SB907,,856856Signed:.... .... SB907,,857857G. H., Clerk of Circuit Court SB907,,859859Petitioner’s Attorney SB907,,860860State Bar No.: .... SB907,,861861Address: .... SB907,,862862City, State Zip Code: .... SB907,,863863Phone No.: .... SB907,,864864(c) Nonparent as petitioner. SB907,,865865STATE OF WISCONSIN, CIRCUIT COURT: ....COUNTY SB907,,868868In re the Paternity Parentage of A. B. SB907,,869869C. D. (Nonparent-Petitioner) SB907,,871871City, State Zip Code File No. ... SB907,,872872, Petitioners SB907,,873873vs. S U M M O N S SB907,,875875Address .... (Case Classification Type):.... (Code No.) SB907,,876876City, State Zip Code SB907,,877877, Respondent SB907,,880880THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To the Respondent SB907,,8818811. You have been sued. The petitioner .... claims that .... is the mother parent and .... may be the father is an alleged parent of the child, .... born on .... (date), in .... (city) (county) (state). You must appear to answer this claim of paternity parentage. Your court appearance is: SB907,,885885Judge or Circuit Court Commissioner: