AB446-AA1,6,3 357. Page 15, line 20: delete “screening".
AB446-AA1,6,5 458. Page 16, line 3: delete that line and substitute “reading readiness
5assessments approved under sub. (8) (a) for that school year.”.
AB446-AA1,6,7 659. Page 16, line 11: delete “screening assessment on a list of approved
7screening" and substitute “assessment on a list of approved".
AB446-AA1,6,8 860. Page 16, line 14: delete “screenings" and substitute “assessments".
AB446-AA1,6,9 961. Page 16, line 18: delete “a screening" and substitute “ an".
AB446-AA1,6,11 1062. Page 16, line 24: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
11with page 17, line 16.
AB446-AA1,6,1212 (End)