NR 463.15(19)(a)(a) An owner or operator of a secondary aluminum processing unit at a facility shall include, within the OM&M plan prepared in accordance with sub. (2), all of the following information:
NR 463.15(19)(a)1.1. The identification of each emission unit in the secondary aluminum processing unit.
NR 463.15(19)(a)2.2. The specific control technology or pollution prevention measure to be used for each emission unit in the secondary aluminum processing unit and the date of its installation or application.
NR 463.15(19)(a)3.3. The emission limit calculated for each secondary aluminum processing unit and performance test results with supporting calculations demonstrating initial compliance with each applicable emission limit.
NR 463.15(19)(a)4.4. Information and data demonstrating compliance for each emission unit with all applicable design, equipment, work practice or operational standards of this subchapter.
NR 463.15(19)(a)5.5. The monitoring requirements applicable to each emission unit in a secondary aluminum processing unit and the monitoring procedures for daily calculation of the 3-day, 24-hour rolling average using the procedure in sub. (20).
NR 463.15(19)(b)(b) The SAPU compliance procedures within the OM&M plan may not contain any of the following provisions:
NR 463.15(19)(b)1.1. Any averaging among emissions of differing pollutants.
NR 463.15(19)(b)2.2. The inclusion of any affected sources other than emission units in a secondary aluminum processing unit.
NR 463.15(19)(b)3.3. The inclusion of any emission unit while it is shut down.
NR 463.15(19)(b)4.4. The inclusion of any periods of startup, shutdown or malfunction in emission calculations.
NR 463.15(19)(c)(c) To revise the SAPU compliance provisions within the OM&M plan prior to the end of the permit term, the owner or operator shall submit a request to the department containing the information required by par. (a) and obtain approval of the department prior to implementing any revisions.
NR 463.15(20)(20)Secondary aluminum processing unit. Except as provided in sub. (21), the owner or operator shall calculate and record the 3-day, 24-hour rolling average emissions of PM, HCl and D&F for each secondary aluminum processing unit on a daily basis. To calculate the 3-day, 24-hour rolling average, the owner or operator shall do all of the following:
NR 463.15(20)(a)(a) Calculate and record the total weight of material charged to each emission unit in the secondary aluminum processing unit for each 24-hour day of operation using the feed or charge weight information required in sub. (5). If the owner or operator chooses to comply on the basis of weight of aluminum produced by the emission unit, rather than weight of material charged to the emission unit, all performance test emissions results and all calculations shall be conducted on the aluminum production weight basis.
NR 463.15(20)(b)(b) Multiply the total feed or charge weight to the emission unit, or the weight of aluminum produced by the emission unit, for each emission unit for the 24-hour period by the emission rate, in lb/ton of feed or charge, for that emission unit, as determined during the performance test, to provide emissions for each emission unit for the 24-hour period, in pounds.
NR 463.15(20)(c)(c) Divide the total emissions for each SAPU for the 24-hour period by the total material charged to the SAPU, or the weight of aluminum produced by the SAPU over the 24-hour period, to provide the daily emission rate for the SAPU.
NR 463.15(20)(d)(d) Compute the 24-hour daily emission rate using Equation 4:
(Equation 4)
Eday is the daily PM, HCl, or D&F emission rate for the secondary aluminum processing unit for the 24-hour period
Ti is the total amount of feed, or aluminum produced, for emission unit i for the 24-hour period (tons or Mg)
ER i is the measured emission rate for emission unit i as determined in the performance test (lb/ton or mg/Mg of feed or charge)
n is the number of emission units in the secondary aluminum processing unit
NR 463.15(20)(e)(e) Calculate and record the 3-day, 24-hour rolling average for each pollutant each day by summing the daily emission rates for each pollutant over the 3 most recent consecutive days and dividing by 3.
NR 463.15(21)(21)Secondary aluminum processing unit compliance by individual emission unit demonstration. As an alternative to the procedures of sub. (20), an owner or operator may demonstrate, through performance tests, that each individual emission unit within the secondary aluminum production unit is in compliance with the applicable emission limits for the emission unit.
NR 463.15(22)(22)Alternative monitoring method for lime addition. The owner or operator of a lime-coated fabric filter that employs intermittent or noncontinuous lime addition may apply to the department for approval of an alternative method for monitoring the lime addition schedule and rate based on monitoring the weight of lime added per ton of feed or charge for each operating cycle or time period used in the performance test. An alternative monitoring method may not be approved unless the owner or operator provides assurance through data and information that the affected source will meet the relevant emission standards on a continuous basis.
NR 463.15(23)(23)Alternative monitoring methods. If an owner or operator wishes to use an alternative monitoring method to demonstrate compliance with any emission standard in this subchapter, other than those alternative monitoring methods which may be authorized pursuant to subs. (10) (e) and (22), the owner or operator may submit an application to the department. Any application shall be processed according to the criteria and procedures in pars. (a) to (f).
NR 463.15(23)(a)(a) The department may not approve averaging periods other than those specified in this section.
NR 463.15(23)(b)(b) The owner or operator shall continue to use the original monitoring requirement until necessary data are submitted and approval is received to use another monitoring procedure.