18Section 2326
. 165.85 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (a) Promulgate rules for the administration of this section including
20the authority to require the submission of reports and information pertaining to the
21administration of this section by law enforcement
and agencies, tribal law
22enforcement agencies
, jails, juvenile detention facilities, and schools approved by the
23board and operated by or for this state or any political subdivision of the state for the
24specific purpose of training law enforcement recruits, law enforcement officers,
25tribal law enforcement recruits, tribal law enforcement officers, jail officer recruits,
1jail officers, juvenile detention officer recruits, or juvenile detention officers in this
3Section 2327
. 165.85 (3) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (am) Establish minimum qualification standards for admission to
5preparatory law enforcement, jail, or juvenile detention officer training for
6preservice students and recruits, but not for department of corrections correctional
7officers. The standards shall relate to the competence and reliability of persons to
8assume and discharge the responsibilities of law enforcement, tribal law
9enforcement, jail, or juvenile detention officers. The board shall prescribe the means
10for presenting evidence of fulfillment of these requirements.
11Section 2328
. 165.85 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (b) Establish minimum educational
and, training
, and recruitment 13standards for admission to employment as a law enforcement
or, tribal law
, jail, or juvenile detention officer in permanent positions and in
15temporary, probationary or part-time status.
The standards shall relate to the
16competence and reliability of persons to assume and discharge the responsibilities
17of law enforcement, tribal law enforcement, jail, or juvenile detention officers. 18Educational and training standards for tribal law enforcement officers under this
19paragraph shall be identical to standards for other law enforcement officers.
20board shall prescribe the means for presenting evidence of fulfillment of these
22Section 2329
. 165.85 (3) (cm) of the statutes is renumbered 165.85 (3) (cm)
23(intro.) and amended to read:
(3) (cm) (intro.) Decertify law enforcement, tribal law enforcement, jail
, 25or juvenile detention officers who
do one of the following:
11. Terminate employment or are terminated
, who violate.
22. Violate or fail to comply with a rule, policy, or order of the board relating to
or, training,
who falsify, or recruitment.
43. Falsify information to obtain or maintain certified status
, who are.
54. Are certified as the result of an administrative error
, who are.
65. Are convicted of a felony or of any offense that, if committed in Wisconsin,
7could be punished as a felony
, who are.
86. Are convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence,
or who fail as
9defined in 18 USC 921 (a) (33), or are convicted of domestic abuse, as defined in s.
10968.075 (1) (a), or the conviction is subject to the imposition of the domestic abuse
11surcharge under s. 973.055 (1), regardless of whether any part of the surcharge is
12waived by the court under s. 973.055 (4).
138. Fail to pay court-ordered payments of child or family support, maintenance,
14birth expenses, medical expenses, or other expenses related to the support of a child
15or former spouse, or who fail to comply, after appropriate notice, with a subpoena or
16warrant issued by the department of children and families or a county child support
17agency under s. 59.53 (5) and related to paternity or child support proceedings.
18(cp) The board shall establish procedures for decertification
under par. (cm) in
19compliance with ch. 227, except that decertification for
failure to pay court-ordered
20payments of child or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses,
21or other expenses related to the support of a child or former spouse or for failure to
22comply, after appropriate notice, with a subpoena or warrant issued by the
23department of children and families or a county child support agency under s. 59.53
24(5) and related to paternity or child support proceedings an action described under
25par. (cm) 8. shall be done as provided under sub. (3m) (a).
2330. 165.85 (3) (cm) 7. of the statutes is created to read:
(3) (cm) 7. For any crime listed in subd. 5. or 6., enter into any of the
3following if the board determines that certification is not in the best interest of the
a. A deferred judgment and sentencing agreement or deferred sentencing
6agreement, whether pending or successfully completed.
b. A deferred prosecution agreement, whether pending or successfully
c. A pretrial diversion agreement, whether pending or successfully completed.
10Section 2331
. 165.85 (4) (a) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (a) 1m. The board may not create criteria for participation in the
12preparatory training program under subd. 1. that would prevent a person from
13participation if the person is in receipt of a valid employment authorization from the
14federal department of homeland security.
15Section 2332
. 165.85 (4) (a) 7. d. of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (a) 7. d. Each officer who is subject to this subdivision shall annually
17complete at least 8 hours of scenario-based training on use-of-force options,
18focusing on skills and tactics that minimize the likelihood of using force, including
19de-escalation tactics. In this subd. 7. d., “de-escalation tactics” are actions and
20techniques used by law enforcement officers to slow down or stabilize a potentially
21unstable situation to allow for more time, options, and resources for resolution or
22prevention of an incident. Hours of training completed under this subd. 7. d. shall
23count toward the hours of training required under subd. 7. a.
24Section 2333
. 165.85 (4) (em) of the statutes is created to read:
(4) (em)
Officer recruitment. 1. When a law enforcement agency, tribal
2law enforcement agency, jail, or juvenile detention facility recruits for new officers,
3the interviewing agency shall require each candidate that it interviews for a law
4enforcement, tribal law enforcement, jail, or juvenile detention position, who is or
5has been employed by another law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement
6agency, jail, juvenile detention facility, or government agency to execute a written
7waiver that explicitly authorizes each law enforcement agency, tribal law
8enforcement agency, jail, juvenile detention facility, or other government agency to
9disclose the candidate's employment files to the interviewing agency, and releases
10the interviewing agency and each law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement
11agency, jail, juvenile detention facility, or government agency that employs or has
12employed the candidate from any liability related to the use and disclosure of the
13candidate's employment files.
2. A law enforcement agency, tribal law enforcement agency, jail, juvenile
15detention facility, or government agency may disclose a candidate's employment files
16by either providing copies to the interviewing agency or allowing the interviewing
17agency to review the files at the offices of the law enforcement agency, tribal law
18enforcement agency, jail, juvenile detention facility, or government agency that
19employed the candidate.
3. A candidate who refuses to execute the waiver shall not be considered for
21employment by the interviewing agency or considered for certification by the board.