1165.95 (2) The department of justice shall make grants to counties and to tribes
2to enable them to establish and operate programs, including suspended and deferred
3prosecution programs and programs based on principles of restorative justice, that
4provide alternatives to prosecution and incarceration for criminal offenders who
5abuse alcohol or other drugs. The department of justice shall make the grants from
6the appropriations under s. 20.455 (2) (ek), (em), (jd), (kn), and (kv). The department
7of justice shall collaborate with the departments of corrections and health and family
8services in establishing this grant program.
SB111,2341 9Section 2341 . 165.95 (2r) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1281,1210 165.95 (2r) Any county or tribe that receives a grant under this section on or
11after January 1, 2012,
shall provide matching funds that are equal to 25 10 percent
12of the amount of the grant.
SB111,2342 13Section 2342 . 165.95 (3) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
SB111,2343 14Section 2343 . 165.95 (3) (ag) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1281,1815 165.95 (3) (ag) The program operates within the continuum from arrest to
16discharge from supervision and provides an alternative to prosecution, revocation,
17or incarceration through the use of pre-charge and post-charge diversion programs
18or treatment courts and community-based corrections.
SB111,2344 19Section 2344 . 165.95 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1281,2520 165.95 (3) (b) The program employs evidence-based practices and is designed
21to promote and facilitate the implementation of effective criminal justice policies and
22practices that maximize justice and
public and victim safety, reduce prison and jail
23populations, reduce prosecution and incarceration costs, and reduce recidivism, and
24improve the welfare of participants' families by meeting the comprehensive needs of
1Section 2345. 165.95 (3) (bd) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1282,42 165.95 (3) (bd) The program identifies each target population served by the
3program and identifies the evidence-based practices the program employs for each
4target population it serves.
SB111,2346 5Section 2346 . 165.95 (3) (cm) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,1282,116 165.95 (3) (cm) 2. If the program is administered by a tribe, the criminal justice
7oversight committee shall consist of a representative of the judiciary, a
8representative of criminal prosecution and criminal defense, a social services
9provider, a behavioral health treatment provider, a law enforcement officer, a
10representative of corrections, and other members that the oversight committee
11determines are appropriate to the program.
SB111,2347 12Section 2347 . 165.95 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1282,1613 165.95 (3) (d) Services provided under the program are consistent with
14evidence-based practices in substance abuse and mental health treatment, as
15determined by the department of health services,
and the program provides
16intensive case management.
SB111,2348 17Section 2348 . 165.95 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1282,1918 165.95 (3) (e) The program uses graduated sanctions and incentives to promote
19successful substance abuse treatment success.
SB111,2349 20Section 2349 . 165.95 (3) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1283,321 165.95 (3) (g) The program is designed to integrate all mental health services
22provided to program participants by state and local government agencies , tribes, and
23other organizations. The program shall require regular communication and
among a participant's substance abuse treatment providers, other
25service providers, the case manager, and any person designated under the program

1to monitor the person's compliance with his or her obligations under the program,
2and any probation, extended supervision, and parole agent assigned to the
SB111,2350 4Section 2350 . 165.95 (3) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1283,85 165.95 (3) (h) The program provides substance abuse and mental health
services through providers that who use evidence-based practices in the
7delivery of services and, where applicable, who
are certified by the department of
8health services
or licensed to provide the services approved under the program.
SB111,2351 9Section 2351 . 165.95 (3) (i) of the statutes is renumbered 165.95 (3d) and
10amended to read:
SB111,1283,1511 165.95 (3d) The A program requires that receives a grant under this section
12may require
participants to pay a reasonable amount for their treatment, based on
13their income and available assets, and pursues and uses all possible resources
14available through insurance and federal, state, and local aid programs, including
15cash, vouchers, and direct services.
SB111,2352 16Section 2352 . 165.95 (3) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,1283,2417 165.95 (3) (j) The program is developed with input from, and implemented in
18collaboration with, one or more circuit court judges, the district attorney, the state
19public defender, local and, if applicable, tribal law enforcement officials, county
20agencies and, if applicable, tribal agencies responsible for providing social services,
21including services relating to alcohol and other drug addiction substance use
, child welfare, mental health, and the Wisconsin Works program, the
23departments of corrections, children and families, and health services, private social
24services agencies, and substance abuse use disorder treatment providers.
SB111,2353 25Section 2353 . 165.95 (3) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:
1165.95 (3) (k) The county or tribe complies with other eligibility requirements
2established by the department of justice to promote the objectives listed in pars. (a)
3and (b)
this subsection.
SB111,2354 4Section 2354 . 165.95 (5) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 165.95 (3) (cm)
5(intro.) and amended to read:
SB111,1284,106 165.95 (3) (cm) (intro.) A county or tribe that receives a grant under this section
7shall create an
The program identifies a criminal justice oversight committee to
8develop and implement the program design and advise the county or tribe in
9administering and evaluating its program. Each The membership of each criminal
10justice oversight committee shall be as follows:
SB111,1284,22 111. If the program is administered by a county, or by a county and a tribe
12pursuant to sub. (6), the criminal justice oversight
committee shall consist of a circuit
13court judge, the district attorney or his or her designee, the state public defender or
14his or her designee, a local law enforcement official, a representative of the county,
15a representative of the tribe, if applicable, a representative of each other county
16agency and, if applicable, tribal agency responsible for providing social services,
17including services relating to child welfare, mental health, and the Wisconsin Works
representatives of the department of corrections and department of health
19services, a representative from private social services agencies, a representative of
20substance abuse behavioral health treatment providers, and other members to be
21determined by the county or tribe
the oversight committee determines are
22appropriate for the program