distribution in 2024 and subsequent years, each county and municipality shall receive payments under this section as follows: AB256,,7777(a) 1. For the distribution in 2024, each county and municipality shall receive a payment equal to the amount it received under this section in 2023. AB256,,78782. For the distribution in 2025 and subsequent years, each county and municipality shall receive a payment equal to the proportion of the total payments from the county and municipal base aid account under s. 25.491 (3) that the county or municipality received in 2024 multiplied by the amount for the year in the county and municipal base aid account under s. 25.491 (3). AB256,,7979(b) 1. The department of revenue shall distribute the amount determined under s. 25.491 (4) (a) to towns to maximize across all towns the minimum per capita amount of total payments received under this subdivision and par. (a) by any town. AB256,,80802. The department of revenue shall distribute the amount determined under s. 25.491 (4) (b) to cities and villages to maximize across all cities and villages the minimum per capita amount of total payments received under this subdivision and par. (a) by any city or village. AB256,,81813. The department of revenue shall distribute the amount determined under s. 25.491 (4) (c) to counties to maximize across all counties the minimum per capita amount of total payments received under this subdivision and par. (a) by any county. AB256,,8282(c) 1. From the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (1) (t), each county and municipality shall receive a payment that equals 10 percent of the total amount received by the municipality or county under pars. (a) and (b) to be used for hiring, training, and retaining law enforcement officers, as defined in s. 165.85 (2) (c), members of the paid fire department, as defined in s. 213.10 (1g), and emergency medical responders, as defined in s. 256.01 (4p), and for local highways. AB256,,83832. a. For the distribution in 2024 and subsequent years, if in any year a county or municipality decreases the amount of its budget dedicated to hiring, training, and retaining law enforcement officers, as defined in s. 165.85 (2) (c), so that the amount is less than the amount so dedicated in the previous year, the secretary of administration shall reduce the county’s or municipality’s payment under subd. 1. by the amount of the decrease in the county’s or municipality’s budget dedicated to hiring, training, and retaining law enforcement officers. This subd. 2. a. does not apply to a county or municipality that transfers responsibility for providing law enforcement to another local unit of government or that enters into a cooperative agreement to share law enforcement responsibilities with another local unit of government. AB256,,8484b. For the distribution in 2024 and subsequent years, if in any year a county or municipality decreases the amount of its budget dedicated to hiring, training, and retaining members of the paid fire department, as defined in s. 213.10 (1g), so that the amount is less than the amount so dedicated in the previous year, the secretary of administration shall reduce the county’s or municipality’s payment under subd. 1. by the amount of the decrease in the county’s or municipality’s budget dedicated to hiring, training, and retaining members of the paid fire department. This subd. 2. b. does not apply to a county or municipality that transfers responsibility for providing fire protection to another local unit of government or that enters into a cooperative agreement to share fire protection responsibilities with another local unit of government. AB256,,8585c. For the distribution in 2024 and subsequent years, if in any year a county or municipality decreases the amount of its budget dedicated to hiring, training, and retaining emergency medical responders, as defined in s. 256.01 (4p), so that the amount is less than the amount so dedicated in the previous year, the secretary of administration shall reduce the county’s or municipality’s payment under subd. 1. by the amount of the decrease in the county’s or municipality’s budget dedicated to hiring, training, and retaining emergency medical responders. This subd. 2. c. does not apply to a county or municipality that transfers responsibility for providing emergency medical services to another local unit of government or that enters into a cooperative agreement to share emergency medical services responsibilities with another local unit of government. AB256,,8686d. For the distribution in 2024 and subsequent years, if in any year a county or municipality decreases the amount of its budget dedicated to local highways, so that the amount is less than the amount so dedicated in the previous year, the secretary of administration shall reduce the county’s or municipality’s payment under subd. 1. by the amount of the decrease in the county’s or municipality’s budget dedicated to local highways. AB256,3587Section 35. 79.05 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read: AB256,,888879.05 (3) (d) Multiply the amount under par. (c) by the amount for the year under s. 79.01 (1), 2021 stats. AB256,3689Section 36. 79.05 (4) of the statutes is created to read: AB256,,909079.05 (4) Notwithstanding subs. (2) and (3), in 2025 each municipality shall receive a payment under this section that is equal to the amount of the payment received by the municipality under this section in 2024. AB256,3791Section 37. Nonstatutory provisions. AB256,,9292(1) State aid; personal property tax exemption. If legislation is enacted during the 2023-24 legislative session to eliminate the personal property tax imposed under ch. 70, effective with the January 1, 2024, assessments, the department of revenue shall certify the amount of property taxes that would have been levied by each taxing jurisdiction on all items of personal property for the property tax assessments of January 1, 2024, to the department of administration, and the department of administration shall make a payment to the taxing jurisdiction for that amount from the appropriation under s. 20.835 (1) (w). AB256,,9494(1) Medical care transportation services. In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the appropriation to the department of health services under s. 20.435 (4) (b), the dollar amount for fiscal year 2024-25 is decreased by $2,000,000 as a result of eliminating the supplement payments to local governmental units for the provision of transportation for medical care. AB256,3995Section 39. Effective dates. This act takes effect on July 1, 2024, except as follows: