SB111,1290,16 16(b) 1. The firearms dealer may collect the fee under par. (a) from the transferee.
SB111,1290,19 17(c) The department may refuse to conduct firearms restrictions record searches
18for any firearms dealer who fails to pay any fee under this subsection par. (a) within
1930 days after billing by the department.
SB111,2376 20Section 2376 . 175.35 (2i) (b) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1290,2321 175.35 (2i) (b) 2. If the transfer is made under sub. (2) (bm), the firearms dealer
22may collect from the transferor the fee under par. (a) and any additional amount to
23cover any costs he or she incurs in processing the transfer.
SB111,2377 24Section 2377 . 175.35 (2j) of the statutes is renumbered 175.35 (2j) (a).
SB111,2378 25Section 2378 . 175.35 (2j) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
1175.35 (2j) (b) If a person transfers a firearm through a firearms dealer under
2sub. (2) (bm), or transfers a firearm to a firearms dealer, the firearms dealer shall
3provide the person a written receipt documenting the dealer's participation in the
SB111,2379 5Section 2379 . 175.35 (2k) (ar) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1291,136 175.35 (2k) (ar) 2. Check each notification form received under sub. (2j) (a)
7against the information recorded by the department regarding the corresponding
8request for a firearms restrictions record search under sub. (2g). If the department
9previously provided a unique approval number regarding the request and nothing
10in the completed notification form indicates that the transferee is prohibited from
11possessing a firearm under s. 941.29, the department shall destroy all records
12regarding that firearms restrictions record search within 30 days after receiving the
13notification form.
SB111,2380 14Section 2380 . 175.35 (2k) (c) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1291,1715 175.35 (2k) (c) 2. a. A statement that the Wisconsin law enforcement agency
16is conducting an investigation of a crime in which a handgun firearm was used or was
17attempted to be used or was unlawfully possessed.
SB111,2381 18Section 2381 . 175.35 (2k) (c) 2. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1291,2219 175.35 (2k) (c) 2. b. A statement by a division commander or higher authority
20within the Wisconsin law enforcement agency that he or she has a reasonable
21suspicion that the person who is the subject of the information request has obtained
22or is attempting to obtain a handgun firearm.
SB111,2382 23Section 2382 . 175.35 (2k) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1292,224 175.35 (2k) (g) If a search conducted under sub. (2g) indicates that the
25transferee is prohibited from possessing a firearm under s. 941.29, the attorney

1general or his or her designee may disclose to a law enforcement agency that the
2transferee has attempted to obtain a handgun firearm.
SB111,2383 3Section 2383 . 175.35 (2k) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1292,94 175.35 (2k) (h) If a search conducted under sub. (2g) indicates a felony charge
5without a recorded disposition and the attorney general or his or her designee has
6reasonable grounds to believe the transferee may pose a danger to himself, herself
7or another, the attorney general or his or her designee may disclose to a law
8enforcement agency that the transferee has obtained or has attempted to obtain a
9handgun firearm.
SB111,2384 10Section 2384 . 175.35 (2L) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1292,1711 175.35 (2L) The department of justice shall promulgate rules providing for the
12review of nonapprovals under sub. (2g) (c) 4. a. Any person who is denied the right
13to purchase receive a transfer of a handgun firearm because the firearms dealer
14received a nonapproval number under sub. (2g) (c) 4. a. may request a firearms
15restrictions record search review under those rules. If the person disagrees with the
16results of that review, the person may file an appeal under rules promulgated by the
SB111,2385 18Section 2385 . 175.35 (2t) (a), (b) and (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB111,1292,2019 175.35 (2t) (a) Transfers of any handgun firearm classified as an antique by
20regulations of the U.S. department of the treasury.
SB111,1292,2221 (b) Transfers of any handgun firearm between firearms dealers or between
22wholesalers and dealers.
SB111,1292,2423 (c) Transfers of any handgun firearm to law enforcement or armed services
SB111,2386 25Section 2386 . 175.35 (3) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
1175.35 (3) (b) 2. A person who violates sub. (2e) by intentionally providing false
2information regarding whether he or she is purchasing receiving a transfer of the
3firearm with the purpose or intent to transfer the firearm to another who the person
4knows or reasonably should know is prohibited from possessing a firearm under
5state or federal law is guilty of a Class H felony. The penalty shall include a fine that
6is not less than $500.
SB111,2387 7Section 2387 . 175.405 of the statutes is repealed.
SB111,2388 8Section 2388 . 175.60 (7) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1293,109 175.60 (7) (d) A fee for a background check that is equal to the fee charged under
10s. 175.35 (2i) (a).
SB111,2389 11Section 2389 . 175.60 (9g) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read: